



Chanyeol paced nervously back and forth across his room, running his hands through his hair. He frowned, and ran to the bathroom to put his hair back into place.


He had to perfect, from his hair down to the tip of his shoes. It was the biggest night of his life, and he was getting more and more nervous as each second went by, time was moving just too slowly.


He looked in the mirror and made sure he looked perfect. Even though he knew Baekhyun always thought he looked amazing, he wanted to look perfect for him. He smiled at his reflection before going back to his room.


He reached into his pocket and patted the red velvet box. The box may be small, but it held the thing that was most important to him. Chanyeol couldn't wait, for tonight, he would finally do the one thing he had been dreaming of for almost a year.


Tonight, he was going to propose to Baekhyun. 


Chanyeol loved Baekhyun more than anything in the world. He had since he met him. Ever since he confessed his feelings to Baekhyun and realized that he returned those feelings, the two have been inseparable.


Chanyeol was surprised that Baekhyun was still with him after a year and a half, he thought that Baekhyun was too good for him. 


Chanyeol sat at the living room, staring at the clock, hoping time would past by quicker.


Chanyeol was snapped out of his thoughts when he hears the door opening, he breathed in deeply before raising his head up. The sight in front of him almost made him faint.


Standing in front of him was Baekhyun, even more perfect than he used to be. Baekhyun looks into his eyes, and Baekhyun broke into a smile that lights up his entire face.


He was the most beautiful thing Chanyeol had ever seen. 


Chanyeol knew he was openly staring at Baekhyun, but he thinks hes allowed to do that, seeing as he was his boyfriend. Of course, if anyone else started and Baekhyun like that Chanyeol would go into jealous boyfriend mode and scare the person away.


Baekhyun smiled and closed the distance between them, standing directly in front of Chanyeol. His eyes raked over Chanyeol body, and his lips. 


Eyes flashing, Chanyeol tugged Baekhyun to him and joined their lips in a fierce kiss. Baekhyun responded as eagerly, twisting his arms around Chanyeol's waist.


Both of them broke away after a few minutes for air, Baekhyun flashed Chanyeol a dazzling smile. "Save some of that loving for later. We have the whole night." He pulled the taller man towards the couch and sat down. "What are we doing tonight?"


Chanyeol absentmindedly reached for the ring, but jerked his hand away before he could take it out. 


Baekhyun lay his head down on his lover's shoulder, sighing in happiness.


Chanyeol was getting more nervous by the second, shifting from side to side. He thought back to the times when he would imagine Baekhyun's reaction and wishes himself luck.


Baekhyun lifts his head up and studies Chanyeol intently, and askes worryingly, "Babe, are you okay?" 


Chanyeol attempted a smile, wishing that Baekhyun couldn't read him so clearly. He decided to ask Baekhyun before he chickens out, and pushes himself off the couch.


God, give him strength...... inhaling deeply, he fell to one knee in front of Baekhyun, the ring box open in his hand. Without leaving his eyes off Baekhyun's shocked expression, Chanyeol asked softly, "Baekhyun, will you marry me?"


Baekhyun blinked. Then he blinked again. The reality of the situation him him like someone hit him in the stomach. He couldn't believe this was happening. His lover just proposed, and now he was waiting for an answer, so Baekhyun decided to give him one.




The smile that had started to crawl onto Chanyeol's face as he watched his boyfriend open his mouth to answer him immediately dropped as the horrible words worked their way through his brain. The love of his life just said no. How could he? In all the times Chanyeol dreamt about this moment, and that was a lot of times, Baekhyun had always said yes!  He looked down at the floor, unable to look at Baekhyun. He felt tears welling in his eyes, but he refuse to cry. 


But Baekhyun's face was in front of him, and he was.... smiling? Chanyeol peered up slightly and noticed that his boyfriend was also down on one knee. Chanyeol lifted his head up fully and looked at Baekhyun, who was holding a red velvet box, almost identical to the one he has. 


"Chanyeol, I love you more than anything in this world. Will you marry me?"


Chanyeol started at his boyfriend. He was utterly shocked. Not only did he propose to Baekhyun, who turned him down merely 30 seconds ago, but how he was proposing back to him? Well, he only and one thing to say.




Baekhyun's face turns into one of pure bliss and he tackled Chanyeol, suffocating his boyfriend with short, desperate kisses. He had actually said yes! His perfect boyfriend-now- fiance actually wanted to marry him!


Chanyeol's heart swelled with emotion as the two of them slipped their rings on each other. They entwined their fingers, looking at the pair of rings. They looked amazing together. 


Chanyeol leaned in slowly, watching Baekhyun watch him with a love-filled gaze and leaned in too. But before their lips could meet, Chanyeol shoved Baekhyun playfully back. "Why did you say no?" he demanded to know.


Stilling smiling, baekhyun answered, "I also wanted to propose tonight too. I wasn't going to let weeks of worrying be wasted. Besides, that's what you get for worrying me."


"So it was because of my nervousness?"


"Exactly." Baekhyun leaned closer to Chanyeol. "And now, as a punishment, you're stuck with me for the rest of your life."


"Sounds good to me." Chanyeol said softly before the words were swallowed in a kiss that would beat every single one they had.




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Chapter 1: WoooooW....... So sweet
Chapter 1: I died! This is adorable as you can get :)!!!