
Of Fate and First Meetings

In which Jungkook just wants to watch a film but Taehyung isn't making it easy for him


Jungkook scanned the cinema quickly before laying his eyes on the seat straight in the middle, upon seeing it empty, Jungkook let out a sigh of relief

Call it OCD but he absolutely could not sit in any other seat other than this one...he would rather leave the damn cinema than sit in some inadequate seat

Jungkook had just sat comfortably on his seat when some jerk with a ridiculously big hat on decided to sit in the seat directly in front of him

'Excuse me, could you move?' Was what Jungkook was going to say before the person in front of him took their phone out of their pocket and started to call someone

You have got to be kidding me.

'Yeah, I'm in the cinema now...because no one else would go!...yeah,there's not many people' Jungkook heard the man say and if he hadn't pissed Jungkook off in 1932718 ways then maybe Jungkook would have melted at the sound of the man's deep voice. Maybe.

Jungkook was so busy glaring holes at the stranger that he didn't even realise that the previews were starting

Five minutes ago, Jungkook was able to suppress his anger but now that the film was starting, he wasn't going to hold back

'Um, excuse me...the previews are starting so would you mind getting off your phone?' he said with a hint of venom in his voice, making sure that the man heard by leaning forward slightly

He smiled proudly when the man tensed up slightly and mumbled a quick goodbye into his phone before shoving it into his pocket

Peace at last...Jungkook thought. But he was sadly mistaken 

See, there were many pet peeves that Jungkook had in the cinema which included: 

Laughing at inappropriate times
Unnecessary fidgeting/moving around
Wearing a big hat and sitting in front of innocent people who just want to watch the film
Going on your phone
Commenting on everything little thing
Guessing what would happen next and it coming true
And worst of all...chewing loudly

And the man in front of Jungkook had done each and everyone of them without fail and Jungkook wondered if God was testing him and this was the spawn of satan right in front of him 

Every crunch, every giggle (which Jungkook would have found adorable any other day), every random and senseless comment and every move that man made just made Jungkook's blood boil

He calmed down slightly when the man finally took off his ridiculously large hat and set it aside but was horrified to see that the stranger's hair was a bright orange

How the hell am I meant to concentrate  on the film now?!

So, Jungkook decided to come back and watch the film again some other time and spend the rest of the time making this stranger's cinema experience hell.

But, just his luck, the man's head had flopped to the side and Jungkook guessed that he had fallen asleep - ruining his plans of revenge

I guess being annoying takes up a lot of energy...but at least now, I can watch this film peacef-

Jungkook's thoughts were cut off by a soft snore coming from the man and all Jungkook could think about was how much trouble he could possibly get into if he simply strangled this man

Thankfully, the film was nearing it's end and Jungkook simply watched the credits scroll past and the rest of the cinema leave before kicking the back of the stranger's seat harshly

'Wake up! It's the end of the film' he growled, ready with a whole speech of how annoying the man had been throughout the whole thing.

'Ah thank you for waking me up' the man turned around and Jungkook's words were forgotten and his ability to breathe had disappeared

All he could think about was how perfect and beautifully constructed the stranger's face was and all he could hear was the man's heavenly 'I just got out of bed' voice

'N-n-no problem' he heard himself stutter but couln't quite believe it

Do NOT get enchanted by a pretty face! That jerk ruined your day...say something! 

'I wasn't able to watch the film properly because of you...' He said shyly, not wanting to continue and make the handsome boy guilty, 'but it's okay, I can watch it some other time...anyway...I'll be leaving now...' Jungkook bowed slightly and was about to leave when the boy spoke up

'Excuse me...I know this will sound strange but...how about we see it again together...I didn't really get to watch it properly either...'

'Umm...' Jungkook bit his lip nervously. He had already suffered enough sitting behind the guy...sitting next to him would probably be 10 times worse

'I'll try to be less annoying,' the boy rubbed his neck shyly, 'I think I now know why none of my friends wanted to go with me' he chuckled slightly before looking straight into Jungkook's eyes, 'You know what...Never mind...forget I asked you! S-Sorry if I bothere-' he stuttered and Jungkook couldn't help but find the boy absolutely adorable

'I'll go with you' Jungkook blurted out unexpectedly and internally facepalmed

'You will?' The boy's face lit up and Jungkook knew this was the right decision

'I'm Jungkook, by the way' he reached into his pocket and got out his phone, 'how about you put your number in here? So then we can make our plans easily' 

The boy stumbled around clumsily looking for his own phone before passing it to Jungkook, 'and I'm Taehyung...here's my phone so I can text you too'

Taehyung...I like that...I like him.

'Well, Taehyung - ssi...I'll see you soon then'

'Bye...Jungkook - ssi'

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Chapter 3: Lol jungkook haha!! You must be so shocked seeing the handsome alien,.with a y voice! :p
Chapter 2: Both chapters cute!
Chapter 2: Cutest. Babies. Ever.
Can't wait for another update author-nim! :D
akiomi #4
i can't wait...Update please :-)