I'm Yours

I'm Yours

"Well, you dawned on me and you bet I felt it, I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted..."


I let the singer's deep voice take me away, closing my eyes and swaying with the guitar and the lovely melody flowing from his mouth. I didn't realize it, but he had finished singing, and made his way to the back of the room where the food was. Where I was conveniently standing.


My eyes widened when I saw him. I think his name was Eunhyuk. I turned back to the plate of cookies next to me and picked up a powdery one, biting into it. I felt his gaze on me, and I tried avoiding it the best I could. Fighting it and losing, I glanced over with a small smile to see him looking at my chest. His eyes rose when I looked over, and he smiled back with a wink.


"You have powder..." He trailed, pointing at my shirt. I looked down, sighing.


"Thanks," I said, brushing it off with a nonchalant laugh. I tried not to think too hard about his almond orbs, plump lips, tousled hair that fell over his forehead... I was lost in thinking about how beautiful the man standing in front of me was.


A few seconds later, awkwardly staring down at our shoes, he shifted. I looked up to see his brown eyes on me intently, almost willing me to look up and meet his gaze. He gave me a gummy smile and asked, "What's your name?"


"Donghae. What's yours?" I inquired curiously.




We both nodded and looked back to the front of the room, where the next person was up singing. My mind was filled with Eunhyuk and his godly looks. Sneaking glances over at the singer, I caught him looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. Each time we'd nervously shift our eyes back to front, wishing they'd meet again.



"Hey, I was going to go over to that bar at a block over. Do you want to go with me?"


His voice broke me out of deep thought, pulling me away from the slightly sinful ideas of what I might have wanted to do to him. Thinking, I made the universal why not face and grabbed my jacket off the back of a chair. We walked out into the cold night next to each other, leaving some distance between us. I shoved my hands into my pockets and huddled down into the collar, making sure my nose was covered.


All of a sudden, Eunhyuk bumped his arm into mine. I stopped short wnd looked at him with wide eyes. He took a couple more steps and realized I wasn't next to him. He turned around and gave me a questioning look. "Come on, it's freezing out," he said, grabbing my forearm and pulling me close to get me to walk. I signed at the contact, pleased he initiated it. We got to the bar minutes later, a nice little place that reminded me of the trip I took to Ireland months ago. We took a table in the back corner, away from potentially prying eyes.


I let Eunhyuk pick out the drinks, trusting he wouldn't get me too drunk. When the waitress came over with the wine, she gave the handsome man in front of me a coy grin and quick wink. I don't know why, but it bothered me that she was flirting with him. I wanted him for myself.


"Don't pout, Donghae. Smile," he said, trying to smooth out the wrinkles in my forehead. I couldn't help but let a smile happen, happy that he was the one to start the contact again. I caught his hand in mine, bringing it down the the table and hoping he wouldn't pull away. I looked up to see him studying me, a content look on his beautiful face. I bit my lip, hopefully pulling off a hopeful front.


"How did you like my song?"


"It was amazing. You did a really good job," I praised, the corners of my mouth turning up into a smile. Eunhyuk smiled back, and took a sip of his wine. I sipped mine slowly. As the alcohol loosened both of us up a little, we started getting to know each other. The conversation flowed naturally, laughing came naturally between us. I was really starting to fall for him.


By the end of the night, I think he was starting to like me too. The way he looked at me, held himself around me... He paid, and we grabbed our coats and walked out into the chill, now snowing night. I put my tongue out to hopefully catch a snowflake, and Eunhyuk laughed joyfully, joining me in my childish activity.


We started walking down the block, people watching and taking in the winter lights. It was an amazing night, the snow coating the trees along the sidewalk, the little lights twinkling against the dark brown bark and along the awnings of the stores. Some of the doors had pretty green and red wreaths hanging.


"Eunhyuk, do you like anyone?" I questioned out of the blue. He didn't look surprised in the least bit, and actually gave me one of his adorable gummy smiles, and then surprised me with a kiss to the cheek. I gasped, my eyes widening.


"I fell for you the second I walked to that table in the back of the cafe. I'm so glad I had the courage to start talking to you. I think you're absolutely wonderful, and so handsome. And I have a question for you."


I nodded, hoping he was going to ask what I think he would. "Will you go out with me, Donghae?"


I smiled, and said, "Of course I will. I was waiting for you to ask."


Both of us laughed as our fingers intertwined. We kept walking, enjoying each other's company, walking until we tired of it, and eventually finding our way to my apartment.



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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: ayoooo this is so cute and fluffy!
Chapter 1: Fluffy oof
HanBaram #3
Chapter 1: Huah. This is gooddddd
Thank you all! Glad you enjoyed it... Working on another one. College classes kinda get jn the way though.
Chapter 1: cool story and they're so cute and fluffy <3 thanks for sharing here and ps.more eunhae story..<3
Chapter 1: So lovely.. Thanks
Chapter 1: Oohhh.. I wish more though.. but this kind of story is loved <33
Chapter 1: Oh so very cute. <3 I always love these kind of stories. It was short but super sweet and left me feeling all warm in the chest hehehe. The part where Hyukjae wrapped his arm around Donghae was super sweet ahhhh. I hope I get to hear more from you! :D
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Huzzah to your first fan fic! It was so cute - short n sweet :)
Chapter 1: Aw, so very cute and fluffy.