HyunAe: Aged 23

Little Accidents
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HyunAe sighed in relief as she and the other members finally made it out of the airplane. They had been traveling around Asia and just an hour ago, had landed back home in korean. 

They all made their way out of the airport trying to ignore the screaming fans. It wasn't a if they hated being famous, but the noise level at 3am should never be as loud as it was now. 

Gathered in the van, HyunAe turns her phone back on and momentarily got blinded by the brightness. SeoHyun, who sat next to her groaned in protest at the brightness and muttered in English. "No HyunAe, just no."

MiHae seemed to be only one awake at.. 3:27am HyunAe checked as her eyes adjusted. The oldest girl was texting on her phone to most likely one of her parents. HyunAe leant over to see what she was writing and made out the complex writing. Chinese. Definitely her dad then. 

JiHyun rolled onto her side trying to get comfortable and leant against the car door. But, not surprisingly, failed and huffed. 

Time couldn't have passed slower as they finally arrived at the dorms. Each of them sluggishly exited the car and into the building. All except MiHae who almost strutted in like a model. 

HyunAe swore that the girl never got tired. Freaking vampire...

JiHyun didn't even make it to the rooms as they entered. She slummed down on the couch and passed out immediately. YuRi wasn't far behind, but she had the curtesy to at least pass out on her bed. 

Seohyun sighed against the kitchen island as she sat down. AeRa folded her arms and rested her head on them. 

"Yaa, AeRa~" MinAh shook the girl as she yawned. "You can't sleep here. C'mon." She wrapped her arms around the girl and hauled her off. 

HyunAe watched them go and kept watching until the bedroom door closed. A sigh escaped her lips. She wanted to phone her parents but they would most likely be asleep by this time. 

A pat on the back made her thoughts disperse. "Hyunnie, go shower and go to sleep. You need it."


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YoungYana #1
Chapter 2: Really great XD
karimisaba8 #2
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh ! It was really nice thanks *-*
karimisaba8 #3
Chapter 7: So Cute
karimisaba8 #4
Chapter 4: Sweet !*-*
karimisaba8 #5
Chapter 2: Wow !!! OMG! I LOVE JB'S REACTION . In some fictions he just acts so silly but this fiction is wonderful . THANKS :) I'M GOUNG TO READ the other chapters ♡
i_love_myself #6
Chapter 11: lolololol OMO SHE'S SOOO CUTE I LOVE HER
RizumuLove #7
m-m-mark's pregnant?!!
omo..this is hella interesting
Oliviadaebak #8
Chapter 12: This is just so cute! Thanks for writin! At first I rlly wanted them to have a baby boy jus so he could perform around but HyunAe seems adorable aww
NamjoonsKitten #9
Chapter 18: That was so sweet.. I wonder if Markson had another child or children beside HyunAe. She's grown up afterall.. Good job author-nim! And I see VinSeop here <3