Chapter 13

The City is Mine

It wasn’t a perfect plan, Ravi would have been the first to admit it. On the outside it probably lacked a certain amount of sense. But nobody was going to go around accusing him of being the most clever guy around either. The point was, it was working, well enough. And that was more than good enough for him. Even with Hongbin’s eyebrows quirking with the need to nitpick every time they both came home and talked through their days.


Taekwoon-ah (as the man had told Ravi to address him from then on) didn’t seem to be letting up on seeing either of them. And over a couple of days there seemed to be a sort of awkward rhythm that grew between all three of them. Lunchtimes had Taekwoon coming into the cafe, Ravi would take his break and they’d sit huddled together at the table in the back, and then he’d fill the silence with anything he could think of. Music was generally the primary topic of discussion and it had thrilled him down to his toes when it seemed like the other man had an interest in hearing him rap sometime. But then Ravi remembered that most of his raps were in battles and he wasn’t so sure Taekwoon would be so keen on hearing those particular tracks.


The only downside was having to keep from locking Hyuk into the store room every day because that kid could make such a nuisance of himself. Ravi could hear his chanting and so so obvious ‘ohhhhhh’s all the time from the register and it wouldn’t have surprised him in the least if he was eavesdropping somehow. But it was his own fault, Hyuk had been there every step of the way for the ‘Tall Double Shot Latte with Cat Eyes” saga.


Then in the afternoons, from what he’d been able to gather from Hongbin, the two of them would stay late at the theatre for a little while. Kissing, holding hands, sitting on a perch on the roof and watching the sun go down; Ravi didn’t miss the way Hongbin’s eyes would soften when talked about it. Sometimes the two of them would talk but a lot of the time it seemed like they enjoyed the companionable silence while Hongbin would snap photos of the city from their view.


And at the end of the day, when Hongbin and Ravi were home they’d talk about it. Because that’s what they’d always done about everything in their life. Ravi wasn’t even sure he’d have been able to keep it all to himself even if he’d tried. But despite the way Hongbin would roll his eyes at the plan, he never failed to ask him about their lunch dates, never stopped being Hongbin, so effortlessly wrapped up in Ravi’s life that he couldn’t have extricated him with a jackhammer. And he wouldn’t have wanted it another way.


He’d been worried, that Hongbin would pull back. His friend had been less thrilled with Ravi’s idea than he’d hoped for. But their silly little pinky promise held true, no hurt feelings, no hiding, at least about Taekwoon. It was almost funny. Ravi would have thought if there were any jealousy it would be over the fact that they were both pseudo-dating the same guy, but it wasn’t. That was solved by the plan.


No, it was weird, but a petty and small part of him was jealous of Taekwoon. After all, he got to kiss Hongbin all the time now, whereas Ravi had pretty much ed that up as much as he could. He told himself he should be happy that Taekwoon was someone that would kiss Hongbin when he wasn’t drunk, unlike himself, and he was happy for Hongbin, so happy. But after having a taste, it seemed to hurt more inside when he thought about it too much. So, he tried not to.


Ravi’s phone buzzed angrily at him, pulling him out of his own thoughts as he hunched on the bed in their tiny room, staring at his recently organized closet. He didn’t know where anything was anymore but it certainly looked nicer. Before looking he already knew what it was, the same thing it had been for the past day, ever since he’d told his group that he wouldn’t be at the gathering Friday night for the ‘battle of the year’ supposedly. The same who’d been calling him out for a little over a week.


still gonna ing out 2nite, u lil ? 2 scared? now every1’s gonna know what a ing fake u are. find a new life. after u no show tonight every1 will know that ur just a little no talent terrified !


“Yeah, whatever, ,” he tossed the phone aside under his pillow with a frown. The problem was, that wasn’t the only text he’d received, and they hadn’t all been from pricks like him. Friends asking him why he wasn’t going to come when he’d yet to miss a single showdown. For some reason, he didn’t think that saying he’d been invited to go see a musical’s opening night was going to earn him any credit with any of his underground peers. But it wasn’t going to ruin him, he hoped; he’d just work extra hard on his comeback for the next week and show them all just how Ravi threw down. It didn’t bother him, he told himself.


The outfit Hongbin had pulled out for him was hanging up. It was simple, well probably because it was the only thing he had like it. A crisp white shirt with a black vest and black trousers. Interview clothes, he thought with a laugh. His mother had sent them to him six months after they’d moved to the city and he hadn’t found a steady job yet, with a note reminding him to look after himself and she hoped these would help him look more presentable. He’d worn the outfit a total of maybe four times since then. Once had been for a date.


Hongbin popped his head into the room, hair wet and in his eyes from the shower with only a towel wrapped around his tiny little waist. Like was often the case living with the handsome bastard, Ravi wanted to weep a little. “Shower’s all yours, Wonsikie. I tried to be quick so there should be plenty of hot water left.” They’d had to play a hand game to decide who was going to get first go at the bathroom. In all their years living together, it was the first night they’d both been trying to get ready for a date simultaneously. Well, not a date really since they were both going alone, but going to see Taekwoon perform must have counted on some level.


Ravi took his clothes with him and showered quickly, opting to try and put some sort of hair product Hongbin kept into his pale blue mop to try and make it look less wild. The ‘just rolled out of bed’ look didn’t really go with the clothes or atmosphere for the evening. By the time he came out of the bathroom looking, what he considered, halfway respectable, Hongbin was already dressed and ready to go. Perfect hair swept back from his face and styled like one of those idols on TV. His suit fit him perfectly, broad in the shoulders and slimmed down to his skinny waist with narrow legged pants that sat just right on his hips. If Ravi’s mouth went a little dry at the sight of his handsome roommate, no one could blame him.


“Let’s go,” Hongbin grinned and it was so nice to see his face eating smiles had come back, dimples on full display before putting out his arm for Ravi to take. “We’re going to be the two most attractive guys on the subway tonight.” Well, it was half true, Ravi laughed and linked arms with his friend, glad to see they were okay, everyone would be looking at Hongbin though.


On one level, it felt weird that he was going to the same musical as Hongbin and not going with him. Sure, they were going to the theatre together, but the seat that Hakyeon had given Hongbin wasn’t anywhere near the seat Taekwoon had given him. Ravi felt a little bad that he’d ended up with a better spot somehow when it was Hongbin who loved the scene so much, but when he’d tried to trade tickets with him but Hongbin had refused.


The theatre was done up, sparkling in lights and with spotlights on the roof to announce it all. He’d had no idea that opening night was going to be such a big deal. It made him glad that Hongbin had been there to tell him to wear something nice. “It won’t be like this after tonight,” his friend whispered as they walked through the entrance into the grand lobby, “but tonight is supposed to be special.”


They quickly said ‘goodbye’ though, as Hongbin ran off with his camera bag tucked over his shoulder. Hakyeon had wanted a few shots of the opening night crowd and Hongbin hadn’t learned how to say ‘no’ to a single on of the manager’s requests. But to be fair, after meeting him once, Ravi could see why. Just getting pinned down by that smile and those eyes probably compelled people into agreeing to all sorts of things.


With nothing else to do, Ravi grabbed a copy of the program and made his way to his seat, kicking back in the soft cushioned chair while other people milled around in the aisles. Inside the little pamphlet were the products of Hongbin’s hard work, and Ravi couldn’t help but smile as he saw each page touched with his friend’s art. They’d pulled the original design of the program just so they could re-design it around Hongbin’s vision. All of the cast looked spectacular on their respective pages, and Taekwoon especially looked hot with his intense stare burning right into the camera, a glass of something dangling from his hand.


Others were slowly filling in the seats around him and he tried to sit up instead of slouching, attempting to look like he belonged. He was never going to live it down if he fell asleep. The lights turned down and he mentally knocked himself in the head, no sleeping Kim Wonsik.


It turned out to be easier not falling asleep than he’d thought it would be. The story of the musical trapped him from the onset and he found himself leaning forward with rapt attention. Taekwoon’s character was someone like him, well if he was a murderous gangster with no remorse, which he wasn’t but more like someone who came from nothing and wanted to make a name for himself… and well yes that’s where the similarities ended.


The first act began winding down at Ravi watched with bated breath as Taekwoon prowled the stage, decked out in a suit with a long jacket and tapping the barrel of his gun against his jaw. The police officer who had been on the take to his character sat bound and gagged in the center of the stage, a black eye coloring his face. It gave Ravi shivers just listening to the way Taekwoon’s sweet voice turned cold in his role as he strolled over to him.


“You knew how this was going to end the moment you made your choice,” the barrel of the gun pressed hard against the bound man’s temple. “You, of all people should have known, Officer Joonyong. How many times did you turn a blind eye to the bodies you helped bury? Do you really think I can’t find someone to do the same for yours?” Taekwoon gave a mirthless sort of laugh as the other man garbled something behind the gag. “No, I’m afraid we don’t have time for your rebuttal.” The music started picking up pace, the sound becoming intense like a frantic heartbeat.


“My only regret is that I won’t get to do this properly. A quick death seems too good for someone like you. And you know how I like to punish traitors.” Taekwoon stepped away a few paces before turning and leveling the gun at him again. “But you’ll serve your purpose to me in death. A warning to the others. Nobody crosses me. Goodbye Officer Joonyong, your services were appreciated.”


The music cut as the crack of the gun firing echoed in the theatre before gathering for one last crescendo as Taekwoon walked off stage smiling and the lights illuminating the stage cut. The curtains dropped and Ravi, who hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath, wheezed it out. Whatever kiddy musical his mom had taken him to as a child hadn’t been nearly as intense.


Everyone around him started stirring and he urged them to hurry and move. There was too much wound up energy in him from sitting and tensing during the dramatic moments. He needed to get up and move around, plus Taekwoon had mentioned that if he wanted, he could drop by his dressing room during intermission and given him a pass to get past the doors.


Part of him wanted to find Hongbin but he was supposed to be up in the balcony level, and would in all likelihood probably be taking more pictures for his project. Still, as he stretched his back out in the aisle he looked up to see if his friend could be spotted from there, but there was no sign of him.


Backstage was busy, people were running this way and that getting their hair and make up touched up or changing costumes. People were exercising their vocals and it just made a cacophony of sound and movement that seemed to almost breath with life. Ravi slipped his way through everyone before finding Taekwoon’s room. The door was ajar so he knocked against the frame before entering.


It was a mess, at least compared to the last time Ravi had seen it. Costume pieces were draped over the couch and counter, the closet was open and hangers were left bare or half dressed, several ties looked like they’d just been tossed in randomly. But there was no Taekwoon. Was he supposed to wait for him? It wouldn’t hurt to wait a couple of minutes, but somehow every minute that ticked by with him waiting made him feel smaller and smaller. Surely Taekwoon was really busy, but he continued sitting anyhow.


Another few minutes or so and the man himself finally walked in, hand already pulling his tie loose before his eyes spotted Ravi on the couch. “Ravi-yah,” what might have been an barely perceptible smile ticked across his face, he’d learned that those were normal Taekwoon smiles and he offered a bright one in return. “Did you wait?”


“Not long,” Ravi replied and Taekwoon just sighed sitting down at the counter to look at his face in the mirror. “You probably get this a lot,” Ravi already felt dumb saying it, “but you’re amazing, Taekwoon-ah. I was stuck on the edge of my seat the whole time.” The other man’s eyes widened a little before he set his face down on the counter, hiding it. A quiet sort of ‘shhh’ coming from him. “What? Really? You’re embarrassed?” Ravi’s grin grew wider, that was probably the most adorable thing he’d seen from the other man.


Taekwoon lifted his head, shaking it at him and waving his hands at Ravi like to cut him off. But Ravi could see an almost blush under the make up. “Ohhhh, even after all your fame, still so humble.” It was a new experience to watch how he tried to wave away the compliments before getting up to come sit next to him looking like he was going to die and/or smother Ravi to death.


“Ah, Leo-ssi!” A formidable looking woman with a make up kit swept in with an air of ‘don’t with me’, “you were supposed to be here five minutes ago! Where were you? Sit, over there, now please.” She wasn’t even looking toward him, just getting her brushes and kits set up on the counter. “Hurry!”


Ravi wasn’t about to argue with her. “I’ll head back to my seat.” He gave Taekwoon a thumbs up before abandoning him to the stylist’s clutches, the door clicking shut behind him. Someone bumped into him and shoved him back into the door.


“Sorry,” the manager, Hakyeon paused to apologize, eyes a little too wide, a kind of glossy look over them. “Oh, you’re Hongbinnie’s friend, right? What are you doing back here? You’re not supposed to be here.” Before Ravi had a chance to explain though, the man was already shaking his head, “You should get back to your seat.” He smiled but it was the absent sort, where your mouth makes the movement but your brain doesn’t.


By the time Ravi got back into the main theatre there seemed to be a buzz in the crowd. A sort of agitated state that was growing by the second. Intermission was running well over time and the audience was not happy. Was it something to do with what had Hakyeon so distracted?


It was another fifteen minutes before he heard someone calling his name, Hongbin stood in the aisle and beckoned for him to come over. “Ravi-yah,” he spoke low and pulled Ravi closer so that there was hardly any space between them. “I think something bad happened.” Warning chimes were sounding in the back of his head. “People up on the balcony said they saw police cars outside.”


“Manager Hakyeon seemed distracted when I went backstage earlier.” Ravi admitted quietly. Hongbin’s face registered surprise before raising an eyebrow to tell him to continue. “I went back to say hi to Taekwoon-ah.Aish, he gave me a pass to get back, I didn’t sneak in or anything, don’t give me that look. But he didn’t show for a while and then when he did he was in a rush so I excused myself. That’s when Manager Hakyeon ran into me and he seemed really stressed. He told me to come back to my seat and that was it.” Hongbin bit his lip and glanced around at the people stirring in their seats.


“Excuse me,” a voice through the speakers brought his attention to the stage, “may I please have everyone’s attention?” A uniformed officer stood before the curtain with a pick up mic in his hand, waiting for everyone to quiet down. “Good evening, my name is Officer Jung Jaehun with the Sangeu Police Department. It’s my unfortunate duty to inform you that the rest of tonight’s production has been cancelled.” An outcry among the crowd started but the man on stage just waited until people were silent again. “There’s been an incident and we’re asking that everyone give their full cooperation to the police. We ask that you all stay where you are for the time being until further instructions are provided. Thank you.” The moment he ended his speech people burst out with questions and demands but the officer was already leaving the stage.


“What do you think happened?” Hongbin asked but Ravi only shrugged. The white noise of the crowded audience grew louder as more officers started walking through the groups, talking to some people. “Was Taekwoon-ah alright when you saw him?” Worry tinged Hongbin’s voice.


“Yeah, he was fine last I saw,” but Ravi would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried too.


It was another half hour before anything happened besides the stress levels of everyone increasing. Slowly, they’d been letting some of the audience that had been spoken with leave, but that was just getting the rest riled up more. No word had been given on what had actually occurred though.


“Excuse me, are you Kim Wonsik?” The same officer that had been on stage, Officer Jung, walked up to him and Hongbin.


“Er, yeah, that’s me.” The back of his neck was sweating just from the way the guy had worded his question.


“I need you to come with me,” the officer reached out take his wrist and a cold sweat slipped down his spine.


“Where?” Hongbin asked, eyes narrowed and brow furrowed. No one else had been taken somewhere private for their questioning.


“Down to the department,” Ravi blanched, panic bubbling up his throat. The department? As in the Police Department? As in why the hell would he need to go there? “We have some questions we need to ask you in private.”


His throat had gone dry and he could feel himself beginning to shake. “Why? What’s wrong with here? Is he under arrest?” Hongbin’s face was growing red with anger toward the man.


“No, we just need to have him answer some questions.” The officer repeated and Ravi reached out for Hongbin’s hand, squeezing it tightly before his friend could go on the defensive again.


“Hongbin-ah, it’s okay.” It wasn’t okay, he didn’t want to go. “I’ll go.” He nodded toward the officer and gave one more look toward his friend. Hongbin’s face nearly broke his heart, anger melting into miserable concern and worry. “Don’t worry Bin-ah. It’s just some questions right?” But he didn’t feel confident at all that it would be just some questions. Tears pricked the corners of Hongbin’s eyes and Ravi wanted to die inside. “It’s going to be okay.” But was it?

A/N: Uh oh >> Wha's gonna happen to poor Ravi? Also, just as a sort of general disclaimer for the next chapter, I know exactly jack about most police proceedures. The most I've got is reading detective novels, so please bear with me and excuse the probably mountain of I get wrong about it.
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CiM // Thank you everyone, for taking this trip with me. I'm sad to see it end, but happy at the same time.


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Chapter 31: it's already 2018 and only you wrote the best wontaekbin :( it's sad for the wontaekbin fans community but an honour for you ofc hehe. I still come back once in a while to read this. last year had been hectic so I don't have much time going over the chapter I've bookmarked from this story and the story entirely. now that I'm on my semester break and finally have some time off to read some fics and lose my sleep, I'm glad I can read this again hehe. the dynamics between wontaekbin is how do i put it? enthralling and endearing i must say. they fit together perfectly and not to mention three people in a relationship isn't easy to write but you made it happen. none of them are neglected and its so obvious the love they had for each other is the same amount. i just love them so so much. I wish i could read more about them for you. thank you for writing this story!
Chapter 24: LoL investigation squad alpha ..... omaigatttt its getting interesting.... bhuahahahahahahah
Artemisx #3
Wonderful story! thanks for the ride. It was captivating. Well done!
Chapter 31: i read it back in 2015 just few chapters then i was like " ill stop till it's finished " and here i am . i forgot about it tbvh but i at least got back eventually. and im so happpy that i did ! the story is amazing ! loved how you mixed their love with crime plot and i aloso loved the brooding atmosphere,
it was very well written indeed and kept me gripped to the end.
you shouldn't thank us . its us who should thank you for taking from you time to write . so thank you
hugbin #5
Chapter 31: aAAHH tamara!! i finished this last night and it was so late i just didn't have the strength to comment D: but this fic made me stay up late a few days this past week because i just Couldn't Stop reading. i hate finishing long fic because then i really miss the characters and the atmosphere and i'm just sitting here pouting because WHAT AM I GONNA READ NOW :((( sigh.

i loved how wontaekbin fell together so naturally, how it just Happened and it felt right for all of them equally. that's something that's always a little tricky with ot3's because you don't want it to feel forced, or that one of them is dragged into a relationship he wasn't really considering in the first place. but here, with rabin loving each other for literally their whole lives (how dumb are they, really) and then falling for the same guy without even knowing at first, it was perfect. and i love how taekwoon was just like yeah i like them both, so i'll have them both. i approve ahskfj

the plot and all the twists made me gasp so many times omg it made me really glad that i didn't read this as a wip because i would've just ripped my hair off. the Stress!! you handled the intrigue so well i'm really impressed, i came here for ot3 and got a really complex and well thought out story and i Loved it!
elcise #6
Chapter 31: wow, this is brilliantly written and so well thought out! i'm so glad i chanced upon it, and even if i'm a bit late: congratulations on completing it! it's a big achievement and you should defintely be proud of yourself (especially because you didnt Just complete something - you completed something fantastic! :P)
hime-chan #7
Chapter 31: I am so madly in love with the universe you created, no matter how tragic the murder was. The character relationship development was incredible! And I really love the OT3.
Chapter 31: Woah!!! I've finished in just hours. It was really awesome! The way the story unfolded was amazing. And with all due credit to Sherlock Hyuk. Hehe. Tho, I found it a little weird regarding the OT3. Could you truly love two persons at a time? Was there someone who love more or been loved more? Well, this is a fic. So, I'll just have to imagine they'll live happily ever after. And I'm very happy it ended all well.
Chapter 26: Taek said "ILY" first to Hongbin!! Why am I sad?? I was hoping he'd said it to Ravi first. Ugh.