The Struggle

Kidnapping Ms Perfect

Elana's POV: "Wake up." A muffled voice said from above me. I grunted as something kicked me violently in the side, making my eyes jerk open. I slowly lifted my hand to shield streams of sunlight that rested ony my face. I rubbed my aching side before sitting up slowly, my long black hair hanging in my face slightly. What the, where am I? I squinted my eyes and looked around, the sound of busy maids vaccuming replaced with loud tweeting from near by birds. Huge thick trees was saluted around me, and I could feel the cool earth underneath my hand. I jumped as a shadow fell over me, making me look up. Kai was standing on a tree branch, balancing perfectly. "Were getting ready to head out. You better not give us trouble today." He scolded, his light blue eyes narrowed in a intense glare. I returned it before standing up and wiping dirt off my white dress. The long chain that connected us to each other drooped on my wrist, making me sigh. Well, there's no use in trying to get free. The others were resting against each other, looking smug. "Best friend, your awake!" The voice of Sanduel said. I stumbled slightly as he leaped up and flung himself onto me. I could feel his arms hug me tightly, resting his head against my back. "No hugging the prisoner." Kai said before pointing a silver gun at us. We both went wide eyed, and Kai shot the gun, the bullet hitting the ground a foot in front of us. Sanduel screamed before leaping backwards sharply. The others began to stir at the sound of the gun being fired. "Trouble?" Yoseob said, leaping up before stumbling clumsily over his own feet and falling. "No, but these two sure are causing it." Kai said before glaring at me. I stuck my tongue out at him, in a childish manner. I grunted in pain as he through a thick twig at me sharply.

                            "I can't hear you, I'm sleeping." Aron groaned, facing the oppisite direction of Kai. I couldn't help but laugh, making Kai look at me sharply. He leaped down from the tree, making dust go up around his feet. He rolled his eyes and twirled his gun in his hand. He shot the ground around them, just barely missing. They all leaped up sharply, their screams of fear muffled by the sound of the gun shots. "Ok, where up!" V said, ducking sharply. Kai smirked with amusement before puting the gun in his back pocket. "Man, what a wake up call..." Baekhyun whined, rubbing his barely opened eyes. Mika was standing silently beside Baro who kept falling asleep standing up. "Can we at least get some breakfeast?" Jackson said glaring through his messy hair. "Are you stupid? Do you really think they'll give food to us? Yeah don't mind the guns, it's part of our charity." Aron said rolling his eyes. Kai sighed before taking the lead through the dense woods, leaving us behind. I grunted as it made me stumble foreword to. "How much longer do I have to be chained up to this idiot?" I asked angerily, trudging my feet as I walked after him. "Until you both get along." Yoseob said yawning loudly from beside me. I crossed my arms angerily, not liking the sound of that. I could be getting ready to go shopping, getting my work done for me.. "But no! Here I am in the woods with gangsters!" I blurted out loud meaning to say it in my head. "Well, sorry 'princess' but your not leaving." Kai said, saying princess sarcasitcally. "Ohh.. I should just punch you in your pretty boy face." I growled raising my fist.

                                    "Do it." He said before shoving me violently, making me stumble into some thick bushes along our path. "No don't, she could break something." Yoseob said softly from beside me. "It shouldn't matter. Her face is already broken." He said mumbling slightly to himself. "Oh that's it!" I shouted before raising my fist and puting it full speed towards his shoulder. I gasped as it connected, but pain shot down my knuckles. I screamed in pain before shaking my wrist widely. Kai just moved his shoulder slightly, not showing any reaction to it. "Sh, where nearly in town." V said pulling me towards him, slapping his hand over my mouth. I peaked through some bushes to see some people walking along a side walk, and cars zooming by gleaming in the blinding sunlight. "Great, how are we going to get through?" Baro asked, his gaze resting on a police car in the distance. "We need to blend in." Baekhyun said looking at all of us. While we all was talking, Kai dashed foreword, making me fly after him. I struggled to keep up, as we both dashed across the dark road. He leaped across a hood of a jeep, sliding across it like a pro. I went wide eyed and struggled to stop, but it was to late. I screamed as I collided into the side, doing a complete tumble over it. I landed on the ground with a painful thud, and my body ached all over. "Stop goofing off." Kai said before yanking me onto the side walk. The others ran towards us quickly, glaring.  "What the hell was that?" Yoseob scolded glaring at Kai. He looked at me, light worry gleaming in his eyes. I could feel warm blood trickling down my face. "Ouch."

                                       "We need a disguise." Sanduel said a imaginary beard. I looked around, the sound of honking cars feeling my ears. I went wide eyed as I saw a huge group of school girls walking together. They was wearing white and black uniforms, and I pointed at them. "Oh hell no." Kai blurted out before glaring at me sharply. "There's no time." Yoseob said before dashing foreword, the others following him. They moved quickly and quietly, running over the hood of cars. "You set a bad example." I whispered, glaring at Kai. I saw the girls disppear when I looked foreword again, and there was a loud whistling sound. "That's our que." Kai said before dashing foreword, ignoring my protest. He dodged the cars, the force of them passing making his hair go all crazy. I sighed with relief as we both reached the white side walk. They were all in a alleway, puddles everywhere making  my dirty shoe sink into one. The others was each holding a school uniform, and they smiled triumphantly. The girls was huddled in the corner, covering their bodies with tears in their eyes. I felt sympathy flood through me, and I sighed and let my head hang down. "You really think were that heartless ?" The voice of Yoseob said from beside me. I looked over to see the boys stripping down, making my face turn three shades of red. "Yes!" I squealed, slapping my hand over my eyes. I peaked through my fingers to see the boys handing them their clothes, and changing into the girls uniforms. "I can't believe this." Kai grumbled looking at the boys that was now wearing the uniforms. "We look fabulous!" 

                                    Mika's POV: I watched the girls hesitantly take the boys clothes, looking at them with slight uncertainty in their eyes. I glanced over to see Elana staring at Kai. He was shirtless, mumbling to himself. His scars was visible, and I felt my face turn red to. "If you stare at me any longer, I think my head will explode." Kai said as he finished changing. Yoseob was looking down at the uniform, with a slight amused expression. Baekhyun twirled around, doing a cutesy pose. "I'm the most cutest school girl ever!" He squealed before smiling. We all casually strolled out, ignoring the weird looks we got from everyone else. "Wow, Mika is rocking the outfit. " V whispered, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear. I struggled to force myself to look foreword, not wanting them to know I heard. "This skirt is way to small." Kai complained, pulling down on it slightly. "You look so cute." Elana teased, pinching his cheek making him shove her violently. "Ice cream!" Baekhyun shouted suddenly, stopping in front of a shop. We all stopped, gasping in awe and longing. "No." Kai said not slowing down, swerving around people. "Please, we've never had it.." Sandeul whined, pressing his face against the glass. "You've never had ice cream?" I questioned, going wide eyed. "We never have time just to sit down and have fun." Aron said looking in the mirror at his reflection. Slight sympathy stabed my chest, and I looked down. It must be awful, always having to be on the run. "Don't feel bad for us. We don't need your pity." Aron said before bumping shoulders with me as he walked past me. I sighed softly. 

                                    "Come on, let's convince that big meany to let us eat some ice cream!" Baekhyun said locking his arms with mine. I blushed heavily, not knowing what to say. "You will feed me it to." He said before giving me a puppy dog face. I blinked in confusion as Kai suddenly shoved us all inside the shop, not saying anything else as he looked over his shoulder. Sanduel cheered loudly, throwing his hands in the air. "Ice cream!" Him and Baekhyun both shouted at the same time. "Great." Kai said rolling his eyes in slight annoyance. I looked around at the colorful scenery, the small of chocolate and caramel made my mouth water. The tile floor looked like gameboard spots, colorful and bright. The booths was the same way, and it felt warm and cozy. "How may I help you ladies?" A kind voice said from behind us. We all turned around, to see a middle aged man standing in front of us. "We'd like some ice cream!" Baro said with a smile, making Jackson clamp his hand over his mouth. The man was wearing a bright blue uniform, with long black dress pants. He was wearing a gum drop hat as well, and he went wide eyed. "Y-Yes.." He stammered as his eyes rested on Kai. Elana covered with her hand, trying not to laugh. Once the boy scampered off, we all scooted into the booth near the window. "He likes you Kai." Yoseob laughed, playfully nudging his brother. Kai rested his chin in the palm of his hand, raising a eyebrow. I looked around at them all, liking the thought of them all easing up a little bit. "I can't wait to try it." V said, excitement gleaming in his eyes. "Now. I have returned." 

                                       The boy said, before he took our orders. "And must I say, I have never seen someone as beautiful as you." The boy said, fixing his short dirty blonde hair that was all crazy from him working. Kai went wide eyed, before akwardly clearing his throat. "Well, aren't you a sweet heart." He said doing a girly voice. The boy blushed heavily before walking off. Everyone laughed, looking at Kai who looked down shyly. "Wow, that was great!" Elana said, playfully hitting his shoulder. I expected a mean glare, before he just looked at her. I swear that I could make out a small smile. I looked at the boys as they pounded on the table, starting to chant ice cream. Elana joined in, smiling slightly as she glanced at the others. We all cheered making the other fellow workers look at us. Different types of ice creams was layed out in front of us. They all observed it, poking it with their spoons. "What are we supposed to do now?" Aron said, glancing at me in slight confusion. Elana picked up her chocolate ice cream cone, before it. The boys watched her, before slowly doing the same. "Try some." She said, before holding it in front of Kai. He looked at it, before shaking his head. "You might have diseases." He mumbled flatly. Yoseob smiled before resting his hand on hers as he the icecream cone. She blushed slightly as he smiled approvingly. "You guys have to try this." He said before laughing and taking more . "It's good." Jackson said, before taking a bite of banana split. "Feed me." Baekhyun declared, spinning around to face me. I smiled and held the ice cream cone for him. "Here."

                                "Hey!" Yoseob gasped, making me look over. Chocolate ice cream was smeared on his nose, making Elana giggle. Kai watched, as if he was actually wanting to try it. They both took turns puting ice cream on each other, laughing. "Maybe I'll have one bite." Kai mumbled half to himself, making Sanduel smile. "It's really good." He said resting his arm on Kai's shoulder. He took a huge bite, making my do a facepalm. He gasped, before closing his eyes tightly. "Ah, it hurts!" He wailed, making Elana laugh. "Your not supposed to bite it, dork." She said shaking her head. He frowned, before looking at the ice cream. "May we share this chocolate milkshake together?" The boy asked, standing next to our booth. He was holding it in his hand, the whip cream made into a heart shape. "I'm sorry, I already have a boyfriend." Kai said, smilng innocently. Yoseob coughed loudly, hearing his brother say that. The boy sighed trudgingly, and started rambling on about how he will never forget about Kai. I felt my gaze slip past them, and rest outside. Huge cop cars were parked outside, and I squinted as a familiar figure caught my view. Father? I felt slight hope spark inside my chest, and I looked at Elana who had ice scream all over her face. I kicked her hard, making the whole table jerk. She gave me a scornful questioning look, and I jerked my head in the direction our father was. "Ha, well... The kings in town." Kai said slowly, looking too. Everyone frowned slightly, as he stood up. "Time to go." Aron said as everyone graudally rose. We need a distraction, some type of decoy. "What! Dont leave me!"

                                     Kai's POV: This dude is really pissing me off. I clenched my teeth, and struggled to keep my anger undercontrol. Idioits like him make me glad that I don't have to deal with them. I punched him  hard in the face as his face sped towards mine, pressing his thick lips against mine. I stood there slightly stunned, and as my fist connected with his feet, he crashed on the ground hard. "I'm a dude retard!" I shouted angerily before running out of the shop. I skitted to a halt as a bullet hit the ground inches in front of my feet. "There's my daughter!" The king shouted from further away, some soldiers and cops by his side. "Come on guys!" I yelled over my shoulder, giving the long handcuffs a violent tug. He wants his daughters so bad, he better come and get them with all he has. I jogged across the road, dodging some bullets that zoomed past me. "Kai, we have to slow down!" Elana shouted, stumbling over her feet clumsily, skirting to a halt in front of cars. I grinnded my teeth before running back and scooping her up in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck, locking her hands together. I ran across, the sound of the guns firing echoing in my ears. I ran towards a black mustang at full speed, running up the back of it. I stood on top of it, carefully keeping my balance. "Listen to me carefully." I said before knealing down and opening the drivers door, making a women scream and flail her arms as I shoved her out of it. She skirted the road violently, and I gentle placed Elana in the drivers seat as the car curved violently making me stumbled. "Keep the car steady, leave the rest to me." 

                         I heard her call out my name, and I ignored it as I pulled out my silver guns. Because of this messed up city, I have to wear a uniform... and freaking deal with these two brats. I could see the cops gaining on us, sounding their alarm that started to make cars swurve out of the cops way. I glanced around to see my friends on the hoods of other cars. They fired their guns quickly, before doing fancy flips to avoid the ones that they fired. I prepared to dodge a bullet that sped towards me, and I did a perfect flip over it, barely avoiding it. I closed one eye and aimed it at the back wheel of the cop car, and shot it. The car screeched loudly and I could hear the men screaming loudly as they lost control. "Princess, you can slow down." I said before knocking on the top of the car. Pain exploded in my shoulder, making me stumble backwards. I looked down to see a fresh wound on my shoulder, and I shot angerily at a new cop car that appeared. My shhoulder ached with protest, and I could feel the warm blood trickling down it. Focus, Kai. You've delt with way worse. I could see a black car pulling up out of the corner of my eye, edging closer and closer. ! I went wide eyed as the passenger door openeed, making Elana swurve widely. "Kai!" My brother yelled, shooting soldiers that streamed the sidewalks, shouting. I leaned near the edge, and hit the guy that was grabbing Elana with the back of my silver gun. His black skii mask made it hard to see the small smirk that spread across his wrinkled covered face. "Kai, what are you doing?!" Elana shouted, struggling to keep the car steady. Last chance.

                                 I aimed my gun at at the front tire of the mans care, resting one foot on both cars. I could hear the loud pop of the tire, and I screamed in pain as the man shot my leg quickly, just before the cars seperated. I could see the ground speeding towards me, and I second later my body was tooken over with pain as I tumbled down the dark road. I layed there for a moment, not wanting to move at all. Not the smartest move I've made... But at least everyone else is safe. If the princess was dead, the whole state would hunt us down. I forced myself to stand up, blood trickling down my face quickly. I swayed, trying not to put to much weight on my leg. "Kai!" A voice yelled, followed by other footsteps following. I could make out the faces of Aron and Yoseob, with the others behind him. He wrapped one of my arms around his neck, while Baro took the other side. I let my feet drag limply behind me, my body not wanting to move. "What even happened?" V said before looking at me worriedly. "He was trying to get the man off of me." Elana said looking down at the cuff that was around her wrist, but not the chain. Wow, that must have broke.. Along with tons of other bones in my body. "Wow, are you ok?" A unfamiliar voice asked softly, making me look up. A young looking women was standing in front of us, wearing a long white fur jacket with a hoodie on under it. Her long black hair rested on it, and I struggled to make out her face. "Please, help." I heard Elana say, stepping foreword. The lady beckoned for us to follow her, with a flick of her wrist. Elana gentle rested her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry..." 

                              I glared, and I felt blood trickle down and into my eye making me close it. "Don't touch me." I growled. The lady honked her horn, and I was glad that it was a van. Everyone helped put me in the back seat carefully. "Hopsital?" The lady asked, puting her long white coat in the passenger seat. "No." All my gang memembers said at the same time, making her jump. We've stolen stuff from there so many times.. Everyone sat on the empty gray floor board, no sign of trash anywhere. The lady mumbled to herself, glancing in the review mirror at us. "He was like a ninja assassain." Sanduel said before doing a pose. I closed my eyes for a moment, making everyone nudge me. "Keep him awake." The lady instructed. Elana was sitting further away from everyone, looking out the window. It's not her fault. I'm the one who banged myself up. Maybe I was a little harsh.. Crap, I got to work on that. A few moments later of the movement of the car, it came to a stop and I could hear both of the doors opening. "Wow! Your house is amazing!" Yoseob gasped. Everyone helped me out, and I went wide eyed. She had a two story house, with a wide bright green front yard and a swimming pool in the back. "Follow me." The lady said making everyone walk faster. "I'll help treat his cuts and wounds." Elana said as we walked up the white creaking porch. Inside, it was just as nice with leather furniture and animal mats and huge rooms. "Wow..." I said without thinking. Baro and Jackson both set me on the black leather coach, making me sigh with pure relief as my body relaxed. "I'll get the medicine. Sit." 

                                            Elana's POV: "Are you sure it's safe to be here?" V mumbled, looking around. "I'm not leaving my brother." Yoseob said, his voice rising a little bit. Kai spit blood out of his mouth, before sighing slightly. "I'm fine." He said even though more blood oozed out of his shoulder wound. I feel awful.. He techqniqually just saved my life. If they wanted to kill us, they could have already easily. The same women walked down staires with a huge bowl of water and other helpful stuff in her hands. "You kids are reckless. Where are your parents?" She questioned before sitting on the white carpet like we was. She paused and her light eyes went wide eyed as she saw the guns. Yoseob reached for one, giving her a warning glare. "Please, we just need some help, we mean no harm." I said, gentle  touching her shoulder. The women sighed loudly, running her fingers through her long dark brown hair. "I'm Sophie." She said after a long pause. I grabbed the huge bowl filled with water, before dabbing the white cloth in it. "Shirt off." Sohpie instructed Kai who was staring at the ceiling. He sighed before rolling his eyes and obeying. "It's kind of cute, having your girlfriend taking care of your boo boo." She said before resting her chin in the palms of her hands while leaning foreword. All of the others laughed loudly, leaninging on each other. "If they got together, I'd die." Jackson said before puting his hat on sideways. "She's not my girlfriend." He spat. I felt my face turn three shades of red as he exposed his nice body again. "She seems to like you. Her red face giving everything away." Sophie said smiling huge.

                           I went wide eyed as all eyes rested on me, including Kai's. "Don't make me laugh. I would never like this self centered, reckless pretty boy." I stammered, pressing the cloth against his shoulder wound, making him wince. "Ha, don't lie. I know you have the hots for him." Yoseob commented, making me almost spill the huge bowl of water. "In her dreams." Kai said sounding alot more relaxed. Sohpie just watched me treat his wounds, in slight amusements. "What are your names, anyway?" She questioned as we all gradually fell quiet, the only sound was the clicking of their guns being reloaded. "We don't give out our names."  Aron said before puting his black gun on his lap. Sophie looked slightly surprised as she furrowed her eyesbrows together. "No parents and no giving names." She mumbled slightly. I never actually asked them about their parents, let alone their families... They all moved closer together, as if they was afraid Sophie would make them be tooken away from each other. "What's wrong, sis?" Mika's voice asked softly, making me jump slightly. "Yeah, you spaced out." Kai commented, making me finish patching up his last wound. "Nothing, I'm just thinking." I said softly before handing Sophie the bloody equipment. "Those boys are as stubborn and closed up as a rusty gate." She said her voice growing distant as she walked around the corners and back up staires. "What if were wrong." I said suddenly. Are we, or not..  The only major threat I'm seeing is the kingdom. They only break the law, cause death if they are being threatened first. "Are you hurt? Are you ok?" Sanduel said. 

                                 "I'm fine." I said, not being able to finish what I was saying to Mika. "No your not." Yoseob said before sitting in front of me. I went to object but grabbed the cloth that must have been left just in case someone else needed it. I winced as he leaned foreword and pressed it against my forehead. I felt my face race as he scooted closer, to see better. "You must have hit your head on the steering wheel. You must do that alot, so it makes you stubborn." He joked before giving a half smile. I've never really seen him or Kai smile... No wonder their brothers. Kai's the more locked up and snappy one, but Yoseob is different. He has a nice side to him. "Why are you staring at me?" He questioned, pulling away from me. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, feeling my heart pound in pure embarrassment. "If you are worried about him, he'll be ok." He said giving a reassuring smile. Everyone was already starting to fall asleep, using each other as arm rests. "You better get some sleep to." Yoseob said before playfully punching my shoulder. My only response was a simple smile. He held up his finger, to signal for me to stop. He slowly took off his black leather jacket. "Here, you might get cold." He said making me slowly take it. Wow, it feels warm.. I glanced up to see the others looking at us both. They give smug thug thumbs up and made hearts with their hands. I rolled my eyes, and I gulped heavily. "Goodnight princess." He said. I struggled to put my words together. "Good night." I said and he slowly walked over to the others, snuggling up against Sanduel. "Wow, He was a major gentlemen." 

                                     Sophie said from her kitchen. I glanced back to see her seeing in the door way, watching in amusement. I stood up slowly, making sure to step lightly and not wake the others. Kai was already asleep, his gun still resting in his hand. She led the way to her long kitchen table, that looked like it was fit for royalty. She smiled and sat beside me in one of the white wooden chairs. It scraped gentle along the black and white tile floor, and the rest of it looked expensive and fancy. "Tell me, Why are you really with them?" She questioned, making me look up sharply. I felt captivated by her light brown eyes, and she rested her hand over , her arm turned to the side slightly as she rested it on the table. "They uh.." I began not knowing to say. I fidgeted nervously with the white table cloth, and looked around for my sister. She was sound asleep, between Aron and Baekhyun. "A princess shouldn't be out here." She said once more, making me look up at her. Her gaze softened, and she gentle rested her hands on mine. "Are you afraid they'll hurt you?" She questioned making me shudder. Not anymore, they could have done that easily. "I'm afraid of people hurting them. Their like a family, and if they haven't done anything... They shouldn't be punished." I said before looking down. She was quiet and she just sighed softly. "I guess I won't be calling the kingdom then." She said before taking her hand off her cellphone that rested under her hand. I dipped my head thankfully to her, before standing up and making my way towards the other. "I'm Elana." I said, not looking back at her. 

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tiabarty #1
great! can't wait to read more..
Yoona story right ?? Wohoo cant wait to read this story plzzzz