The Prince of The Desert


He stares at him

He can't take his eyes off him

Adores him as if he is the most beautiful creature in the world

Finally he realizes,

He just meets the Prince of the Desert

And he wants him





Lee Hyukjae might be young but he is the most succesful general in Han. He becomes a general since he was 18 years old and has never lost a single battle. The emperor favors him but not many people like him. The reason is because of his character. He is too arrogant to be likeable. Too selfish to be friends with. And he is too cocky to have a conversation with. He likes challenges and now he meets the biggest challenge in his life and that is winning Lee Donghae's heart.


Hyukjae cannot believe that he just got lost in the desert. With his experience on battles, the desert still manages to fool him. His water supplies are getting thinner and thinner and he realizes if he couldn't get out of this desert tomorrow then he and his men will be doomed. As his hope starts to fade away, he sees a figure on the top of the hill. That person wears a blue satin clothes that shines brightly under the sun. As he walks closer to that figures, he finally can see his face. Hyukjae stops on his track, surprising his men. Hyukjae is stunned because that person's face is so beautiful like an angel. Hyukjae almost certain that he is dying since an angel is already here to take him if it's not for his conscience reminding him that a person like him won't have an angel to take him to heaven. Hell, he knows he doesn't deserve heaven. Suddenly Hyukjae hears the most beautiful voice he has ever heard.

"Do you guys need help?"


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xulikilla_elf #1
Chapter 1: Seems interesting!! Donghae with wolves?? Looking forward for the next update, I want to see Hyuk ;)