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2 days ago:


The young girl's trembled as she walked nervously towards the school gate. Her heart was beating like crazy. She was about to break down in cold sweat. Her heart pounded against her ribcage and all her surroundings were oblivious to her. She lowered her head in shame as girls around threw rude remarks,hatred glares at her. She clutched the box of chocolate closer to her chest as she ignored them and walked past as quickly as possible.


She reached her locker and remembered it was empty. She emptied it the previous few days. She sighed and thought: last time . She turned around and met with the school's queenka, aka her bully. She trembled with fear as the terrible thoughts of what her bully did to her rushed back into her mind. 


"Ye...yes Ga..Ga Rin....?", she asked as her voice faltered and stuttered. The girl and her posses at the back smirked and the bully referred as Ga Rin chuckled. "Oh my dear Ka In, I have a lot of things for u. " 


Ka In gulped and her heart rate increased, again, today. Ga Rin smirked at the terrified Ka In and replied while looking at her newly painted nails," oh nothing, its just today I am in a good mood so I'm not going to do anything bad to you today. Have fun for today, Only." Ka In bowed immediately and Ga Rin left with her posses.


She immediately rushed to class and sat at the corner she sat in , from the beginning and to the end. A paper ball flew to her desk when the teacher was not looking, another one landed on her head. She turned left and her heart rate increased but her heart clenched. She saw Chanyeol laughing with his 11 friends who were sniggering at her. Her heart shattered at the sight of her crush having fun tormenting her. She ignored them and opened a paper.


"Hello nerdy loser, hope that you have a terrible day."


The other one said,


"Loser, get lost. The school does not need u!" 


Her tears threatened to pour out as her heart clenched. She crumpled the paper and pushed them to the floor. 


"Teacher! Ka In littered!" One of Chanyeol's friends, Chen, hollered. The teachered sighed and looked pitifully at Ka In. "Dear. You know what that means," the teacher said . Ka In nodded and rested her head on the table. The rest of the lesson, she never listened a single thing.


What's the point of listening when I might never even remember anything....


She thought and sighed. Once the class ended, she was the last to leave the class. Before she left, the teacher called her and the teacher sighed and asked," Ka In, I know what they are doing, I just do it for show. And one more thing, Ka In be strong! You will get through it, I believe in you." The teacher smiled sadly and Ka In knew what it meant. She nodded silently at Mrs lee  and left. She went back to her locker which contained a box of chocolates. She took them and went to the lunch room.


"Chanyeol..." She stuttered as she stood before the great 12 kingkas. The entire canteen silenced and even a pin dropping could be heard. 


"What loser," chanyeol sneered. 


"I have always wanted to say this to you. I liked you, since the day you help me but you have always kept tormenting me and it breaks my heart and I know you are not that bad. You might have your own problems and all but I know deep inside you are nice and kind. So I hope that you can accept my confession, I do not mean you have to like me back. Just say at least a ok. " she said as she passed the chocolates to him. The entire canteen was silent. 


Suddenly, Ka In felt a cold substance slashed on her. Someone splashed their drink on her, followed by another plate of spaghetti . Everyone started laughing. Chanyeol was laughing the loudest.


 "I get confessions everyday , and note to yourself. I get confessions from girls better than you, and I will never,I repeat NEVER date a nerd and loser like you." Chanyeol hissed and opened the chocolates and threw at her. 


Ka In's heart broke and she felt miserable. She got shouts from girls around her, calling her a epic flirt. She felt hot tears sting her eyes and she looked directly at chanyeol. She nodded and answered a simple ok as she ran out of the canteen, in a crying and food mess. She grabbed her stuff in a rush and did not notice her teacher,Mrs Lee calling her name in a hurry. 


Mrs Lee stormed furiously to the lunch room where the still laughing students were. "WHO BULLIED KA IN!!!! She shouted at the loudest and ever loudest voice she ever did. Everyone became silent as nobody, and I mean nobody wanted to mess with the school's discipline mistress. "WHO!!!!!!" She shouted even louder and hands were raised up slowly. Exo too. She covered as her tears were about to stream down as she remembered the poor Ka In. "You are all cold hearted students, you have all disgraced this school. The students, follow me." She ordered coldly and everyone obeyed. 


"What did you do?" Mrs Lee asked sternly at the 17 students in front of her. They included exo , Ga Rin and her posses. 


"We laughed at Ka In when she confessed to Chanyeol then threw food at her...." Ga Rin's posse said in a flash. Mrs Lee glared at them and said," all of you, detention after school for 6 months!" She

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hana1992 #1
Chapter 3: Please I beg you make the sequel.....I want payback time to the 13 'friends'. I need story yo read during my maternity leave.....please
exotics99 #2
Chapter 3: sequellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll hahahaaha
Winterberry04 #3
Chapter 3: Yes, please make a sequel!!
f5sulli #4
Chapter 3: Yes please, I am really excited for a sequel, please make it long, and I really hope exo and the posse gang really repent s it, not sure if ailee is gonna be alive in the sequel or not but if she is, I hope she becomes really really cold and strong so when they approach her, they realize what they did, I almost cried, I've never cried over books, or movies and I was listening to sad songs which didn't help either

Thank ou for this story, It was a beautiful one shot
qistina16 #5
Chapter 2: Write a sequel pls....this story mke me cry...hihihi..good job authornim...
loverof88 #6
Chapter 3: Yess please
exoticsbabyz #7
Chapter 2: Sequel please... how about exo and garin accidentally met a girl who has a similar face and attitude with jung ka in.... i love your story