Latte Latte

Benefits of Higher Education

A/N: This was based on another tumblr post that I found awhile back. Yeah, I spend too much time on tumblr. It's a problem.


Taekwoon tried to blink the sleep from his eyes as he slouched down in his chair. There was only five minutes left before class started, but there were still students trickling in from the hallway and making their way to empty seats with shuffling steps and blank expressions. If he didn't know better, Taekwoon would have thought that he had stumbled into a conference of zombies instead of a 7:30am college lecture.

He closed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest as he silently cursed whoever it was that thought up morning classes. This was only the first day of the semester and already he was wondering how he was going to make it through without sleeping through every class.

He wasn't paying attention to his surrounding and would have completely missed the presence appearing at his side if the person hadn't pulled the chair out from the desk with out loud scrape and plopped down with an exhausted sigh.

Taekwoon opened his eyes and turned to glare at whoever it was in a silent invitation for them to find another desk, but stopped when he saw who it was.

Hakyeon, with his hair mussed like he had been running and his notebook and pencil flung on the desk in front of him, was looking back at Taekwoon with a nearly blank expression.

They hadn't seen each other at all since the fire alarm incident and Taekwoon was beginning to think that maybe Hakyeon was purposefully avoiding him. But looking at him now Taekwoon wondered if he had been wrong and they were just on drastically schedules.

Hakyeon was dressed in a rumpled uniform that looked like it was from one of the campus cafes. The fresh strains and creases on it, as well as the dark rings of exhaustion circling his eyes showed that he had probably been up for most of the night working. There was a hug, pink ceramic coffee cup clutched in his hand that was further proof of this theory.

Taekwoon blinked as Hakyeon turned back around in his seat and reached for something in his bag. Without a word, he turned back around, now holding a bottle of something. Taekwoon squinted at it and saw the label advertising the name of a power energy drink. He watched as Hakyeon uncapped the energy drink and snapped the lid off his coffee cup. The biter-sweet aroma of the coffee drifted into the air and Taekwoon found himself regretting not stopping at a coffee shop on the way there.

As he started longingly as the dark liquid in the ceramic cup, Hakyeon lifted the energy drink and dumped its entire contents into the coffee.

Taekwoon stared, open mouthed, as Hakyeon returned the empty energy drink bottle to his bag and snapped the lid back onto his coffee before finally turning and meeting Taekwoon's shocked gaze.

"I'm going to die," he said calmly, the only explanation Taekwoon relieved before the professor at the front of the room began to call off attendance.


The patter lasted for the next week. Hakyeon would show up to class with only minutes to spare, mix his coffee and energy drink into a toxic mixture, which he then proceeded to drink through the rest of the class.

He didn't say anything to Taekwoon after the first day and Taekwoon himself couldn't think of anything to say. He wanted to talk to Hakyeon and ask him if he liked his job or if he was able to get any of the sleep that he so clearly needed after their class. But whenever he thought of something to say, it always froze on his tongue before he managed to get it out.

Every day though, he stared longingly at Hakyeon's coffee, and promised himself that the next day he would get up a little earlier to pick up coffee before class. But then whenever his alarm would go off the next morning, he would push the snooze button, valuing a few extra minutes of sleep rather than a cup of caffeine.

By the Monday of the second week of classes he was drifting to sleep in class, his head nodding against his chest and his pen trailing a squiggly line across his paper.

He jerked awake when he felt an elbow gently prodding his ribcage. He blinked and glanced over at Hakyeon who wasn't even looking at him. He was intent on taking his notes but a small smile lingered around his mouth as he drew his elbow back in.

The next morning when he walked into the lecture room, Taekwoon was surprised to see Hakyeon already sitting at their desk. His head rested on the table, buried in his arms. His coffee-energy drink concoction rested a few inches away, but he made no move toward it, or to even sit up, as Taekwoon sat down next to him.

That was when Taekwoon saw that there were two cups on the table, not one. The second one, baby blue with polka dots and just a huge as Hakyeon's, was set neatly in the middle of the table in front of Taekwoon's place. He stared at it for a moment until a soft voice spoke beside him.

"I wasn't sure what kind you liked, so I just got a latte." Hakyeon had turned his head on his arms so he was facing Taekwoon. "I didn't put any energy drinks in it," he added hastily. "It's just plain coffee."

Taekwoon hesitantly reached forward and picked up the cup. It was pleasantly warm against his hands and tiny tendrils of steam rose from the mouth hole in the cup.

Taekwoon raised it to his mouth and took a tiny sip, letting the hot liquid warm him as it ran down his throat. He became aware that Hakyeon was still watching him and when he turned to look he saw that Hakyeon's expression was almost nervous as he waited for Taekwoon's reaction.

Taekwoon wasn't good with words, he never had been, but when a small smile of thanks crossed his lips he saw all of the tension leave Hakyeon's expression as he smiled back.

"You're welcome," Hakyeon murmured before turned back to face the front of the lecture hall as their teacher walked in.

It wasn't until halfway through class that Taekwoon realized that he hadn't actually said anything to Hakyeon. Not about wanting coffee or about being thankful that Hakyeon had brought some for him. He had simply known.

Taekwoon found himself stealing glances at Hakyeon through the entire class and blushing whenever he was caught. Hakyeon would simply grin at him before turning back to his notes, leaving Takewoon to watch him and wonder how in the world someone as fascinating as Hakyeon could even be remotely interested in him.

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IDCjustwannaread1999 #1
Chapter 2: Why, why has it stopped? I didn't want it to stop!!! It was just so cute!!!! R u gonna finish it??? I really hope U can!!!!! Ur writing is just amazing I swear!!
chistarr #2
Chapter 2: I also know the tumblr post you are referring to but cannot remember where i found it now…lol
Chapter 2: I know EXACTLY what tumblr post you got the idea from! :D
This is awesome, I can just imagine the look on HAkyeon's face when he said "I'm going to die" xD
Love it, keep going!
Chapter 2: Aigoo, so precious, our Taekwoonie~~ I'm so glad I found this story again~ This is so sweet and fluffy and adorable and my vocab is pretty much limited to those words, but I love this fic soooo much!!
Chapter 2: I love this story!!
Kokechan #6
Chapter 2: Thank you for updating! I like this universe.
mistressofsecrecy1 #7
Chapter 2: love love love it! lol oh the college life...though that concoction is actually dangerous Hakyeon :P take care of yourself! :P

thank you so much for this! just found it and love it!! ^^ :D
awwww, so good!!!!
chistarr #9
Chapter 1: Nice! Great start!