
Of Fate and First Meetings

I'm so sorry for not updating in so long I'm busy with my first chaptered fic but I promise you I'll try make one of these every 2 weeks? That is, if I don't run out of ideas :(

anyway, I don't even know what this is. It didn't turn out the way I planned but I sorta like it? And it was meant to be for #600dayswithBTS but I procrastinated for too long and now I'm late :( 

but yeah, enjoy the chapter and I hope I'll be uploading this in 2 weeks or so!


In which Jungkook comes back from America and finds out that he has a cute new roommate


Jungkook smiled brightly as he stepped off the plane and took a deep breath, 'Ah...South Korea...I've missed you!' He shouted out, spreading his arms widely and earning judgemental looks from strangers

He would have spent a lot more time taking in the sight if there weren't a whole line of angry tourists pushing him forward.

Jungkook had been practicing his dancing in America for almost a year now and yes, he obviously enjoyed it and learnt a lot but he was glad to be back home. Not home as in Busan but home as in the dorms in Seoul with his hyungs which was nearly as good.

First, there was (seok)jin hyung. The mother of the group. The reason why they never starved or seriously injured themselves broke anything their precious dorms. He used to be an acting major but he ended up training to be an idol - one of the group's main vocals to be exact. He was also going to be the visual as no one could deny his...how do you call it...beauty?

Next was Yoongi hyung. Or 'Suga' which will be his stage name. The laziest of them all. He had been an underground rapper but ended up trying out for BigHit, their entertainment agency and he was going to be one of the main rappers in the group. He also wrote and produced songs - something that Jungkook admired a lot and he secretly hoped Yoongi would let the younger accompany him to the studio one day

Next was Hobi hyung. The hyung that Jungkook looked up to the most. He had been dancing for who knows how long and Jungkook could only dream of dancing as well as him. And when Jungkook had left a year ago, he was just starting to try rapping. And let's not forget his soft and calming singing voice...sadly, he never got acknowledged for it. He was the happiest hyung, always smiling and cracking jokes. He was the first one to get Jungkook to open up and he'd always look to him for advice.

Then there was RapMon hyung. Their leader. Rapmon has been training for who knows how long and Jungkook is glad to be helping him fulfill his dream of debuting. Just like his name 'Rap Monster' he is the monster of rap. However cringy it sounds at first, it's true. Him and Suga rap with a passion that can't be put into simple words. Jungkook is proud to be associated with them and hopes they will go far.

Lastly there was Jimin. Jungkook refuses to call him hyung because they weren't really close. They had only known each other for a few weeks before Jungkook was sent off to America. To be honest, Jungkook found Jimin quite bothersome at first but now that he thinks about it, he was a good hyung. He occasionally treated Jungkook out, always asked him if he was okay and always saved him food whenever the other hyungs forgot. Not to mention, he was a pretty skilled dancer and always gave Jungkook pointers on how he could improve.

He smiled at the thought of living with them again and in a few months, debuting. It all seemed like a dream to him.

He was so happy that he didn't even realise that he was nearly at Seoul where his hyungs had promised to pick him up - he hoped they wouldn't be late because it was particularly cold today and he had misplaced his winter coat in his form in America. He was 100% sure his room mate (BamBam from JYP) had hidden it

When he stepped out of the bus, he came face to face with a huge banner reading, 'WELCOME BACK, GOLDEN MAKNAE!' 

Despite the regular Skype calls and the daily texts, Jungkook had feared that they wouldn't be as close when he got back but as he stared at each of his hyung's smiling faces, he knew there would be no problem in catching up

'Aigoo, Kookie! You've grown so much!' Jimin exclaimed as he reached up and patted Jungkook's hair

'Hyungggg~' he whined as he felt his hair getting messed up

'You called me hyung! Yoongi hyung! He called me hyung!' Jimin exclaimed happily

'Calm down, you idiot' Yoongi gave Jimin a slight hit on the head

'Jungkook - ah! We have someone we want you to meet!' Jin spoke up - smiling widely


'His name is Taehyung and he's a new member. Well not really new, he's been one for under a year since he came a week after you'd left' Namjoon said, still smiling

'And why am I only finding out about him now?' Jungkook drawled venomously

He could see the light disappear from each of his hyung's eyes and he couldn't help but be glad that they were still scared of him even after all this time

Hoseok was the first to speak up, 'Uh, Kookie, you see, he's always been busy whenever you skyped and we, uh, wanted him to be...a surprise?' Jungkook could see the others internally facepalming for leaving Hoseok to explain

'What he meant to say was,' Suga continued, taking an unnoticeable step back, 'we didn't want to bother you with this news because we thought you'd freak out...'

'I'm not going to freak out' Jungkook rolled his eyes and started walking towards the minibus, 'let's just go and meet this guy...I'm getting cold'


'Okay, so first of all...he's sort of weird' Namjoon state warningly as he made exaggerated gestures with his hands

Yoongi snorted. 'Sort of? He's super amazingly, undoubtedly and utterly weird, Namjoon - ah. Don't sugarcoat it for Kookie'

'Wait' Jungkook started, 'Why exactly has this guy been allowed to become an idol?'

'Just wait till you hear his voice, Jungkook. And fine. He's really weird. But he's also pretty sensitive so don't say anything too mean to him. And he also has a really weird appetite so don't question anything he concocts in the kitch-'

'Or try it!' Jimin butted in, 'Never ever ever ever try it.' he shuddered slightly and Jungkook could only imagine how horrible it could have been judging from the second youngest's face.

'Yes. And lastly...he likes skinship. A lot.'

Jungkook looked at him weirdly, 'and why are you telling me this?'

Namjoon glanced out of the window to see that they were already outside of their dorms, 'um, becauseyouguysaregoingtobesharingaroom!' And with that, he opened the passenger seat door and ran inside.

This therefore set off a chain reaction as within a minute, Jungkook was all alone in the minibus, as no one...and i mean no one should be present when Jeon Jungkook was angry.


After calming himself down, he gathered all his belongings (because his hyungs were probably too busy hiding from him to help) and walked inside

The dorm itself hadn't changed one bit. That is, except for the excessive amounts of decorations littered all around the living room

'Jungkook - ah! You've finally decided to join us!' Hoseok exclaimed, beckoning for him to join them

Neatly setting aside his suitcases and bags, he sat in the middle of Yoongi and Hoseok and looked around the circle they had formed

To say that Jungkook wasn't ready to see the perfection that was Kim Taehyung was a misunderstanding

He had expected an average guy but when he laid his eyes on the boy, he choked on his own spit because, wow he's attractive as

'Kid, are you okay?' Yoongi asked patting his back lightly as he finally stopped himself from coughing

'Here, have some water' he heard a voice say.

Please don't be Taehyung...

No one could be that attractive and have such a sinful voice at the same time, right? It's got to be one of the other hyungs.


He looked up to come face to face with the older and ended up getting so shy that he forgot to keep himself upright and fell backwards, straight into Hoseok's hands which were at that very moment, happened to be holding a can of coke, which ended up all over Jungkook, causing an uproar of laughter

'Aigoo, Kookie - ah...are you okay? Go to your room and change into something else' Jin urged, giving him a small smile which Jungkook couldn't even return as he was too busy digging himself an imaginary hole to bury himself in.


'What do you think is up with Kookie?' Jimin asked, almost bursting into another round of giggles as he thought about how unlike 'Jungkook' the maknae was acting

'Could it be..?' Yoongi whispered quietly to himself but ended up gaining attention from the rest of s

'What?' They all asked in unison

'Nah...I doubt it...' Yoongi was still debating with himself when Taehyung stood up

'I'll check on him, shall I?'

Murmurs of 'sure' and 'whatever' trailed after the boy as he carefully opened the door to his and Jungkook's now shared room

'Um...Jungk-AGGHHHHH' Taehyung stumbled back in fear as the younger emerged from the connected bathroom with his face covered in (an unattractive amount of) face cream and nothing on but a small towel meant for someone's head

Two heads poked through the door and both the maknaes turned to find Jimin and Yoongi giggled at their fluttered faces

'Oh yeah, Tae Tae...Jungkook doesn't really leave much to the imagination...as you can see,' Jimin started, giggling hysterically as Jungkook immediately tried to cover up his downstairs area. 'And although handsome in the day...he turns into a monster at night' him and Yoongi took turns in making immature monster noises before shutting the door

'I'll, um, just get washed up then, I guess...' Jungkook mumbled (reminding himself to kill his hyungs later on) before escaping the awkward silence that was threatening to engulf them

Why do I keep embarrassing myself in front of this guy?!


'So, what was happening?' They asked as the mischievous pair walked away from the door

'Kookie probably forgot he wasn't on his own and did his nightly ritual of walking around nearly with a face mask on. Their faces were priceless!' Jimin explained, sitting back down

'Guys! What if...our maknae has a little crush on Taehyung?' Hoseok exclaimed

'Oh...my...god...' They all said in unison as all the pieces clicked together


Come on, Jungkook, you can do this.

He walked into the room to find Taehyung spread out on his own bed reading what looked like a manga

'Hey...' He said cringing at how awkward this situation was. Why did he have to stay there?!

'Oh! Hi Jungkook. I'm sorry we had to meet so late. The hyungs never told me when they were Skypeing you so I didn't really want to impose...and as for picking you up, I insisted on decorating the place for your homecoming' he gave the younger a little square smile and Jungkook could feel his cheeks burning up

'It's okay, Taehyung - ssi. I'm sorry for not knowing you even existed. And thank you...for decorating the place...' He mumbled shyly, earning an adorable giggle from Taehyung

'Aigoo, Jungkook - ah! You're so cute! And you can call me hyung, you know' he leaned forward and ruffled Jungkook's hair slightly

'Okay...hyung.' Jungkook said, the words feeling a bit too comfortable on his lips when directed at Taehyung

'Let's be best friends, okay?' Taehyung stuck his pinky finger out and looked at Jungkook expectantly, 'promise me'

Jungkook didn't even know that it was possible for a heart to beat so quick, nor a palm to be so sweaty.

He also didn't know that he took a certain liking for weird, pink haired hyungs who liked mangas and plushies

He didn't know a lot of things, but he was sure he would come to find them out soon enough if he was with Taehyung.

'I promise, hyung' and with that, he held out his pinky and intertwined it with Taehyung's.

And all Jungkook can remember after that moment were a series of stolen touches, meaningless conversations and soft giggles underneath the moonlight

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Chapter 3: Lol jungkook haha!! You must be so shocked seeing the handsome alien,.with a y voice! :p
Chapter 2: Both chapters cute!
Chapter 2: Cutest. Babies. Ever.
Can't wait for another update author-nim! :D
akiomi #4
i can't wait...Update please :-)