Love is Enough, my Minjung

Love is Enough

Love is Enough

Hesitant fingers reached out for the pregnancy test that would decide their fate. Quivering lips were visible as the result was revealed.


Minjung threw the dreaded white rectangular stick across the bathroom and silently cried at the corner. Pulling her knees near her chest, she continued to weep and feel sorry for herself and for Onew. They had been married for a while now and yet, no sign of Minjung getting pregnant. Onew says that he's not frustrated but Minjung knows that her in-laws are upset and frautrated about not having grandchildren from their first born son yet.

The door clicked open and she immediately wiped her tears away in an attempt to hide the result to her husband. Onew's head came poking in the bathroom door with an expectant smile on his face.

"What's the result, Minjung-ah?" said Onew, getting in the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

Minjung forced herself to flash a small smile as he slowly shook her head no. She saw the way Onew's smile faltered a little at the news. But nontheless, he was still offering a comforting smile for Minjung.

"It's okay. We can still wait for your next ovulation. We can always try, Minjungie~" said Onew.

"I'm sorry I can't give you a proper family, Onew," apologized Minjung.

Onew shook his head and pulled his wife close in a tight hug. Smoothing her back, Onew can feel the stress that Minjung's carrying in her heart. They had been so busy trying to get her pregnant that they forgot the essense of simply just making love.

Onew's parents aren't helping at all. They constantly visit Minjung and nag about her needing to hurry because they aren't getting any younger. They annoyingly forced her into a diet that's supposedly to make you fertile. Enrolled her in a yoga class and even made her go on a vacation from work so she can relax.

Nothing worked. They strategized their love making, did it on a scheduled basis and all. But still, no baby for them. Onew tried to tell his parents that Minjung's still young and can still get pregnant later on. But the old people won't lay off. They just can't leave Onew and Minjung alone.

"You don't have to. At least, not now. We're still young. We have all the time in the world to produce little Minjungs and little Onews~" said Onew.

A sigh came from the younger before her voice flowed out stressfully.

"But your umma and appa want a grandchild by the end of the year," she said.

"Aish, Minjung-ah, don't stress yourself. The more you stress about it, the more you won't get it. Just let them, they won't eat you. They have Gwiboon's child to coo over," Obew muttered against Minjung's hair.

"I'm not just worried about them. I...I'm also worried about us. Wh-what if you get tired of me? What if you won't love me anymore because I can't give you children? I don't want you to go looking for someone else," said Minjung.

Onew frowned slightly at the stupid thought.

"Yah, Minjung, do you really think of me that lowly? I would never ever leave you. Even if you can't give me children, love is enough to hold us together. Don't pressure yourself too much~"

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Chapter 1: This is just love and pure fluff ♥♥♥♥♥
agito_kanon9 #2
omo i really like onho! het but i still love 2min! het but i both love them! <3