Taking Action


Yamapi lay sprawled on Kei-chan’s bed staring hard at the ceiling as if he could get lasers to shoot out of his eyes and start the ceiling on fire. Kei-chan sat on the rug on the floor staring nervously at his friend. They had been sitting here for about half an hour already, and Yamapi hadn’t said a single word. Of course Kei-chan knew what was going on, and he was in shock too. He had liked Kamenashi-san! The few times they’d met, Kamenashi-san had been exceptionally nice.



Now suddenly, he was being told that Kamenashi-san had really been the bad guy all along. And when he realized that Kamenashi-san was also after the same girl the Yamapi had just fallen in love with, he wasn’t too sure he wanted to be dragged into all of this. But Yamapi needed his help, and had also threatened to eat all of Kei-chan’s brussel sprouts if Kei-chan didn’t help him, so Kei-chan was left with no choice but to help Yamapi.



“I just don’t know what to do!” Yamapi suddenly exploded making Kei-chan jump. “I don’t know why, but I just have a feeling that something really bad is going to happen.” He ground his teeth and sat up quickly. His hair was messy from lying on it and he stared hard at Kei-chan as if expecting him to provide Yamapi with all the answers.



“If you have a bad feeling about it, then act on it. You’ve never been wrong before,” Tegoshi’s voice from the doorway made them both spin around like lightning. Yamapi almost fell off of the bed in surprise at Tegoshi’s silent appearance.



“Don’t do that!” Kei-chan complained.



“Don’t do what?” Shige’s face appeared behind Tegoshi’s and he shouldered past the youngest member into the room and plopped himself on the carpet beside Kei-chan.



“Oi! What are you guys doing here?” demanded a shocked and flustered Kei-chan, “I didn’t even hear you guys come in!”



“We’re only here because Yamapi called us in for an emergency meeting,” called Massu tromping down the hall into the starting-to-get-overcrowded-room.



“Yamapi?” Kei-chan glared reprovingly at the leader of NewS who pretended not to notice.



“All that’s missing is Ryo,” Tegoshi said lazily leaning against the far wall. Right as he said that, Ryo trooped into the room and grinned, “Not anymore.”



“Alright, I now call the Emergency Meeting to save Dawn to order,” Yamapi said in a  leader-like manner.”



“You mean Save My One True Love From Being Snatched By the Evil Kamenashi-san” mumbled Kei-chan.



“Whatever,” Yamapi shrugged at him, “The thing is, I have a feeling that something really bad is going to happen. I don’t know when, but soon.”



The group looked at each other nervously. They all knew about Yamapi’s ‘feelings’. They were better and more accurate than crystal balls and magic wands. Yamapi’s feelings never lied- ever. Ryo nodded thoughtfully and glanced at Shige who exhaled in one long drawn-out breath.



“Well, what should we do?” Massu piped up.



“We need to have an eye on Kamenashi-san at all times,” decided Yamapi. The others nodded in agreement.


  “Ano….how?” Tegoshi asked blankly. Yamapi thought for a moment before responding with, “Tegoshi and Massu, if he goes somewhere in his car, follow him. If he goes into a building, Shige and Ryo, you shadow him. Kei-chan, why don’t you hang out with Jin Akanishi and the rest of KAT-TUN just in case they know something.”



“What? All by myself?” Kei-chan demanded.



“I know you can do it, I have faith in you,” Yamapi smiled quickly.



“Wait. What about you? Where will you be?” asked Shige through a yawn.



“I’ll be with Dawn all day tomorrow. No matter what, I won’t leave her side,” Yamapi said with his face a serious mask. No one dared try to argue with that kind of expression, so for the rest of that day, they discussed escape routes, detailed strategies, and Kei-chan loaded them up with the last of his okaa-san’s chocolate so that they wouldn’t get hungry while they were stalking/spying on Kame.



After a few hours, everyone went back to their various tasks and Yamapi hurried home. On his way, he called work, and told them that he needed to take some time off due to a family emergency. At first, his manager was angry and tried to convince him not to go, but after he told her about all the over-time he had worked, he finally got his manager’s consent.



Satisfied that everything had been taken care of, and that his band mates knew what they were doing, he rushed up the steps to his house.



“Okaa-san,” he called as he entered, “I’m staying home tomorrow, okay?”



“Okaa-san isn’t here now,” Rina’s face peeped out from her bedroom, “She’s out shopping. I won’t be here tomorrow though, I’m going to meet my friends.”



“Alright,” Yamapi smiled down at her and proceeded to head up to Dawn’s room to check on her. He knocked softly so he wouldn’t disturb her and her quite welcome had him easing open the door and peeking around the corner. At the sight of him, Dawn who had been slumped in bed, immediately sat up and grinned over at him.



“Hi Yamapi, do you need something?”



“Actually, I was kind of wondering if you would like to spend the day with me tomorrow,” Yamapi said shyly ducking his head. Dawn’s eyes widened and she nodded her head quickly reminding him of a bobble-head doll.



“Yes, of course,” she beamed. Yamapi grinned back, his cheeks turning the slightest shades of pink. Reaching down, he took one of her small hands in his, and looked into her eyes, “Thank you,” he said relieved. She had said yes!



“Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” he hurriedly stood up and tripped over the shaggy carpet. He stumbled backward into the doorframe. Mortified, he bounced back up, rubbing his head, his cheeks scarlet. He scrambled out of the room not seeing the big smile playing on Dawn’s lips or hearing her quiet giggles. Since everything was ready, and going according to plan, Yamapi decided to sit down and relax. He sauntered to the fridge and opened the door.  Inside, he grabbed a pre-made sandwhich and saw a small box of brussel sprouts next to it. He grabbed both. He’d eat the sandwhich and give Kei-chan the brussel sprouts as a thank you present. Kei-chan always worked so hard, and was really supporting Yamapi, so Yamapi figured he should show good will to his friend.





*Mianhe for the laaaaaate update!! I haven't looked at this story in forever, and decided to update. :P I'm sorry it took so long, but I hope this is a good update or at least that you're content with it.*    ~Luvjpop

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madesu2 #1
I love it!
ckossi #2
Chapter 37: Kame! What is going on in your mind?! I still want her with Yamapi... Is this part of Kame's plan?
Chapter 36: ganbaru, tegoshi!!! ~\(^_^)/~
ckossi #4
Chapter 36: YOU GO TEGOSHI!!!!
ckossi #5
Chapter 4: um..kame's really scary ; o ;
but yamapi's sooooo cute <3!!
thanx for making my bias AWESOME!!! hehe :D
Lucylove #7
Chapter 3: I'm starting to like this story, I have a question, do they speak in English or Japanese? Jessica says she went to Japan 10 years ago or when she was ten...and I don't think she knows Japanese, right? And I don't know YamaPi knows English
Chapter 32: ASDFGHJKL;
I just found this story and I'm absolutely in love with it <3 :) Please update soon!!
ckossi #9
Chapter 32: I just love this story! I've never read a fanfic where Kame's the bad guy. It's a nice change and the story is very interesting!~
ToldYouToBeKind #10
Kamenashi <3 <3