The Happiest Girl On Earth (pt.1) - TaengSic

Beneath The Sheets - my oneshot collection

Published:  Mar 17, 2014

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In a bid to get Taeyeon and Jessica to reconcile their differences, management gives them an extra day in Japan ... alone together ... and passes to the happiest place on earth ... Tokyo Disneyland! SM hopes that the two will enjoy a day of fun, laughter, and rekindling of their once close friendship. And that this will translate into an easing of onstage tensions. Anything can happen in the Magic Kingdom when you wish upon a star ...




Life had been anything but happy for Jessica in recent times. She was caught up in and torn apart by the often harsh treatment she got from Taeyeon. The pair had succumbed to the pain and awkwardness of a close friendship going awry. As hard as they tried, they simply could not get along, and their animosity grew the more Tae hung out with Tiffany. It was getting increasingly difficult to disguise and divert attention from their avoidance of each other. Sones had started talking online, and once that kind of gossip starts, it can explode.

On a recent promotion in Japan, it was the brilliant idea of management to gently ease these two distant former friends into an unavoidable bonding session in one of their mutually adored locations. An amusement park, more specifically, Tokyo Disney Land. The plan was to send the remaining seven members on a flight back to Korea while Tae and Jessica remained in Japan for one extra day, with accommodation at the park’s Hotel. Initially the pair were apprehensive about spending the day together, but since days off were rare, they were each separately looking forward to a fun day out regardless. And of course it was in the back of their minds that this was about reconnecting, both painfully aware of how they’d lost touch over the years. What they didn’t know, was how much the other really wanted to rekindle their closeness.

The nine girls packed their bags and got ready to go their separate ways, exchanging goodbyes before getting into different vehicles and heading in opposite directions. It was certainly an unusual occurrence to arrive as one, and leave divided, but it was for the greater good of the group. When the big bus left, carrying what the waiting photographers thought was all nine girls, an ordinary car headed out a different exit with Tae and Jess on board. And although they sat together in back, the journey to Tokyo Disney Resort was awkwardly silent. The driver let the girls and their manager out at the reception area. Their room was ready, and their luggage was whisked away while the manager signed documents. He would be staying in his own room across the hall in case he was needed for any reason.

Once inside their room, Tae was quick to claim the best bed, the one furthest from the bathroom. She kicked off her shoes and hopped up on the bed, jumping on it like a trampoline. Jessica couldn’t help but laugh at her, “aigoo, such a kid” she commented, suddenly getting a pillow thrown at her back as she sat down on her bed. “Yahh!!!” Jess yelled, turning around to find Tae giving her merong. Jess tossed the pillow back at Tae’s feet, her aim absolutely terrible, causing Tae to burst out in her famous ahjumma laugh. A knock on the door put an end to the fun, Jessica opening it to let their manager in. Tae had sat down on Jessi’s bed with an innocent look on her face, Jessi taking a seat beside her.

“Okay, here are your tickets, and two Fastpasses to get onto the rides quicker” the manager informed them, handing over both items. “Now I want you to both stay together, and call me if you can’t walk around freely because you’re being recognised, or if you feel unsafe at all” he instructed, the girls nodding in agreement. “And you must be back before the fireworks show starts. I don’t want to risk you getting into trouble when the crowd will all be trying to exit at the same time” the manager wisely spoke. “But the fireworks are the best part!” Tae whined, annoyed at the curfew. “Be thankful you’re allowed to go out at all, and without security. Do you know how much trouble I went to with Lee Sooman to allow all this to happen? I didn’t just click my fingers or wish upon a star” he shouted dramatically. “I got it! Okay!” Tae yelled back, shaking her head and staring at her hands in her lap.

“We can always watch the fireworks from here Tae, I mean look at the view we’ve got” Jessi suggested, trying to cheer Tae up. She looked out the window and could see the towers of the castle, where the fireworks usually explode in the skies above. Tae shrugged her shoulders and waited for any more rules to be announced. Jessica was now concerned that the good mood Tae seemed to have before when she was jumping on the bed, has all but disappeared thanks to their manager. “Now remember girls, this is about you two becoming friends again, so that it improves your interactions on stage. So please, sort out your differences and let’s move on past this awkwardness for the sake of the group” Manager concluded his speech to the nods of Jess and Tae. “Now go and have fun!” he insisted as he closed the door behind him, leaving the girls to get ready to go out.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe he’s letting us go without bodyguards” Jess commented, putting on a black and blue check shirt over her black singlet for a more casual look. “I know, that’s like the most freedom we’ve had since we debuted” Tae responded, rummaging through her suitcase to find a hat. Jess headed for the bathroom to brush her hair, “I guess no-one would expect to find us here anyway”. “We should probably still disguise ourselves a bit, just in case” Tae suggested, grabbing her sunglasses and wallet from the bedside table, waiting for Jess to be ready. She stepped out of the bathroom looking perfect. “Okay, you’re the boss” Jess said as she put her sunglasses on, her hair swept up into a ponytail, barely recognisable as fashion chic Jessica from SNSD. Tae stood up and headed for the door, “not today I’m not” she replied, holding the door open for Jess as they headed to the happiest place on earth

As Jess breezed past Tae, picking up her handbag on the way out, the sweet scent of her perfume filled Tae’s nostrils. The leader closed her eyes for a moment and smiled, thinking back to the last time she was with Jess when she was wearing that. “So you last went to DisneySea with Fany right?” Jess asked, happy to keep up the small talk whilst walking to the entry gate. Tae woke from her sensory flashback, “Yeah … actually no. We went to the one in the USA. I got my Rapunzel doll there” Tae remembered, she’s been to so many Disney parks she gets confused sometimes. “Ooh I wonder if they’ll have Frozen stuff. You could get the snow man, and I’ll get the Ice Princess haha” Jess joked, making Tae laugh. “Ha! Your very own doll, guess that’s nothing new for you tho, Barbie” the leader commented with a smirk. Jess gave Tae a playful glare, “Hey, just because you’re already doll sized …” she responded with a dose of merong. Tae giggled, nodding her head at meeting her sarcasm match.

Walking through the gates, the pair was transported into another world. A world that was full of fun and excitement, the kind of world where they could almost fade into the crowd of faces and be ‘normal’ for a day. “Okay where shall we go first?” Jess asked her leader but not leader today. “Ummm we could just start walking that way and look at stuff or go on rides if we see something fun … wait … you WILL go on rides, won’t you?” Tae enquired with a raised eyebrow, visibly peeking above her sunglasses. “Of course” Jess reassured Tae, “okay so let’s go this way” she insisted, biting her lip at the half-truth she just fed Tae. Well she wasn’t gonna miss out on the opportunity to grab Tae’s arm and clutch onto her securely during a scary ride.

“Ooooh Space Mountain, oh we gotta go on this one!” Tae insisted, grabbing Jess by the wrist and running through the weaving maze to the end of the FastPass line. Within minutes they were hopping into the carriage right up front. Unfortunately for Jess, the seating was single file, not side by side, so she had nobody to hold onto. “Great. First ride of the day and I can’t even grab Tae if I’m scared!” Jess internally complains to herself, nerves and apprehension getting the better of her. Things only got worse once the carriages started moving. “Oh oh oh oh ” Jess quietly repeated her mantra on the ascent through the laser-lit tunnel. Tae, in stark contrast, was laughing and ‘woohoo’ing excitedly from her position at the very front, “the only place to be” on an amusement park ride in her opinion.

Having reached the pinnacle, the REAL fun began. Plunging into complete darkness, the carriage zoomed and zipped in all directions, dropping and rising in simulated orbit through deep space. Jessica’s screams were long and loud, her pitch undulating along with the dips of the track. Tae turned around at times to the source of all the noise to see occasional flashes of a petrified face. She laughed harder and harder at each expression she saw when she snuck a peek. Jess’ eyes clenched closed, mouth agape, hair flailing in the wind. Or her eyes wide open and teeth clenched after yet another jolting direction change. Needless to say when the ride came to an end, there was one very relieved passenger clamouring to get out of the crazy contraption.

Tae was doubled over in laughter at how fast Jess got out, and the way she staggered towards the exit, such was her disorientation and dizziness. “Oh my God I love that ride soooo much hahaha are you okay Jessi?” Tae asked when she caught up with her outside the exit. Jess immediately sat down to catch her breath and recover. “I’m fine … I think. Tae are all the rides here as bad as that?” she asks, not giving a damn that her lie has been discovered. “Not all of them, no. So … you really don’t like rides, do you?” Tae asked with a little disappointment evident in her tone, Jess painfully aware of that. She thought for a moment about her response, after all, she didn’t want to ruin their fun day since it had only just begun. “I don’t like rides like that … you know, when I can’t see where I’m going, and when I have to sit by myself so I can’t hang onto anyone if I get scared” she truthfully answered, this response making sense to Tae, her mood lifting when she realised there would still be fun rides they can go on.

“Okay that’s cool, how about we walk around for a little while, maybe look in some shops” Tae suggested caringly to give Jess time to get her land legs back. They stroll in and out of shops, sharing conversation about things they see, making a few purchases for their unlucky members who weren’t able to be with them today. It never ceased to amaze all of the girls that their images are so well known, yet they could so seamlessly blend into the Japanese population unrecognised. In particular for Taeyeon and Jessica whose hair colour and stunning good looks would seem to draw them attention. But here they were … able to walk around and be themselves, albeit a more reserved and cautious self, and they were having a great time together, so far.

“We soooo couldn’t do this back in Korea! Those fansite unnies are so smart, they know where we’re going to be before WE even know!” Jess comments jokingly making her leader laugh at the humour and the underlying truth of Jess’ statement. “You’ve got THAT right!” Tae started, “Here we could get away with saying that we’re Sones who like to dress up as Taeyeon and Jessica”. Jessica laughs out loud, “Oh my God I’d love to be able to give that answer hahaha”. As they walked down the main street, a cart selling light sticks, torches and other illuminating objects caught their attention. “Oh wowwww, we can totally be Sones with light sticks and everything!” Jess gushed, picking up a tinkerbell wand that had a beautiful star on the end with twinkling fibre optic strands shining all around it. “I’m gonna be part of the rainbow ocean” Tae declared, holding up a multi-coloured rainbow light stick. The girls giggled, making their purchases in preparation for the light parade later that night.

“Are you ready for a couple of fun rides?” Tae asked, hoping Jess will say yes. “Hmmmm what kind of fun? Like upside down horror style fun?” Jess tentatively questioned, not quite ready to throw up yet. “No nothing like that, this is interactive ride kind of fun. There’s the Buzz Lightyear one where you shoot robots and things, and the Monsters Inc one where you use a torch to find monsters. They’re loads of fun, trust me” Tae explained, putting on a big cheesy grin. Jess folded her arms, tapping her bottom lip with her index finger, “Hmmmm okay! Monsters first!” Jess exclaimed, linking her arm with Tae’s and being excitedly led to the first ride. Luckily thanks to the FastPass, they leapt to the front of the line and managed to get a car all to themselves. They were like two big kids, and this game within a ride was perfect for them. Jess occasionally squealed when a monster appeared close to her, and she shone her torch in all directions, mostly at Tae who kept laughing at Jess’ over-enthusiasm.

“Oh my God that was awesome! Is the other one as much fun as that?” Jess asked, jumping up and down on the spot. Tae had the biggest smile on her face as she nodded, loving seeing Jess so happy and playful. THIS is what she missed most. THIS is what had been sorely lacking between them, both on stage and behind the scenes. No wonder Sones had started to notice their absence of interactions. As they headed to the Buzz Lightyear ride, Tae’s heart was pounding and aching all at once. She realised that had it not been for the jealousy and lack of trust from Tiffany, her and Jess might never have become so distant. She truly missed her. And while her relationship with Tiffany flittered between every possible category two people in love could define themselves as, Tae always had a place in her heart for the girl who had shown her nothing but unconditional love all along. Jessica Jung.

“I hope we get our own spaceship too! It would be awkward having to share with some stranger” Jess commented as they waited together for their turn. “Yeah … awkward” Tae spoke without even thinking. “Are you okay?” Jess asked, concerned at Tae’s faraway expression and weird response. “Huh? Oh … yeah I’m fine. Just wondering what the girls would be doing now” she quickly formulated an answer to divert from the real reason her mind went wandering. “Oh, well they’re probably being swamped at the airport” Jess suggested, grabbing Tae by the shoulders and turning her around to be face to face. “But right now, I need you …” Jess started seriously, “… to focus and be alert for aliens and robots and the evil Emperor Zurg!” she dramatically spoke, giving Tae’s shoulders a gentle shake to gain her attention. Tae giggled shyly, looking down at her feet, her heart pounding when she heard Jess say the words ‘I need you’. “Okay, alright, I am the epitome of focus!” Tae joined in the fun, using a super hero style voice and matching pose. Jess giggled, “Let’s go get ‘em” she announced, taking hold of Tae’s wrist and pulling her to their assigned spaceship.

After an equally thrilling time on this ride, the pair were ready for lunch, Tae suggesting the Sweetheart Café. Once they found a private table in the back corner, they took turns going up to the counter to make purchases. Jess sipped her strawberry milkshake, thinking about the wonderful time she has been having so far, and how fun, funny, and even sweet Taeyeon has been. This was certainly turning out to be a great start in their recapturing some long forgotten chemistry. But in the back of Jess’ mind, she knew they needed to talk about things that have happened and try to get some sort of satisfaction and closure. “Ooh what flavour did you get?” Tae asked as she returned with her lunch. The question startled Jess from her deep thoughts, “Strawberry” she answered, offering Tae a sip which she gladly took. “Mmmmm that’s goooood. I got chocolate” Tae said, her lips of shake froth. Jess’ eyes watched Tae intently, her head filling with more byuntae thoughts all of a sudden.

With their food eaten and enjoyed immensely, Jessica cleared and prepared to have a conversation she wasn’t that keen on having. “So I guess we should talk about the reason why we’re here” Jess started, taking the last noisy sip of her shake. Her eyes watched Tae studiously for any changes in mood, or worst case scenario, signs of lying. Tae swallowed hard, dabbing at with a napkin. “I guess. Listen, I don’t wanna hurt your feelings, but you must know why this all happened” Tae queried, trying to be diplomatic at such a sensitive subject. Jess nodded, leaning back in her chair when she responded with the obvious answer, “Tiffany”, fiddling with her fingernails as that name rolled around in her mind becoming more and more angst ridden. “She’s just a really jealous person. And I guess she just doesn’t trust that nothing would happen between you and I” Tae went on to explain in a little more detail.

Jessica’s mood was sinking fast, “Right” she let slip from her lips. “You don’t sound convinced” Tae prompted, wanting an explanation. She knew that when someone started to use short answers in a conversation, that this was a sign of doubt or disgruntlement at the discussion or perceived outcome. Jess sought clarification, “That nothing would happen?”, to which Tae nodded, and Jessi took a moment to gather her courage and think about her answer. “I guess I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want anything to happen. That I didn’t dream of it every now and then. That I hadn’t wished for just that one opportunity to have you in my arms” she blurted out, getting carried away with her own recollections of what her silent lonely thoughts have entailed. She knew she shouldn’t have confessed to such a thing given Tae’s situation, but Jess was beyond censoring herself for the sake of diplomacy.

Taeyeon was a little taken aback by the upfront response, “ Jessi …” she softly said her name in a manner that sounded both chastising and pitying. “I know I know. And this is exactly why she doesn’t trust me!” Jess replied, her face being covered by her hands in shame. Tae took a deep breath, reaching out to peel Jess’ hands away so she could look into her eyes, finding that she had them clenched shut. Tae giggled at how cute she looked, Jess opening one eye to see Tae’s gorgeous smile. Now that she had Jessi’s attention again, she could continue, “I don’t think it’s you alone she doesn’t trust” Tae confessed, remembering back to the countless times her and Tiff got into shouting arguments about other women, not just Jess.

“Wait, she doesn’t trust YOU? Why?” Jess asked curiously, the news completely surprising her. Tae picked up her shake, stirring the frothy mixture with her straw to delay her next words, wondering if she should say them or not. “Because … I think a part of me has made the same wish as you” she shockingly confessed, her eyes falling to the table as she gulped down the last of her drink. Jessi’s jaw dropped at first, but she quickly covered up her reaction with her hand. Her mind was buzzing with the implications of what those words meant, and her stomach was understandably doing flips! The silence between the pair was deafening, neither one of them knowing what could possibly be said right now. Thankfully a café staff member came to clear the table, providing a much needed distraction, Jess taking the opportunity to excuse herself to go to the bathroom.

Once Jess was safely inside the privacy of the cubicle, she couldn’t hold back the huge grin that graced her pretty face. She did a little happy dance and silently dolphin-squealed after hearing Tae’s confession of sorts. The bathroom was silent but Jess’ internal self-chatter was loud and clear, “Oh my God, Kim freaking Taeyeon, what are you doing to me?!? OK calm Jessi calm down, so she confessed something, so what? It changes nothing, she’s with Tiffany, and the reality is, you’ll never have Tae so long as they’re together. Damnit! If only they weren’t together!”. Jess had managed to go from euphoria to despair in under a minute, letting out a defeated sigh as she exited the cubicle. She stood at the sink washing her hands, her eyes staring into the mirror at her own reflection. She took down her ponytail and combed through her locks with spread fingers. A voice suddenly spoke up beside her, “excuse me … are you …?”

Tae took her phone from her pocket and read the message she’d been sent from Tiffany. Her eyes showed no emotion as she typed in her response and hit send. This is what their relationship had become, mundane words and emotionless responses. They still loved each other, but they weren’t in love anymore. Truth be known, they had broken up and reconciled so many times that they’d lost track of whether they were together now or not. But for the sake of the group, and the massive TaeNy shipper audience, they kept their REAL status to themselves. Tae always preferred her own company anyway, solitude always being her most reliable friend. And recently, she found herself alone more and more often, while Tiffany hung out with Yuri quite a lot, and even spending time with Nichkhun, much to Tae’s disgust.

Sliding her phone back into her pocket, Tae looked up to see Jess emerging from the bathroom with her hand covering , and at first Tae was worried Jess had been crying. It wasn’t until her hand lowered that she could see and hear Jess giggling. Tae couldn’t help but smile, wondering what was so funny, did she fall in perhaps? Tae laughed even more at that image. “What’s so funny?” the shorty asked as Jess sat opposite her. “Oh my God, you know what we were talking about earlier, how we should pretend to be Sones if we get discovered?” Jess reminded Tae, her fingers flicking through her bangs as she waited for Tae to catch on. “Noooo! You didn’t!!” Tae huskily whispered, Jess giving a smirk and a nod to confirm Tae’s assumption. “Except I didn’t say I was a Sone. A girl asked if I was Jessica, and I said ‘no, sorry, she’s way prettier than me. Besides, I like 2ne1 more than Soshi’ and walked out!” Jess told the story, laughing outloud along with Tae who had broken out into her ahjumma laugh, clapping her hands at Jess’ quick thinking. “Oh I wish I’d been there!” Tae lamented, wiping her eyes.

The pair decided to head off for some more rides, Jess a little reluctant to go into the Haunted Mansion, but Tae was insistent. They sat next to each other, much to Jess’ relief, and as soon as an eerie voice boomed into the darkness, Jess grabbed Tae’s elbow and buried her face in the leader’s shoulder. “Man, I hate scary rides! Why did I let you talk me into this?” Jess told Tae as she cautiously looked around for the next fright. “Oh you’ll be fine, I’ll look after you!” Tae reassured Jess, patting her thigh with her hand, the innocent touch sending a tingle right through Jess’ body. Other passengers on the ride were screaming and pointing at apparitions, and Jess grabbed Tae’s arm tighter and tighter. When the carriage stopped opposite a mirror, Jess looked up thinking that it was the end of the ride. Suddenly ghosts appeared beside each passenger in the reflections, making everyone scream and look beside them only to find no-one there. Even Tae screamed at that trickery, which only made Jess more frightened since her brave leader was supposed to be strong and protect her.

Jess refused to let go of Tae’s arm even in the bright light of day, such was her fear of being spooked again. “Can we please go on a ride that isn’t going to shorten my life?” the scaredy cat requested. Tae chuckled, trying to think of a ride that would fit that category, “Hmmmm … oh I have the perfect choice, c’mon!” she excitedly declared, dragging Jess along for a short distance. They stood before the attraction, their eyes following up and down, round and round. “Dumbo?” Jess asked with a raised eyebrow, “Isn’t that a kids ride?”. Tae smiled, shaking her head “Adults can go on it too ya know” she clarified, pointing out the adults on the current cycle. “Yeah, but they’ve got kids with them!” Jess exclaimed, pointing at those same adults who were accompanying small children. “Well …” Tae began, “I’m a kid, so it looks like you gotta supervise me!” she laughed, running to the back of the queue with a big grin on her face. Jess reluctantly followed, rolling her eyes as her kid leader hopped up and down like a dork, a very cute dork.

Eventually they got into one of the iconic flying elephant carriages and waited patiently for the ride to start. Tae took hold of the joystick that controlled the flight of Dumbo. She made him rise and fall sharply, causing Jess to shriek, pulling Tae’s hand away from the stick “YahhhTae! Do you have to make EVERY ride a lesson in nausea inducing terror?” she asked, noticing Tae’s wicked smirk. “Of course, it’s too boring if you stay down the bottom!” Tae whined as Jess made the elephant hover at its lowest point. “C’mon! At least take us up high so we can REALLY be flying. He’s not dumbo the walking elephant you know!” Tae insisted, waving her hands to indicate to Jess she wanted her to go higher.  Once they were on top of the world, Tae pulled Jessi’s hand away and pushed the joystick down, Jess immediately grabbing Tae’s hand and wrestling the joystick upwards to be gliding steadily again, “Tae, cut it out!” Jess chastised, much to Tae’s amusement. The pair wrestled for the upper hand, Dumbo zigzagging through the sky to the squeals of Jessica.

They soon stopped fighting for control, yet neither was willing to let go of the joystick, or the other’s hand. Occasionally Tae would nudge the stick down, only to have Jess nudge it back up, exchanging shy glances and giggles. The ride came to an end and the pack of elephants slowly descended automatically, Tae pushing the joystick upwards with no response from the device “Noooooo! More-more! Again-again!” she shouted and pouted, letting go of Jess’ hand and crossing her arms dramatically, ever the spoilt bratty kid. “Come on Taengoo, let’s go to the shops over there, you might be able to buy yourself a little happy!” Jess suggested, smiling as Tae’s joy returned.

Le Petite Parfumerie was a quaint little Parisian style shoppe stocking a large array of perfumes from around the world. Tae had hoped to find a new fragrance since she was virtually out of the last bottle she purchased. They both wandered around sampling almost every scent, finding creams, soaps, candles, and oils for sale. Jessica was at the opposite side of the shop when she spotted Tae at a counter getting assistance from a staff member. Tae caught Jess’ attention and waved her over, “Hey Jess, what do you think of this one?” the shorty asked, holding a sample card up to nose level as Jess approached. She took a sniff, screwing up her nose and shaking her head. “Nope, not that one” Jess commented, looking around nearby for something she thought Tae might like. “How about this?” Jess asked, shoving the corner of the card up Tae’s nose, causing the sales girl to giggle. “Yahh! What the hell?” Tae exclaimed, grabbing Jess’ hand and holding it at a safer distance. “Eww no, too floral” she uttered, continuing her search.

Countless bottles later, Tae found it, she hoped. A groan echoed in the shop, Jess turning around to find the sound getting louder the closer Tae got. “Oh this is it, this is the one!” Tae declared, holding the card up for Jess to sniff. She took hold of Tae’s forearm and moved her nose close to the card, Tae’s eyes sparkling as she waited for Jess’ reaction. “Ohhhhhmmmm” she purred, her eyes closing and her lip being bitten, “that is absolutely divine” Jess softly whispered, taking another deep breath in. “Let’s spray a little on you, see if you still like it. Sometimes the fragrance on the skin can give it a totally different smell, which may be bad or so much better” the sales girl informed them. Tae held out her hand for the sales girl to make a sweeping spray across her wrist. “Mmmmmm” Tae hummed as she raised her wrist to her nose. Jess softly taking hold of Tae’s forearm again and leaning down to inhale at her pulse point “Ohhhh you MUST get it, Tae” she commented, the aroma making her chest tingle and ... other places.

While Tae made payment, Jess continued her search. She could smell Tae approaching, and she closed her eyes when the scent washed over her. “If only I could find something as good as yours for myself” Jess opined, putting down another unappealing bottle. Tae hesitated before speaking, “To be honest, Jess … I really like the one you have on today!”. Jess’ head whipped around, “really?” she asked surprised, noticing Tae’s shy smile. “Mmmhmm I love it when you walk past me with it on” Tae continued, blushing a little at her own admission. Jess was highly flattered, and extremely aroused, there was something about the words Tae was confessing and the fragrance she was wearing that was making Tae irresistible. “Oh … well … I do have plenty of perfume at home, so I don’t really need anymore” Jess nervously responded, coming up with a legitimate reason why she didn’t need to buy more perfume. Besides, she really didn’t want to buy any other since she already had plenty of Tae’s apparent favourite.

It was time for another ride, this time the relative tranquillity of ‘It’s A Small World’. They had a boat to themselves, so they sat right in the middle, setting off down the dark and murky river. “Ewww I wonder what’s in the water down there?” Tae asked, in a sinister and suggestive voice. Jess looked over the side of the boat tentatively. “You know, I hear people come on this ride and sprinkle the ashes of their dearly departed loved ones overboard” the evil leader whispered, taking advantage of the darkness in the very first tunnel.  At just the right moment, in Taeyeon’s opinion, she slid her arm across the low back of the bench seat they were sitting on, and suddenly grabbed Jessica’s waist while shouting “BOO!!!!”. Jessi jumped skittishly and squealed her dolphin scream.

Jess repeatedly slapped at Tae’s shoulder, the prankster too busy laughing her off to be struck by any pain. “Yahhh Taaaeeee! This ride is supposed to be innocent, heart-warming, and whimsical! And you’re making it creepy and scary!” Jess whined, scooting along the bench and away from her antagonist. Tae was calming down from her hysterics, wiping her damp eyes from her tears of laughter “WOW! Oh I’m sorry Jess, but you should’ve seen yourself, it was pretty funny. I didn’t know someone could jump so high without using their legs!” Jess pretended to be upset, crossing her arms and looking in any other direction but beside her, trying to hold back her giggles.

“Awwww … hey I’m really sorry. It was just a joke, well, I mean the ashes story is true, but me scaring ya was just a prank. Come back over here … pleeeeeeease!” Tae her best aegyo, succeeding in getting Jess to at least look her way so she could pout and bat her eyelashes. “Seriously? You’re gonna resort to aegyo?” Jess asked, her lip curling into a snarl. Tae nodded her head enthusiastically, patting the empty space beside her whilst maintaining her cutesy expression. Jess let out a disgruntled sigh, rolling her eyes as she slid across the seat next to Tae, making her clap her hands really fast having gotten what she wanted. Jess shook her head, a smile spreading across her lips. Ordinarily, Jess hated aegyo, particularly from Sunny. But since it was such a rare occurrence from Tae, she found it adorable.

As they passed through the ‘small worlds’ to the unending anthem that was slowly driving them mad, they looked around at all the scenes, pointing out characters that looked like their members. “Oh my God there’s Hyo! The little blonde dutch girl dancing in the clogs!” Tae pointed out. “And there’s Yoona! Up the top” Jess shrieked at the deer in the hills. In the African part they were on the same wavelength when the dark skinned native in a loin cloth was identified as “Yuri!!!” the pair collapsing on each other in fits of giggles. They cheered and applauded when they saw the South Korean part. The ride was slow as it weaved along the river in semi darkness, the music long past whimsical, and becoming almost torturous. The wooden bench was becoming uncomfortable, and they wondered how such a small world could take such a long time to traverse.

Jess shifted in her seat restlessly, her hands on the bench either side of her thighs so she could lean into a back stretch. She tilted her head from side to side to crack her neck, closing her eyes at the satisfying pops she felt of her joints. Tae copied her pose, lowering her hands to press to the bench, when she felt Jess’ hand under hers. Tae lifted her hand immediately “Oops, I’m sorry” she apologised, repositioning her hand on the bench as she took a deep breath. Jess felt butterflies swirling in her chest “It’s … okay” she said, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks. An equally flushed Tae lifted her eyes slowly and were met with a sweet smile from Jess. Maintaining their eye contact, Tae tentatively lifted her pinky finger and caressed along Jess’ pinky. The contact made Jess’ breath catch in , her eyes watching their fingers in the dim lighting. She took a quick look over at Tae who was biting her bottom lip gently, and also watching their hands.

Soon Tae was holding Jess’ hand, lifting it and bringing it over to her knee where she started softly Jess’ fingers with her free hand. Jess scooted closer and joined in the digital ministrations with repeating brushes of her thumb over Tae’s wrist and palm. Jess could have sworn she heard a soft “mmmmmm” come from Tae’s mouth, and her fingers gripped Jess’ hand a little tighter at the same time, the uncanny coincidence making Jess smile. The tender, tingle filled moment ending abruptly when the boat stopped at the end of the ride, much to both their disappointment. Upon exiting the ride, Jessica squealed and grabbed Tae’s arm tight, “Look who it is!!!!” Jess shouted, pointing in the distance towards a crowd of people around Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Jess and Tae both ran over to see if they could get a photo with them. They joined the end of the queue just before staff started turning people away. It was about a ten minute wait, but it was sooooo worth it for the pair to finally get a photo they could share with the other girls back home.

The sun was slowly going down, and time was getting away from them both. They decided to go on the Monsters Inc and Buzz Lightyear rides again, having just as much fun as the first time. The pair headed down the main street shopping precinct for personal purchases and souvenirs. Tae was in kid leader heaven when she found the Frozen merchandise, choosing to buy a snowman and Ice Princess doll, much to Jessica’s amusement. She on the other hand wanted to get her own Elsa doll, and also a cute little plush Mickey Mouse for Yuri and Minnie for her sister. Eventually Jess caught up with Tae who was at another counter “hey hey go away, you can’t be here right now!” Tae raised her voice at Jess who stepped back in shock. “Why? What’s going on?” Jess asked, a little hurt at being told to go away. “I’m sorry, I’m just … you can’t see what I’m buying, okay?” Tae insisted, shooing Jess away with her hand. “Wait … are you buying me something?” Jess enquired, smiling at the notion. Tae paused before answering “… maybe, now scram!” she playfully turned Jess around and gave her a tap on the to send her on her way. Jess giggled as she started to walk faster with the playful push.

Now Jess had to find something for Tae to return the sweet gesture. She headed back to the Frozen items, and in a nearby glass cabinet her eyes were immediately drawn to the perfect gift. Just as Tae approached, Jess took the gift bag from the sales girl with a “thank you” and turned around, almost smashing into Tae. “Sooooo, what did ya buy me?” Tae asked with a cheeky tone. “Yahhh! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Jess scolded, Tae giving her child-like pout. “And don’t think for a second that just because you’re giving such a cute pout that I’m gonna let you see what’s in this bag” Jess shook her finger teasingly, Tae trying to bite the wiggling digit playfully. “Okay okay, hey I’m hungry, shall we go get something to eat before we find a spot to watch the Light Parade?” Tae suggested, Jess nodding in agreement.

The girls found a shop selling Mickey –shaped waffles, and they were simply too delicious to refuse. Tae got one with whipped cream and chocolate sauce, and Jess got strawberries and cream on hers. They sat on the steps of a nearby shop that was closed for the night, among other people who were waiting for the parade to start. “This is soooo good, here…” Jess commented on her waffle, offering a taste from her fork, feeding Tae sweetly. “Mmmm yumm, here, have some of mine” Tae counter offered, spoon feeding Jessica the deliciousness. They took turns eating their own and each other’s desserts, enjoying the intimacy as they sat together among the building crowd. Jess got up and put their used dishes in the trash, returning to sit beside Tae who was combining the many bags of purchases into one, making it easier to carry.

“Tae …” Jess started, “… I’ve had a really great time with you today” she commented as she bumped her shoulder against Tae’s. “Me too … I’ve missed … this … you” Tae confided, whispering the words as if it were wrong for them to enter the atmosphere. Jess leaned her head on Tae’s shoulder, biting her lip softly, “I … I don’t want tonight to end” Jess admitted, fiddling with the handles of her carrybag. Tae reached out and covered Jess’ hand, giving a comforting squeeze. “The night is far from over” Tae reminded Jess, rising to her feet and bringing Jess to stand with her as the music of the parade started. Jess looked down the street and saw the glow of lights making its way towards them. She pointed in their direction, “It’s starting from that way” she indicated to Tae who had stood a step higher than Jess so she could see better. Tae leaned forward, placing her hands on Jess’ shoulders to steady herself.

“Oh! Jess! We need our light sticks!” Tae reminded her tapping her shoulder with her hand. Jess swiftly bent down to look through her bag for her own wand, then finding Tae’s rainbow light. As she stood up, Tae’s arms slid around Jess shoulders, hands meeting at the top of her chest where Jess handed over her light stick. They both waved along to the music, Tae initiating a sword-style light stick fight while they waited for the illuminated floats to get closer. The pair oohed and awed at the stunning light displays, Jessica waving her wand to every princess she saw, much to Tae’s amusement. Although eyes were on the parade, minds were elsewhere. Tae rested her chin on Jess’ right shoulder, but while she was mesmerised by the twinkling lights, she deeply breathed in the scent of Jess beautiful perfume, and it took all her strength not to nuzzle into her neck and let her smouldering desires take over.

Jess on the other hand was all a flutter at essentially being in Tae’s arms. The hands on her chest were warm and secure, holding her close in a gentle embrace. Jess certainly didn’t envision being in this position this morning, and she couldn’t contain her smile. “Ohh so pretty. Can you see the doves?” Tae asked beside Jess ear, her smooth voice dripping like honey over her senses. “No I can just see a white glow” Jess said, rising on tiptoes to try and see. “Come up here on the step with me” Tae suggested, making room for Jess to stand beside her. “Ohhh now I see, wow that’s amazing!” Jess cooed, watching a person walk by carrying a kind of frame with four illuminated white dove-like lights seemingly flying overhead. In the midst of their enchantment, Jess bravely placed her hand on the small of Tae’s back, sliding her palm slowly toward her left hip. Stepping closer, Jess raised her other hand and placed it on Tae’s right hip, hesitating for a moment until she was sure she could go ahead.

Tae took a deep breath, her stomach doing flips at Jess’ touch, which she had wanted for the longest time. She reached up with both hands and pulled Jess hands around her waist to meet on the middle of her tummy. Jess entwined their fingers together, pressing the front of her body to the back of Tae’s, settling into a backhug. They could each feel the deep breath of the other against their front or back, the passing parade turning into a blur of lights before their very eyes. Jess turned her face slightly, her nose buried into Tae’s soft wavey hair. She took a long breath, letting out a soft purr “mmmmmm God you smell incredible” she whispered, the words caressing Tae’s sweet spot teasingly. Tae closed her eyes as her body erupted in goosebumps, her fingers squeezing Jess’ tightly in response.

With the parade coming to an end, Tae and Jess picked up their bags and waved their light sticks to the continuing music that echoed out of the park as they started to walk back to the hotel.  “I wish we could’ve hitched a ride on one of those beautiful floats back to the hotel” Tae lamented, turning off her rainbow light and putting it in her bag. “I know, it would’ve been fun to ride on Nemo, or one of those bowing snails, they were soooo cute” Jess commented, setting her wand to twinkle and waving it in big swirls. Tae smiled, reaching out to take Jess hand and join in the swirling. Soon the focus was on their touches, not the patterns in the sky. It seemed the pair’s skinship had returned, big time. Jess was trying to keep a lid on her feelings, telling herself that this was all just part of the demands put on them by their manager, and that Tae wouldn’t possibly have any real interest in her. What Jess didn’t know was that Tae was struggling with her own emotions and demons, her head telling her one thing, her heart telling her another. And even then, both organs were in conflict with themselves.

Upon arrival back at the hotel, Tae knocked on the manager’s door to let him know they had returned before the fireworks as directed. “Did you have a fun day? Have you both settled your differences and are you able to be friends again?” he asked expectantly. Tae nodded, “yes, we had a great day, and I think we’ve sorted a lot of things out” she admitted, a smirk coming to her lips at just how much their rekindling friendship has progressed. “I’m glad to hear it. We’ll be leaving at 10am tomorrow morning for our flight back home at 1pm” the manager informs Tae, earning a nod of understanding before she bids him good night. Tae returns to their room, tossing her bag on the bed where she sits down to take off her shoes, giving her feet a soothing rub as she looks out towards the balcony. She sees Jess out there, watching the skies for the beginning of the fireworks display. Tae heads over towards the glass sliding door and steps out into the night air, running her palm across Jess’ lower back as she steps past her. Jess glances over her shoulder as Tae stands beside her, leaning her elbows on the railing just as she is, their shoulders touching in their mirrored pose.

A loud explosion startled the pair, their eyes shifting to the colourful display over the towers of the Disney castle. They gasp in awe at the pretty patterns and colours, Tae particularly enjoying the sparkling and twinkling ones. Jess on the other hand liked the ones that looked like Mickey Mouse ears. After the explosive finale, they both stand up straight, preparing to reluctantly head inside. ”I guess that’s it” Jess deduces, hoping for a few more explosions to keep them out on the balcony together. “Yeah, I guess so” Tae replies, just as hesitant to end the night. They stand together in silence, turned slightly towards each other leaning an arm against the railing. Jess raises her eyes to look at Tae who surprisingly won’t look at her. “I think I’ll go and …” Jess starts, about to go take a shower. A soft “no” comes from Tae’s mouth as she reaches out and takes hold of Jessi’s wrist.

Jess freezes on the spot, her eyes widened, staring at Tae who still won’t make eye contact with her. Tae slowly raises her other hand and hooks her thumb into Jess’ jeans belt loop on her hip. Tentatively, Jess slides her palm up Tae’s forearm, the only sound between them is breathing. Tae pulls Jess closer until their bodies are almost touching, Jess hand hesitating atop Tae’s shoulder. “Jessi” the kid leader whispers, their eyes finally meeting for the briefest moment before the touch of Jess’ fingers Tae’s hair causes her to close her eyes once more, leaning her head into the touch. Jess tucks silky strands of Tae’s hair behind her ear, letting her fingers caress the delicate contours and play with her piercings. Tae is completely lost in the moment, not wanting to move for fear that the sensuality will be rushed and over in the blink of an eye. She didn’t want this day to end, and she wanted even less for the night to fade into memory.

Tae raises her hand to cup Jess’ cheek, her eyes opening slightly only to study Jess’ lips and focus her aim. Jess was amazingly calm, she knew something incredible was about to happen, and she was surprised to find her advances were not rejected, but were in fact welcomed and encouraged. All this time, she imagined that Tae would take charge and get right to business. Yet here she was drawing the moment out, and letting things happen of their own will. They teased each other, slowly moving in for the connection, but stalling at the last centimetre. Jess’ breathing was becoming erratic, like her passions were ready to explode like fireworks. She wanted Tae’s lips, she craved her kiss, and the longer she waited, the more intense the moment became. Tae knew that once she closed that gap, she was in a place that was forbidden by all logic, yet her heart had yearned for the deliciousness of this kiss for the longest time.

In an instant, lips met lips in the sweetest kiss, the first connection lasting all of three seconds. But it was enough to set alight the candle flicker of passion that would eventually turn into a raging inferno if allowed to take hold. They softly explored each other’s lips with great interest, succumbing to the incredible sensations they’d only dared to dream of. Mouths slowly opened, introducing the caress of tongues, and the sound of moans pulled their senses into the reality of their connection. Hands were on the move now to find a place to take hold, pulling their bodies into direct contact. With heads tilting in opposite directions, their mouths melted together exquisitely to initiate deep tongue filled making out. Time was at a standstill as they teased each other with their own y kissing techniques, forgetting all about where they were and what they were getting into. All either of them knew was … they wanted more.

In panted exhalations, they broke apart to catch their breath, foreheads resting against each other, coming to their senses and realising what had just taken place. Tae her smirking lips, sending a smouldering hot look Jess’ way, who was biting her bottom lip and watching Tae’s eager little tongue.  “I’m … gonna go take that shower now …” Jess started, Tae giving a nod as Jess pulled away from their embrace. “… a cold one” Jess added, heading inside with a sway in her hips as she dragged her fingers through her long hair. Tae grinned at her implication, watching that seductive swagger head into the bathroom. Tae turned around and looked out at the Disney castle lights starting to dim, her eyes rising to the night sky as she focussed on the brightest star.


When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are.

Anything your heart desires will come to you.



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Chapter 7: Wow...
Chapter 19: Kryber is the hottest
Chapter 13: so damn hot!!!
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Chapter 7: more taenysic :)))
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Chapter 9: so hoooooot!
Chapter 19: This is just too darn cute
Chapter 23: My god hot hot hot, you are amazing
Chapter 23: THIS CHAPTER WAS JUST WHAT I NEEDED! As soon as I saw Taeyeon's New Year's ad with the red KIA I thought of the exact same thing!!! Absolute perfection!
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Chapter 4: The sweetest TaeNy Christmas ever!