She Doesn't Look Good with You

She Doesn't Look Good with You

Clang! Clang! Clang! I groaned, stirring from my slumber. My head was throbbing and my body ached all over. Clang! Clang! Clang! My eyes shot open. Who was making that terrible sound?

            “Hey! Wake up!” a squeaky voice yelled before another series of clangs. I shook my head in irritation, waiting for my eyes to focus. I could see brick walls, pink vertical stripes, and a person behind those stripes. “I said wake up!” the voice repeated. I stood up before she could make that horrible sound again. I threw myself onto the pink stripes. They felt cold and metallic, jolting my senses. Was I behind bars? Why were the bars pink? I glared at the woman hitting the bars with a baton. She had a cute baby face framed with layered, short, dark red hair. Judging by her uniform and the handcuffs on her hips, she was a police officer.

            “What. Is. The. Problem. Officer?” I seethed every word. I wasn’t exactly a morning person, or an afternoon person for that matter, so being awoken by the banging of metals made me super cranky.

            She smiled sweetly at me. “You can call me Jimin. I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time together.” Her voice and face were so cute, and she looked so good in that uniform, that I started questioning my uality. “So, Michelle, do you know why you are in here?”

            I shook my head, which was still throbbing for some unknown reason. I glowered at her baton, assuming that to be the source. She chuckled at me.

            “You may have resisted arrest,” she said, confirming my suspicions. Cute or not, smacking me in the head with a blunt object is a huge no no! Jimin continued speaking.

            “I got a report that you ‘lunged’ at a woman and tried tearing her hair out with your teeth.” I snorted, unable to hold back my laughter. I understand why I am being held behind bars now. Jimin narrowed her eyes at me, her lips forming a pout. “I take it that’s true?”

            My eyes widened in panic. I shook my head fervently. “No, no, officer. Of course not! Why would a sweet, innocent girl like me ever do that?” Yeah, my lying skills are pretty bomb.

            Jimin rolled her eyes. “Michelle, I am sorry to have to do this to you, but I am going to have to take you to the interrogation room.” She pulled her keys from her belt and unlocked the door.

            Now was my chance to escape.

            As soon as she swung the door open, I charged forward and knocked the petite woman to the ground. I ran as fast as I could, barreling past every officer I encountered. I could faintly hear Jimin asking for backup, but I was out the door before the police had time to act. Instinctively, I darted into the nearby hair salon. I wanted to get my hair cut short really fast so the police couldn’t recognize me, but I suddenly felt my blood begin to boil. “You,” I fumed.

            The shorthaired blonde looked up from her work, only for her eyes to widen in terror as soon as she recognized me. Leaping like a lion, I pounced on my prey and latched my teeth onto the thin strands on her head. She screamed shrilly in fear and pain as I tore at her stupid bleached noodles. The customers were panicking around me, but I didn’t care. I needed to get rid of this woman before she could cause me any more anguish. Suddenly, I heard a squeaky yell.


            “Shoot!” I breathed before I felt a hard object bash me in the head.


            “Seriously, Michelle? Seriously?” Jimin screeched, tearing at her hair in frustration. I was sitting in a wooden chair with my hands handcuffed behind me. She was pacing behind a large desk with a lamp, a pile of supposedly important documents, a model of an old-fashioned airplane, and a cup full of pencils and pens. I must have been in her office. “I treat you like a human being, I trust you for one second, and then you knock my partners over like they are bowling pins, run into a hair salon, and then assault that same poor woman that got you into jail in the first place! How can I defend you when you do everything in your power to be a hazard to society?”

            I scoffed. “A ‘hazard to society?’” I repeated in disbelief. “That woman is a hazard to society! Do you know what that witch has done to me?” I breathed heavily, and I could feel my face flushing a deep red. Just the thought of that evil woman made me enraged. Jimin inhaled deeply and fanned herself, taking a moment to compose. She sat down at her desk and gazed at me helplessly.

            “No, Michelle. What did she do to you? What did she do to deserve this? Please, for the love of God, tell me!”

            I was taken aback her tear-filled voice that I couldn’t speak. I don’t know what I did to upset her, but I am sure it wasn’t any worse than the trauma she gave to my head. “I… I… I will tell you from the beginning,” I sighed. Her face brightened and she suddenly looked very attentive and eager. “I hate my lesbian tendencies,” I muttered under my breath.

            “It was a chilly night, but I wore a crop-top and a high-waist skirt because I knew that’s what he liked.”

            “Who’s ‘he’?” Jimin asked, scribbling down notes since she didn’t have her recorder set up yet.

            “My super handsome and cute boyfriend, Hyungsik. He is adorable beyond all measure! I call him my prince since he is so charming, and sometimes he-“

            “Were you waiting for him to pick you up or something?” Jimin interjected, probably so I wouldn’t go off on a tangent. How could I not when I was dating Hyungsik, though?

            “No, I was already outside his house,” I responded. Jimin raised an eyebrow, but I continued talking. “I waited outside for so long, but his car was still gone and he was nowhere to be found. It was already like, midnight or something. After a few more hours, I finally saw his car pull up. I was so happy and excited to see him, but then I noticed her.”

            “Was this the woman at the hair salon?”

            I nodded. “Except she used to have longer hair. She must have cut it since I tore so much off.” Jimin cringed a little, but I beamed proudly. “They didn’t even notice me since I was hiding in the bushes, but I saw him open the door for her and hold her hand as she got out of her seat. She giggled like a stupid little girl and linked arms with him, and that’s when I got furious! She should have known he was my man! He was wearing the shirt I got him, and the black tie, and the watch!”

            “Oh, so you actually did date this Hyungsik,” Jimin noted. I glared at her.

            “We are still dating,” I insisted. “Anyway, I figured there was no way my prince was cheating on me, so when I saw she was walking all wobbly in her stilettos and barely holding on to her expensive purse, I assumed she was drunk and needed a place to stay for the night. I know, my boyfriend is perfect!” I paused, waiting for Jimin to agree with me, but she just stared at me expectantly. I sighed before I continued. “Looking through the window, I saw that he sent her to bed and offered to sleep on the couch, since he is such a gentleman like that. I decided to make my move then so we could have some alone time. I knocked on the door, and he seemed so surprised to see me, but then suddenly he just shut the door on me before I could even finish my greeting! What kind of prince does that?

            “I figured he was just tired, so I let him go to bed. I tried calling him the next day, but he never answered. He never answered my texts, either. I watched them for a few more weeks, and I noticed she was still with him. Why was she still with him? I decided to confront my boyfriend and tell him how I felt about his new ‘friend’, but when I approached them when they went to go get ice cream, he put his finger on my lips and shushed me. He shushed me! She started laughing at me, and he soon joined in on the laughter. I couldn’t believe it. All I could do was watch them walk away.”

            “So,” Jimin mused, pursing her lips. “When did you actually attack his new girlfriend?”

            My eyes widened in fury. “She is not his girlfriend!” I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down a little. Jimin seemed used to my little outbursts by now, so she didn’t react at all. “I attacked her right then and there.” I smiled, recalling the memory in so much detail. I really wish I could do it again.

            “All right!” Jimin squeaked, stacking a pile of papers and turning off her recorder. “I think that’s all the information I need.” She stood up from her chair and strolled over to me, helping me out of my seat since I was still in handcuffs, and apparently I am not coordinated enough to stand up without my hands.

            “What happens to me now?” I asked, biting my lip nervously. I just told this woman my whole story, and she didn’t give me her opinion on it at all! Did she admire my loyalty? Did she think I was the best girlfriend in the world? Did she agree that that witch deserved to have her hair torn to shreds?

            Jimin smiled at me reassuringly and patted my back. “I am going to put you back in your cell for now, but I will bring you back out once I have made all the necessary arrangements. It should only take a couple of days.”

            I nodded, accepting the outcome. I decided I would behave this time around and not terrorize the academy and the hair salon… for now. She led me to the pink bars and freed me from my handcuffs once I was inside. “Thanks, officer,” I said.

            Jimin brought her hand up to her forehead in a salute. “It is my duty,” she stated before walking away. I couldn’t help but watch her hips as she shrank in the distance.


            Clang! Clang! Clang!

            “Officer, will you please stop doing that?” I groaned, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

            “I am not a police officer,” a deep voice spoke. I froze. Was that…?

            “Hyungsik?” I squealed. I immediately shot my hand through the bars to his soft, dark hair. He took a step back, flushing a little. My prince was so cute! “Sikky, are you here to bail me out?” I asked sweetly, fluttering my eyelashes. He scratched the back of his head and averted his gaze. He is always so awkward, and I just found it precious.

            “Actually, he wants you to sign this restraining order,” a confident female voice said. My brows furrowed in rage. It was her. The shorthaired blonde woman appeared from behind my Sikky, an arrogant smirk on her ugly face. I couldn’t stand it!

            “Sikky, what is this witch doing here?” I demanded, my knuckles turning white from clutching the bars so tightly. Hyungsik sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly distressed.

            “Tell her, honey,” the blonde woman ordered, emphasizing the term of endearment. I growled.

            “I,” Hyungsik started, having a difficult time talking. He took a deep breath before continuing seriously, “Michelle, Choa and I are engaged now, so I can’t have you following me around all the time and ripping my fiancée’s hair out. I… I need you to sign this document, to swear that you will never harass Choa or me again.”

            I could feel a lump in my throat and my eyes begin to tear up. How could my boyfriend be engaged to the she-devil when he was still dating me? “No!” I cried, tears falling down my cheeks now. Choa snickered at my distress, which only made me more upset. “You can’t leave me, Sikky! You can’t!”

            “Michelle.” I felt a soft hand wipe a tear away. I shifted my eyes to land on Jimin, her hair sticking out weirdly under her blue cop hat, but it was sort of endearing. She looked at me reassuringly. “Michelle, sign the restraining order. Hyungsik has moved on in his life, and now you need to, too. I am sure he loved you at one time, but things happen, and you can’t always be in control of the situation.”

            I sniffled, but somehow Jimin’s words made me feel better. “Give me the paper and a pen,” I said, trying to stop my tears. Choa ripped the document from Hyungsik’s shaking hands and gave it to me, smiling victoriously. I sloppily scribbled my name onto the sheet and threw it at the couple, hiding my face instantly afterwards to hide my tears from that stupid witch and my beautiful prince. I felt a warm hand grab mine.

            “Thank you, Michelle,” Hyungsik said, lightly kissing the back of my hand. His kisses were always so sweet and gentle. I was sad I would no longer get to feel them, but the look on Choa’s face when he kissed me was priceless!

            “Good bye, my prince,” I said, waving slowly.

            “Good bye,” he returned before taking Choa’s hand and leaving the premise. I smiled sadly. Somehow the break up was relieving.

            The door to my cell swung open, and I looked at Jimin with surprise. She was twirling her keys around her finger. “Oops,” she giggled.

            Was she letting me go? What was happening? I didn’t want to leave now. I had no one waiting for me outside this door! “What are you doing?” I asked incredulously.

            She whistled lowly. “Well, if you want to waste a perfect opportunity to escape, then I will just shut you back in there.”

            “No!” I shouted, blocking the door before it could shut on me.

            Jimin smirked. “Well, then, get outta here before I bust you!” she teased. As she walked away, she swayed her hips and twirled her keys. My mouth hung open as I watched her. “I will be in my office if you need me,” she called back.

            Was that a hint? I felt my heart rate increase and a cold sweat perspire down my forehead as I followed without thinking. What was I doing? Why was I following her? I have my chance at freedom and my boyfriend just broke up with me. I should be running outside and ransacking an ice cream parlor! Before I knew it, I was outside Jimin’s office. I shuddered looking at the door. I felt so nervous, but I had no idea why. I decided to just barge in before the other officers got suspicious. I walked straight into a dark room.

            The door shut behind me and I felt the familiar cold of handcuffs snap around my wrists. I groaned. I didn’t want to be interrogated again. Didn’t I go through enough today?

            “Sit down,” the squeaky voice ordered. I walked blindly through the room until I bumped into a chair. I was thankful I was coordinated enough to lower myself onto a chair even though my hands were unusable.

            “Officer, what’s going o-?”

            She flicked the lamp on, and she was sitting on her desk with her legs spread out, tapping her baton on her opposite palm.

            “Now, now, Michelle, don’t be afraid,” she cooed, sliding off the desk and ambling towards me. I gulped. I was really confused now. “You have been a really naughty girl, stalking boys and ripping out other people’s hair, but you have had a rough day, so I will go easy on you.”

            “Officer?” I said meekly, unable to fathom what was going on right now. Was I dreaming? I will wake up to clangs any moment now.

            “Shh,” she hushed, putting a delicate finger to my mouth. I bit my lip nervously. What was she going to do to me? “I will make you feel better,” she assured. “I know you are crazy, but that’s what I like about you. No, that’s what makes me lust for you. Do you understand?”

            I nodded slowly, not sure what to do otherwise. She grinned like the Chester cat.

            “You know,” she purred, climbing onto me and straddling my hips. “I’m good, I’m hot, I’m fresh, I’m fly!” she declared before crashing her lips onto mine.


THE END! XD             

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