>< I can Feel the Tension


I turn as the door bursts open. It’s Yamapi! I didn’t know he would be home! I smile at him. But…he looks flushed. His dark eyes seem, if possible, even darker than usual. 



“Yamapi, are you alright?” I ask worriedly.



“Fine…” he grinds out. Something’s wrong. He’s not acting normally. He’s not even looking at me. He’s looking at Kame. I glance up at Kame wondering what’s wrong. But Kame is glaring dangerously at Yamapi. My eyes widen at the anger in his eyes. The tension in the room is suddenly very obvious, almost palpable.



What is going on? Yamaa-san told me that Kamenashi-san and Yamapi were friends.




They both work together sometimes. Maybe the last time they were together, they had a fight? If that’s the case, they should talk about it and make up. It’s so awkward and uncomfortable! >-<



Kame’s voice breaks through my reverie, “Shall we go then?” he’s looking kindly at me now. Yes. Maybe it’s best if we leave quickly. I don’t want to stay in this room full of malicious intentions. I nod. He grabs my elbow and gently helps me from the room.



Before I leave, I turn to Yamapi, “Goodbye! And welcome back! Have a wonderful evening! Rina made a banana cream cake and there’s extra if you want it!” I call before Kame finally ushers me out of the door.

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madesu2 #1
I love it!
ckossi #2
Chapter 37: Kame! What is going on in your mind?! I still want her with Yamapi... Is this part of Kame's plan?
Chapter 36: ganbaru, tegoshi!!! ~\(^_^)/~
ckossi #4
Chapter 36: YOU GO TEGOSHI!!!!
ckossi #5
Chapter 4: um..kame's really scary ; o ;
but yamapi's sooooo cute <3!!
thanx for making my bias AWESOME!!! hehe :D
Lucylove #7
Chapter 3: I'm starting to like this story, I have a question, do they speak in English or Japanese? Jessica says she went to Japan 10 years ago or when she was ten...and I don't think she knows Japanese, right? And I don't know YamaPi knows English
Chapter 32: ASDFGHJKL;
I just found this story and I'm absolutely in love with it <3 :) Please update soon!!
ckossi #9
Chapter 32: I just love this story! I've never read a fanfic where Kame's the bad guy. It's a nice change and the story is very interesting!~
ToldYouToBeKind #10
Kamenashi <3 <3