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Drive by theouternetisscary


Apr 12 | Part 5 of the Prologue is up! The Final Part up soon!

They say the streets are dangerous at night... they aren't kidding.
When the sun finally sets beyond the horizon and the streets begin to rest, the Underground comes to life.
The night is home to those who want to drive fast, for those who want to rule the asphalt, for those who want power. Anyone is welcome, but that doesn't mean anyone can make it.
The only ways to survive the night are having enough skill in driving, enough knowledge of your world and a team that can hold their own.
And that's what these girls have.
Yes, they're new to the racing scene in Seoul, but that doesn't mean they are inexperienced. They want to take the Underground by storm, and that means by taking on any team, one race at a time.

They go by the name of Team Misfit.
Maybe you've heard of them?



one — Subscribe before applying, if you aren't accepted then feel free to unsubscribe
two — If accepted, comment every two chapters so I know that you're keeping up. If you are accepted and then go on hiatus for a certain amount of time the PM me about it to let me know
three — No bashing of other applicants, characters or the story itself - let's keep this friendly :)
four — Read the cheatsheet carefully, it's your guide in applying
five — No plagiarising, this story is of my own creation. If you know of anyone who has taken either the entire plotline or elements of it then please let me know.
six — Be sure to check this homepage for any updates or notices that I post.
SEVEN — Enjoy the story... Please?

author's note


The name's Kat, hope you liked that little summary of the story. l created this fic- partially because I love street racing and partially because there needs to be more streetracing!AU in the world. With that being said, here's the final product. This is my first official fic on AFF so I hope you all support and enjoy it! :)


title: Remember the Name
artist: Fort Minor
Genre: Underground HipHop



title — Drive
author — theouternetisscary
genre — Street Racing AU Slight Angst
character — A Plethora of People and YOU
disclaimer — violence, vulagrity and down right badassery. I only own the story.
deadline — February 28

It's been a while and I'm sorry, but stuff has literally wrecked me lately. Expect an update on Saturday AEST! x


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Chapter 15: I know how hard depression can be and I hope that you are getting the help and treatment that you need because that is more important than anything else
Thank you for coming back and telling use about the rest of the story because its nice to know that in the end everyone is in their own sort of happily ever after.
There is one thing I was hoping and you don't have to agree but could you perhaps not deactivate your account? I like coming back and rereading Yilin's and everyone elses chapters because it really is written well.
its still your decision to make though
I wish you luck and I wish that maybe someday you will be back
Chapter 15: Ahh~ that sounds so good actually~
But yeah, I understand that authornim~ I hope everything goes well for you~^^ fighting~^^9
iisMoMo #3
Chapter 15: aww it sounds awesome but its nice reading that small snippet as if i've watched a movie and it was replaying the whole movie for me at the end. thank you. thank you for just coming back and letting us know. i've dealt with depression after a car accident and it really does . it took me about 2 years to get out of it without going for help just dealing it on my own at home and in my room. one day i woke up and was just like why am i living this way? my mother got really sick and then i realize she was suffering more then i was and decided to be happy because she said when her kids are happy she was happiest. when her kids were healthy she had the most strength. i smiled and became more happy because of my mother and mostly because i was so sick of feelings so lifeless, scared and down. just know you are in control of your happiness, you have the choice to smile or not, to laugh or not. i pray you stay positive and for you to get better sweetheart.
Chapter 15: i understand :(
and i really hope things will work out in the end for you!!!!!

seeing the condensed chapter of what was supposed
to be an awesome 50 chapter read makes me more sad :(
if u ever do comeback and revive drive, and i'm still around
i'd love to apply to it again! ^^

best wishes for the future :D
Hope you're doing alright!
I miss this story and I hope to see an update soon ^^
Chapter 13: Hey, you haven't forgotten bout this right? :(
iisMoMo #7
Hello, just a heads up i might be busy during ending month of May towards beginning June and will not be able to comment
if anything changes I'll comment again
Chapter 13: Diane is really an interesting character because really unless her korean improves she won't be able to communicate with all the team but I'm sure there are ways around that.
Good of yilin to step up to talk to her.
Fabian is like a cross between a boyfriend, an older brother and a parent. I like that he doesn't restrict him too much and I like how he still lets her make her own choices.
She will definaitly have fun learning with the team!
one more prologue to go! much excited! the team is shaping along nicely so I can't wait for all of them to come together!
Chapter 13: ooohhh i'm really liking diane hehe
love how shes sucha avdenturous, curious cat
it's cute LOL
though i'm pretty surprised that she'd let fabien refrain her when she didn't even let her parents
and fabien, as good looking as you aree, take a chill pill brother LOOL

oooh snap whose the dead team member tho
keeps reminding me of fast series
and btw, i've read your a/n
thank you for including them somewhere in there!! ^^
on another note, imma be watching fast 7 on thursday
so i'm hella pumped for it LOL
as well as for this story
Chapter 13: Woah~~ You explained the background simply amazing author nim~ Everything is better than I imagine~kkk And how the girls asking her~ Fabien, you need to chill down~kkk There's nothing I can say author nim~ You portrayed her perfectly~ don't worry~^^
Ahh~ one more prologue and the story starts~ can't wait for it~~ really excited~ hwaiting author nim~~^^
Oh, and may I request mblaq members? or maybe Lee Joon to be appear somewhere~kkk ^^v