Next Victim: Red Flags

Next Victim

No need to worry, even though this is a murder story I made sure not to go into the details. Just for you stomach sensitive people out there. If that's still not enough for you then I suggest you stop reading. But those of you who don't even care continue and enjoy! *inserts winking face*



"I like being with you. It makes me...happy." Chanyeol admitted. I smiled brightly. His words always flatter me.

"I like it too. We should never break up." I said while running my hands through his hair. "Never ever." Chanyeol said before kissing the back of my hand softly.

I was told before dying that I was given so many red flags that Chanyeol never really loved me. That Chanyeol should've never dated me. But the sad realization I ended up passing with is that the murderer was absolutely right. What was I to Chanyeol? While he was rich and popular among his peers, I was a corner girl scrambling to find every last cent I could in order to help provide for my family. We didn't even go to the same school because well he had money and I ended up being stuck with the unfortunate kids.

So of course we had our meetings and of course they'd be secret. Secret meaning time he had all alone, somewhere where anybody rarely visits. I noticed it before and asked him why but he just said "I don't want anyone bothering us when I'm alone with you. I want to focus on you and only you." I should've taken that as a red flag. But let's face reality here, as a girl who wouldn't fall for those words said by someone you loved? Well someone you thought loved you. And here I was getting placed into a frigid hole deep inside the woods. Skin getting paler by the minute.

One of our meetings was in his practice room after school around 6 at night. The air outside was too cold to meet in the back of the school as usual, so he snuck me up here.

"You don't attend this school. Don't want to get caught." Chanyeol whispered answering my question. As you can probably guess what my question was I'll say it anyway. Why was he sneaking me into his room? I'll count that as a red flag. The real answer was he didn't want me seen with him.

He pulled out two guitars from the instrument section and asked me to sit on a stool.

Then he played happy birthday for me.

Then I asked him to help me.

Then we ended up on the floor.

Then he made me smile.

Then he made me fall harder than a Sunday on September.

Everything seemed perfectly placed in my life that once I got done meeting Chanyeol that day I couldn't stop smiling. He was walking me to my house because well it was eight thirty and that would be rude. I asked him if he wanted to finally meet my parents but he rejected saying he "wasn't exactly ready, maybe next weekend." Red flag. So yet again another lie had to come out of my mouth towards my parents and they still had no idea that a Chanyeol ever existed. Red flag. And here I was with three feet of dirt covering me. Skin getting paler by the minute, lips as blue as the early sky.

The next day, Saturday, I was supposed to go to this math tournament held at our school in attempts to help our class win. But instead I told my teacher that I couldn't make it because I had a lot of chores to do before my grandparents came into town. They were coming all the way from Busan, where we used to live, to Seoul to celebrate Christmas. Every year they came a week after December starts so they can spend as much time as possible with us. And although it seems stressing to have two younger brothers, two parents, and two grandparents all in one small house it really wasn't. I mean other from the loud ruckus my brothers cause but I could deal with it because I'm used to it.

But instead of going to the math tournament or doing chores, I was sitting in Chanyeol's car currently making out with him. This was our first time actually kissing in months literally. And surprisingly I was the one who initiated it, while Chanyeol hesitated at first. Red flag. I stopped kissing Chanyeol with a hitched breath as little sparks were flowing through my body.

"Let's meet my friends." He breathed out. If kissing Chanyeol made my body tingle then meeting his friends made me want to explode. I should've just kissed him before. His engine roared to life as he began to pull off from the abandoned parking lot. He made some turns and we finally reached lively people. I glanced at Chanyeol and seen him looking very indecisive. Placing my hand on top of his thigh, I gave him a light pat. He quickly looked at me and that's when I gave him the warmest smile I could gather up. His attention was right back on the road, face in displeasure. Red flag. I could lie and say I didn't feel a pang in my heart but in fact I did lie. I told myself that he was just worried and he didn't mean it. When in fact he did. And here I was six feet under ground. Skin getting paler by the minute, lips as blue as the early sky. Dirt given a finally pat.

We arrived at a cafe and stepped out of the car. Chanyeol cautiously looking left to right as if hiding from police while doing an illegal transaction. Red flag. We stepped in and the warm, cozy feeling cafe's usually have engulfed me. The smile on my face seemed to have gotten even bigger because people were starting to stare weird. So I put on a straight face and trailed Chanyeol like a lost puppy towards his friends.

"Sehun, Suho, and Baekhyun."

Funny thing is that my name never got brought up, and I never spoke one word. Never smiled, never laughed at a single joke. It hurt more than I could imagine. So of course here I was in the cafe's bathroom crying my eyes out. Walking back to the table Chanyeol wasn't even there.

"He had somewhere important to go. Something about his school he said. So he asked if I could drive you. Only if you want to." Baekhyun was smooth with his words. He got up with an evil smirk and led me to his car. Red flag. It was now nine thirty and my parents were going to kill me. I let out a sigh as he started driving. Just when I was going to give him directions he cut me off saying, "He knew exactly where to go. Chanyeol told me." Red flag. So I let him be. Then he parked at an abandoned building.

Then he strangled me.

Then he duct taped my arms.

Then he duct taped my legs.

Then he duct taped my mouth.

Then he put me in his trunk.

Then he drove off.

A hard slap to my face and splash of some seriously freezing water made me wake up. I was in an alley with my murderer smirking at me. It took a while for him to talk but even longer for him to finish talking.

"Never should've dated Chanyeol. Because Chanyeol was bad for you all in the end. So many red flags. Chanyeol never really loved you. Only I love Chanyeol. No one else." The murderer kept rambling but that's all I could hear before the murderer took off the hoodie and stabbed me in my neck.

Police and forensics team said it was Baekhyun. They said Baekhyun had been the murderer. They said Baekhyun had used Chanyeol's gloves to bury me. They said Baekhyun had stabbed me several of times. They said Baekhyun had used Chanyeol's car to transport me to the woods. They said Baekhyun buried me before sunrise. And they put Baekhyun in jail.

But they were wrong. Chanyeol did it all. Baekhyun was just loyal to his friend and confessed he did it all. While Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun with a simple nod.

Chanyeol helped Baekhyun several of times into getting out of police involved crimes. So it was payback. And now Baekhyun is in jail for life.

Good Chanyeol didn't kill me. Bad Chanyeol did, along with 13 other woman. The Bad Chanyeol had a mental problem, an alter ego that took over Good Chanyeol. Good Chanyeol's mother left him with his abusive dad. Bad Chanyeol's mom was never there. Good Chanyeol was never rude nor violent. Bad Chanyeol hated every girl alive. So he killed as many as possible. Good Chanyeol visits Baekhyun often. While Bad Chanyeol...was still hunting for his next victim.





WHAAAAAT?! Okay so like....what do ya think? It's a total of 6,246 characters and 1,531 words and yet I cut out some parts. I'm pretty sure you all knew it was Chanyeol who killed the girl right? About 10 red flags and she still didn't notice. What kind of writer am I?? not one at all. So anyways, it would be nice if you could comment and tell me how I did or subscribe or even vote. But no one really subscribes to a one-shot anyway...


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wowwhKENDV #1
Chapter 1: Woah...i loved it...seriously...haaahhhhh...chanyeol did it ALL..
Bad chanyeol...but still,i loved him... <3
Chapter 1: Oh, that was good. I approve of this. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 1: as your best buddy buddy...i would like to tell you my friend... at first i thought that you made bacon gay...not that i mind that, i was shocked but like no that was not what happened. good one shot, funny how we both came up with a good story in this nice cold weather..
anyyyy whooooooooooooooo you should make a sequal