
Be honest with me. [ discontinued ]


“God, my feet!” Byunghun moaned, clutching his poor swollen ankle.

“How the hell do you girls even walk in this thing? The idea of dancing in these is already mortifying,” Hoya complained, slumping onto the floor.

“Now you understand our pain,” Jia smirked, ruffling Byunghun’s hair.

“You okay?” Chunji asked the pink haired guy as he placed a packet of crushed ice on the younger boy’s swollen ankle.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” He replied, coughing awkwardly as he watched his hyung tend to his ankle.

“Shame, that means you’re not participating in the next performance then,” Dongwoo mused, taking a seat next to Hoya. “Here,” the rapper passed his best friend a water bottle. Hoya merely grunted in reply before drinking.

“That was a wonderful performance,” Someone spoke up, clapping his hands. The members freezed in their positions as the clapping echoed throughout the auditorium.

“Marvellous,” The stranger’s friend remarked.

“Who are you guys?” Hyunseung questioned, approaching them.

“Name’s Jung Heechul. This is Lee Jungshin and Kim Heechul,” one of the boys introduced themselves.

“So you three are the mysterious musketeers. Nice meeting you,” U-Kwon replied, bowing.

“Pleasure to meet you too, U-Kwon-sshi.” Jungshin said.

“For the love of god, somebody kill me,” the bald teacher dramatically moaned.

“I’ll do it in a heart beat. Just tell me how you want to die. Prefer us to stab you? Shoot you? Or better yet, beat you up,” Myungsoo muttered, shooting daggers at the teacher. His ears perked at the sound of somebody giggling. Turning his head around, he was surprised to see Sungyeol stiffling his laugh with his hand. He arched an eyebrow before smiling as well.

“Excuse me, what is so funny about flunking a subject, may I ask, Sungyeol-sshi?” The teacher pressed on, crossing his arms. Myungsoo clenched his fist and tried to keep his temper under control.

“N-n-nothing sir,” Sungyeol replied, staring at his desk. The art teacher soon found another student to scold and everyone in the room winced. It was obvious that no one liked the teacher, even the school staff despised him.

Then the teacher did the unexpected.

He threw one of the art student’s canvas out of the window.

“That’s it, I’m getting rid of him,” Myungsoo growled, hitting his desk with his fist. He then ignored the teacher’s many yells as he packed his things away before rushing towards the exit. Hearing footsteps behind him, he growled again before turning around with his fist ready to punch the person.

“Whoa, whoa. Calm down,” Sungyeol said nervously, eyes wide open.

“Oh , , . I’m so so so sorry. I thought you were -” the ice prince began, feeling guilty.

“It’s fine, really. Though how are you going to get rid of the teacher?” The oddball reassured the photographer.

“The three mysterious musketeers. What else?” He replied and began to walk towards the auditorium.

“What? You have a problem with them or something?”

“No, it’s just that . . . The teacher’s guaranteed to be sacked or fired if we’re asking the three musketeers,” Sungyeol said.

“Exactly my point,” Myungsoo smirked.

“He did what?” The two Heechuls asked in unison.

“Well you heard us. He threw Hye Sun nuna’s art piece out of the window,” Sungyeol replied, scratching his head. The duo had just finished informing the musketeers of what had happened during art club. Sungyeol was surprised to see the dance crew occupying the auditorium but had to remind himself that it was lunch time.

“Bloody hell, that guy’s gone bonkers,” Kikwang gasped.

“How are we going to get rid of him?” Myungsoo asked, tilting his head.

“Well, there are numerous ways. The last time we got rid of a teacher, we decided to send him off to Italy. Though I doubt you guys would want to let him go without torturing him first,” Jungshin explained.

“Why, we ought to . . .” Hoya muttered.

“Seems like I arrived just in time for the interesting part of the conversation,” somebody said and everyone turned their heads toward the entrance.

“Annyong Seungho hyung!” Jungshin greeted his sunbae, waving.

“Sup,” Seungho greeted him back as he walked towards the rest of the group.

“And let the brainstorming begin,” BoA announced as she wheeled over a whiteboard, “Who wants to go first?”

“Gimme that marker,” Hyunseung volunteered himself and managed to catch the whiteboard marker just in time.

“Nice catch prince,” Hyoyeon nodded.

“Poison?” Kikwang suggested.
“It’s a possibility,” Jia agreed.

“Hm . . . . Cooking club!” U-Kwon said brightly.

“Huh? What about cooking club?” B-Bomb asked cluelessly. Seconds later realisation dawned onto him. “U-KWON YOU’RE BRILLIANT!” At this he glomped the poor dancer.

“Um guys, share us the brilliant plan of yours?” Fei asked, sweatdropping at the two dancers.

“Well, you know how we members of the cooking club participate in the school’s cafe,” U-Kwon began.

“Oh wait. That’s brilliant!” Jungshin said.

“We could do it today if we wanted to! That is if you guys have the time and resources to pull it off,” Seungho shrugged at the last sentence.


“Oh shush. Not our fault you’re so slow,” B-Bomb replied before quickly adding, “Alright, we’ll explain.”

“Are you guys sure about this?” The blonde maknae asked nervously as he buttoned his uniform.

“Mhm. What, you scared?” Hoya teased Sungjong, nudging him. Dongwoo merely looked away, not able to handle the situation.

“Can you guys hurry up so we can execute the mission?!” Chunji yelled from outside.

“We’ll be right there!” U-Kwon yelled back.

“Why am I even involved?” Sunggyu moaned as he stashed away his school uniform.

“Because you’re the only one that the teacher likes,” Sungyeol replied as he poked Myungsoo before turning around. Placing an innocent expression on his face so that the ice prince wouldn’t realise it was him.

“Eww, the way you say that sounds gross. I rather be liked by - by - by Woohyun over here than the teacher,” Sunggyu commented, scrunching his nose at the thought of the teacher. Woohyun was startled at the mention of his name and as his brain registered the latest tidbit of the conversation, a blush spread onto his face.

“HURRY UP GUYS!” BoA yelled from the other room.

“YES SIR! Oh , I MEANT MA’AM,” B-Bomb replied, fumbling around with his apron.

“Let’s do this.”
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Awesome the force of kpop idols working together 2 get rid of a stinking teacher wahooo!!!! Aww sunggyu mentions Woohyun's name wahooo!!!!!!! N Hoya hurry up n fall in love with Dongwoo
I really love it! Sunggyu mentioned Woohyun.. Can you do me a favour? I really wanted a Taejong(taemin x sungjong) romance..
I love this, please update soon ^-^
sorry for the lack of update - school is killing me. :/ Will try to update by this weekend. ^_^ and muchos gracias por the tons of comments/subscribing! ;___:
sits and waits for the yadong...
Can't I hv more!!!! I definitely LOVE ur story!!! N include all my fav group!! Infinite,TeenTop,Beast,SNSD,SJ,ZEA,MIssA,BOA!!!
oh my, are they going to like, poison him to death :D?<br />
when Sunggyu had mentioned Namu itseemd like he hated him or something XDDD~<br />
Oh goodness! What is this plan? Teacherpet!Sunggyu, how cute~ I wonder why Sunggyu is the only one that teacher likes? Sunggyu mentioning Woohyun was so adorbs <3
bookshelf #9
LOLOL. Sunggyu as a teacher's pet and mentioning Woohyun. XD<br />
I love your story, can't wait for the next update!<br />
Dongwoo, be strong~
LOL intentionally mentionning woohyun's name hihi