Recommendation Station


A long list of recommended fan fiction that you probably don't know exist. Fan fiction from Tumblr, livejournal and definitely fan fiction posted on this site itself. I'm a very choosy reader hence all these stories will probably not consist of your typical arranged-marriage- boy-hates-girl-but-falls-in-love-with-her-anyway plots. I hope you enjoy! 


I just wanted to share the work of these talented young writers to all of you because these writers give me so much inspiration to continue pursuing my writing career. (Also, we all know, everyone deserves to find an amazing story to read over and over again) . 


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Chapter 4: Hey! Have you read SJsuperholic's stories? They're really good and I thought I might share a fic I really like.
Chapter 1: thank you for this oh my go I regret not having read it sooner