
My crush is a pop star!

When Luhan walk up he felt all nervouse and scared for some reason.

He stood up, looked at his watch, dressed, and ran out of the house with bread sticking out of his mouth.

'Damn! I'm so gonna be late for class.' He ran and when he got to the school enteranse every girl started to shout "EXO!"

Luhan looked at the big buss with an EXO flag on it. He smiled and looked at it,

He saw Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kris, Tao, Chen, Xiumin, Kai, D.O., Suho, and Lay come out.

After that Sehun went out from the buss. Luhan's heart went wild from how Suhan looked tosay. 

Luhan blushed and ran for the school entrance, before he came insid ethe school's building he saw a big poster saying~

"This friday night, join us and win the 12th place in EXO. All you have to have as a tallent is. DANCING AND SINGING."

Luhan was confused about the flag, suddently someone asked him "Do you want to join?" 

Luhan looked at the guy who was standing by the poster. "A-AH.. Yeah.. I guees."

He had a trouble speaking cause the man who was standing in front of him was Kai one of the EXO mambers.

Kai smiled. "Well see you friday night!" he gave somekined of papers to Luhan and ran to join the group of guys.

Luhan looked at the papers and saw form for the compatition. 'HUM.. This will be interesting.' he though as he was waking inside the school.

When Luhan looked at the papers it finaly hit him that he was going to join the EXO group. He paniced when he sat down.

'Damn! Why didnt I get it earlyer, now Kai thinks I will be in the compitition. PLEASE KILL ME.' he shouted in his mind.


Luhan's day ended like any other days, but today it felt even worse. He came home and started to panic out loud.

"DAMN!" he sscremed as he set down on his coutch. Then Sehun got stuck in his head. 

Luhan was thinking about him than he got the thought that it was probably not bad being in the same group as Sehun.

But what Luhan most afraid off is the croud looking at him. Luhan thinks he has a bad singing voice and that he can't dance.

When he EXO song "XOXO" he started to sing on it. 

When he stoped he was so frustarated and angry. 'Oh, mabye I should skeep the friday night. No wait I cant cause its tomorow!' he fround.

"I hope I will loose tomorow and than I will move to a knew school, where no one can find me. BUT I REALLY LOVE SEHUN!" 

He shouted while blushing. When he stood up he disited to practice some dance moves for tomorow.

He sang and danced for 4 hours then he fell asleep like a freaking lazy person.


When Luhan walk up he felt like not going to school so he skeeped on it.

He went out of his house and went to eat in a rasturant called "James Jack." Luhan went inside and saw 11 boys standing in front of him.

Luky for him they didnt notice him. He sat down on the chair looking at Sehun with a shock face. Cause a girl was touching his musles witch made Luhan gelouse as hell.

"What would you like to oder young man?" A waitress asked. Luhan looked at her. "I would like to order that man that sits over there." He pointed his fingers at the 11 guys table and that finger went straigh at Sehun.

The waitress looked at Sehun with wide eyes than she looked at Luhan. "Arent those man from EXO, they are really hot!"

Luhan rolled his eyes as he stood up, he looked at the clock on his watch and before he kne it was already 4PM.

When he stood up he made som noises with a chair witch cough EXO's atantion. When they looked at Luhan.

Kai had an (O) on his face. "Hey!" he screamed out. Luhan looked at him. Before he was about to say something he was intorupted by some girls who wanted to take a picture with them.

Luhan wasnt suprised he went out and went straight for the school entrance. He saw alot of people standing there witch made his heart poud with nervousness.

"ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO COMPETE PLEASE COME TO THE SCHOOL GYM!" Luhan heard the voice as he went straght for the school's gym.


Hi guys I actualy dont know what I just wrote, so dont kill me!

Thank's to who ever subskribed!

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Chapter 1: OHHH!!! GO LUHAN >w</! I can't wait to see how the audition goes! Please update soon!
myomie #2
Chapter 1: nice one ,update soon