Chapter 33

I Fell For My Bestfriend


After class has ended everyone in the class started to chat. Except for one person who was sitting at the corner, keeping her eyes on Aaron. Hong Shi already figured out who Aaron’s girlfriend is. She kept examining every girls in the classroom and had two girls in her mind. It was either Rainie or Gui Gui….? “Whoever that lucky girl is, she’ll be replaced soon.” Hong Shi thought. A smirk formed on Hong Shi’s face …

Gui Gui turned to talk to Aaron.

Gui Gui: I can’t believe were not partnered together.

Aaron: Yeah.

Aaron sighed.

Aaron: I don’t even want to be partnered with that girl.

Aaron whispered.

Gui Gui: What?

Aaron: Oh, uh, I said I think we should start our project.

Gui Gui: but its not due until next week.

Aaron: Oh yeah.

Aaron scratches his head.

Aaron: Then we should go have fun today and we’ll work on our project tomorrow. What do you think?

Gui Gui nodded her head up and down.

Gui Gui: Then lets go, baby!

Hong Shi, who was in the classroom, listening on their conversation and examining their every move, found out the answer to her question. She smiled victoriously but she reminded herself not to celebrate so soon. She still have get rid of Gui Gui and most importantly, to break them apart..



Gui Gui and Aaron left the school and drove off to a destination. 
Gui Gui: Baby, where are we going?

Gui Gui tugged on his sleeves.

Aaron: Alright, alright. We’re going to this special place especially planned and hosted by Wang Zi.

Gui Gui sounded disappointed.

Aaron: What’s with the face?

Gui Gui: Aw, how come Wang Zi planned it and you didn’t?

Aaron: because I’m not good at these romantic things.

Gui Gui: Oh yah, I forgot.

Aaron: What?

Gui Gui: You remember those flowers you gave me at the igloo?

Aaron: Yeah, why?

Gui Gui: Well all of them died except for one. I think the last one that didn’t die was fake…?

Aaron: Oooh, well I’ll answer your question later.

Gui Gui: Why not right now? I want to know! Pleeeeaaaaseee Lun?

Gui Gui make puppy eyes.

Aaron: No, I won’t tell even though you look really cute!

Aaron pinches her cheeks.

Gui Gui: ouch, no fair!

Aaron: haha, your so cute.

He smiled.

Gui Gui: Hmph, I know! You don’t have to tell me.

Aaron: I guess someone brags about themselves too much.

Aaron said in a whisper voice.

Gui Gui: Oi, don’t think I didn’t hear you. You’re dead after that important plan you set up.

Aaron: Whew, that’s good then.

Gui Gui: Yuppp! We should go now….?

Aaron: Nope, not yet!

Gui Gui: What? I thought we were going to that place Wang Zi planned..?

Aaron coughed.

Aaron: and me.

Gui Gui: Yeah. So where are we going?

Aaron: Shopping.

Gui Gui: Babe, are you gay?

Aaron: No, Why?

Gui Gui: Then why do you want to go shopping.

Aaron: I want to buy something special for you.

A smile slowly crept on his face.

Gui Gui: Really? What is it?!

Gui Gui jumped up and down her seat.

Aaron: You’ll see..

Gui Gui: Awww.. Your so weird.

Aaron: What?

Gui Gui: Your so full of surprises.

Aaron: and you don’t like it?

Gui Gui: Naw, I love you!

Aaron chuckled.

Aaron: I love my ghost too.

With that they made their way to the mall with both of them not saying anything . They understood each other, words were not needed…

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Chapter 52: Wow...great story...
@CupcakesPrincess: AWW, thanks sooo much. I love reading ur comments bcos its always long and it makes me smile :) and u need to update ur storyy! <br />
<br />
@21BlackjackVIP: Hehee thankss and yuup I loveeeee Big bang :D ur also a VIP right? I can tell by ur name. hahaa<br />
<br />
@fussyzombie: Hehehee Yess i am ^^<br />
<br />
@arratan: Reaally?? Thanks! r u also a VIP?<br />
<br />
@Bubble: I KNOWW RIGHTT? I wanted to write a few more chapters but if i did i wouldn't know how to end it, so i ended it there. and I'm thinking about writing another fanfic, but i dont wat kind of story it should <br />
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
You finally ended this story XD <br />
MAN!! HOW I wish you will have more extra chapters :P<br />
LOl! yeah! BigBang is a VIP XP aww!! I just love it so much ... haha ... I am a fan of BigBang too hehe .... especially Taeyang follow by GD and TOP Lolz <br />
It's so cute when Aaron got jealous over BigBang Hahaha <br />
Hey!! will you write a new guilun fanfic soon?? @_@
arratan #4
omay god yo're vip wah....<br />
you know you get me falling in love with your story kekekee...<br />
yeah.. let's go to ygfam concert kekeke with guilun ofcourse kekkee....
fussyzombie #5
21BlackjackVip #6
Oh shoot I loved da ending so much!!!!! I ddnt know u Lyke big bang too!!! U should make a new story!!!!
OH.MY.ING.GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O<br />
The ending is TOTALY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~why wouldn't it be?????????? Aaron being so JEALOUS over Big Bang! *LOL*<br />
He was like "Oh now she did not!" and "Y and AARON" should be in one sentence. I was about to burst into laughters and tears but I decided not to because parents are behind me and they'll think they've born a crazy miniact! lol<br />
this story is so AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!<br />
ok, enough of me babbling my mouth! <br />
Ciao! XD<br />
P.S: i'll be waiting for your next story! :D
WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
O.O" F*** <br />
Seriously?? <br />
Ao Quan and Wei Yu are getting married o.o <br />
Boy!! still can't believe it *breath in ... breath out* <br />
S*** I never thought you would write something like that hahaha <br />
Eyyyy!! gosh .. just imagine *goosebumps* XP <br />
Update soon^^
O.O *jaw wide open*<br />
OH.MY.GOODNESS. you call this chapter boring? HELL NO!<br />
THIS CHAP. IS ING HILARIUS!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL<br />
To tell you the true! I never expect this to happen before!<br />
Ao Quan and Wei Yu? Gay? LOL................<br />
don't worry Gui, you're not the only one who's shocked and can't get over the fact! <br />
Mabel07 #10
You Better Update! -.-