Heart: 002

Heart Like Yours

It was ten years ago when they both started as friends, everyone admire their friendship, it was like reading a manga with two friends having flowers as a background and smiling as their eyes are not visible anymore.

It was ten years ago when he started to have a feeling of love for someone who’s older than him and it was ten years ago when she treated him like her older brother.

It was perfect, their relationship. They treat each other like siblings. It was a wonderful scene with them playing with their toys, playing the famous ‘tag’ game with other kids. Everyone loved them for they have been a good, a playful and a friendly kid.

But it changed. Both of them have lost their closeness, every kid on their block ignored them or rather only him. It was a painful memory for both of them. They were both just a kid. They did understand what happened but it was different from both of them, he did not understand what had happened to him and she doesn’t know what was happening.

It was not like him at all to fall for someone. It was not like him to fall for someone who’s older than him. He was just a kid, a ten years-old kid. Did he even understand what love is? Did he even consider the circumstances that would welcome him if he fell for that person? Yes and no. He did know what love is or maybe he really did not know.

Maybe Youngjae is right. Maybe he didn’t even know what love is back then. He was just a kid back then, a kid who had been in a feeling of forbidden love. He was lost. He lost count of every hurtful word thrown at him. He was just a kid, did they even tried to understand him? No, they didn’t. He was despised by his own father but he was still loved by his own mother.

He was just a kid. They should have tried to understand him.

‘I shouldn’t have fall for that person.’ He whispered as he rested his head in his friend’s shoulder.

‘It’s not your fault Daehyun-ah. Don’t blame yourself.’ She said, patting the lad’s head.

‘You don’t understand.’ He replied.

‘I will, if you tell me what happened back then.’ She said, giving her friend a reassuring smile.

'I can’t.’ He whispered, tears started b its way out in his eyes.

‘Why? I’m here. I know you can.’ She said as she held Daehyun’s hands.

‘No. I’m scared Lia. I’m scared that if I told you what happened, you’ll ignore me, leave me all alone.’ He cried.

She was taken back. Leave him? Why would I do that? She thought as she stared at the man she loves.

I’m scared. I have lied. I’m not ready. He thought, wiping the tears in his face.

‘Daehyun-ah, I won’t leave you. I will never leave you. We’ve been friends. No. Best friends for ten years, why would I leave you?’ She said and hugged Daehyun tightly.

It was warm and comforting with her arms hugging him tightly than the arms that had held him back then which was strong. But he loved that person.

He cried more as he remembered his first love. 

‘Shh. Daehyun-ah, don’t cry. I’m here.’ She said and tears escaped from her eyes.

I’ll love you more than that person who broke your heart. She thought.

She was sitting at the bench outside their cafeteria. It was their favorite spot, with a big tree covering that spot and with its exact breeze of wind. But it was mostly her favorite part. She remembered how she would drag her two friends just to let them watch her past crush played basketball.

She remembered how they were called ‘The Three Musketeers’ by their other friends because they always read the book and also watch that movie. She also remembered when they took the last picture with her other guy friend, who’s older than them, in their favorite spot.

It was ten years ago and it all started that day.

The day when she saw him crying, it was her first to see Daehyun cried so much, like he was begging for something. She tried to ask him but he ran away. She tried to follow but she was stopped by someone, by him. She was confused. Why would Daehyun cry? Why would he stop her to follow Daehyun?

That was the start of it, rumors started to spread all around the campus. Some would snicker, some would laugh, some would look at them or rather him with disgust, and some would ignore him. It was the start of it when he started to act cold and created a distance between them. She didn’t know what had happened or she didn’t believe all the rumors but she didn’t let the rumors bothered their relationship, she would always stick around him because he is her best friend and she doesn’t want to break it.

But it changed. She didn’t even know how, he started to date someone who’s not even his type, who had been the girl that he hated for some reason and rumors started to die down. Everyone was surprised but everything went back to normal, no more rumors and hurtful words but there are some doubts circling the campus but it’s no big. Yet, his attitude is still the same, cold.

Cold as the breeze of the wind during December nights that even her girlfriend started to shiver and broke up with him. Because, She know from the day he cried, that it was not him anymore to dream something romantic. It was not him to fall in love again.

‘And I have no chance. He can’t accept my feelings.’ She said, looking at the picture that she was holding.

It was the picture where they took during his graduation ceremony. It was the last picture where Daehyun smiled happily.

 ‘Yongguk oppa, what happened? What happened that day?’ She asked, looking at the man standing beside her at the picture.

‘Lia? Is that you?’

A/N: Lol. Hi. I tried to make this chapter long but I just can't. Just like what I have said I'm not good with long stories. Lol. I'll try. And sorry if this chapter is short. Sorry if there are grammar errors. Sorry guys. Lol. But I hope you'll like this chapter. And sorry with that cliffhanger. lol. Thank you guys ;)


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Just finished reading your fic! I'm amazed how the story begins to unravel the characters shared past. The story is well depth and i'm stirred by Lia's emotions and love dilemma , hoping she gets well! This is the first kpop fanfic i've read. PLEASE continue writing! Littlemisspot ganbare FIGHTING!!
Chapter 4: What???! She has a heart disease? Oh no...poor her. I hope she's going to be okay. Don't leave Daehyun alone.
Chapter 1: Hi Andy. HAHAHA!
Chapter 3: I'm kinda getting the feeling that Daehyun's furious with Yongguk because he likes the girl that Daehyun loves? I don't know..it is confusing. Please update soon!
Chapter 2: How is Yongguk related to this? I still don't get it. And who did Daehyun fall for? Why is everyone so against it? He didn't fall for a boy,he just fell for someone older.