One-sided Love


Hi guys.....writing a new one of my favorite one and only.....DBSK..hopefully this story will go well I suppose....COMMENT BELOW IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT..PLEASE NO BAD ONES I'll be editing this one since I did this with very short chapters I guess so wait for the new update on "One-sided Love" 


It was already raining and you didn't bring your you had to find a place to get out of the rain...

you stopped by your friends house but she left a note saying: "out of the house be back in 15min" so you waited until she gets home...

So min drawn by still no sign of her anywhere but instead she came not walking but running towards you...she stopped in front of you and immediately looked at you up and down she knew you were soaking wet cause of the rain but when she opened the door..someone else already opened it but she thought she locked it but soon turned the lights her boyfriend was there with 4 members including him...

Well there were 4 but your friends boyfriend that makes 5 so without wasting time..The other 4 introduced themselves to you including her boyfriend...WILL THERE BE ANY ROMANCE BETWEEN YOU AND THE 5 BOYS? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?


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