
No Infinity

Sometimes spring cleaning brings up painful memories. I never knew I still kept our promise ring. When I found the container of rings, I never thought opening it up would spill it out. Promises made, promises broken & yet you made the forever promise first.


I never thought that just looking at a ring would bring up so many memories that seemed so long ago & yet still feel like it just happened yesterday.


You insisted on the ring, I never asked for it but yet the person to first forget their promise was you. The person to first cast their eyes on someone else was you & the person to first strike me back when I threw the first slap was you too.


How could someone who claimed forever promise & love be the same person to kill that same promise & love?


It's been almost 5 years now but I will take it as my most painful yet valuable lesson. You were my first yet you never treasured me. Maybe all things happen for a reason & maybe the criss cross lines on the rings already predicted our outcome.


We have a beginning but we have no infinity

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topwife #1
Chapter 1: u should write full story for this oneshot honestly T_T