My Camera Likes Your Face

Accidentally Model



When Minseok arrived at the airport, even their guide was nowhere to be seen. It was so early that the sun had just begun to rise and the cold air of December seemed composed of ice. After half an hour, the guide finally arrived. She was a young woman called Victoria who greeted him with a smile and immediately started to talk about their ten day trip. Despite her age, she looked professional and could answer every question Minseok asked her (he didn’t want to sound dull, but that was his first time going to Europe and he was very anxious). 

They had to wait another half an hour before people started to show up. He had expected their group to be composed only of old people, but he was wrong. Yes, there were a few old couples but there were also younger ones and few persons looked like his age. This reassured him a bit: maybe after all he wouldn’t have to listen stories about grandchildren and cats for the whole duration of the trip.


Minseok had always hated latecomers and therefore he hated the only guy who hadn’t arrived yet. He would curse at him, but on Victoria’s list, his name was written in Chinese, so he couldn’t read it. Everyone was there and this idiot was making them wait and possibly lose their flight. 

When the idiot arrived, he wasn’t even in a hurry and this made the Korean man even angrier. He heard a group of guys calling him “Luhan”, but he thought that “Idiot” fitted him better.

Minseok had to admit that the idiot was quite pretty and he was also wearing a Manchester United scarf. If he hadn’t already decided that he didn’t like him, they could have become friends and talk about soccer, but this didn’t matter anymore because his presence irritated him.

Finally complete, the group headed as fast as possible to the security controls and everything went smooth, at least until Minseok arrived at the staff operator who had to control his passport and boarding card. The woman leaned in and looked at him as if he’s a lost puppy.

“Do you need a hostess, sweetheart? It’s a free service for unaccompanied minors.” 

The young man stilled and his face turned red when he realized what the woman had just said. As soon as he managed to start thinking again, he slammed his passport in her face and muttered, “I’m 24.”

Someone behind him laughed so hard that it distracted him from hearing the woman’s apology. Minseok turned to see who was making fun of him. Of course, only that idiot could be the one. His face was so twisted by laughter that his eyes were full of wrinkles and his chin looked strange. Minseok wanted to tell him to shut up because he looked even younger than him, because he wasn’t even that pretty and Man U was going to lose that year, but people were waiting and he had to move so he eventually let it go. 

Minseok didn’t like that guy. At all. 


“This is Trafalgar Square. It was built in 1805 as a place to commemorate the battle of Trafalgar that happened during the Napoleonic Wars…” 

Minseok took a look around and admired the Nelson’s Column, the fountains and the impressive building of the National Gallery. It was a very beautiful place. 

It was cold and the sky at the horizon was dark grey, but luckily, it wasn’t raining or snowing. Minseok has always liked this kind of weather and the Christmas decorations made everything even more stunning and fascinating. A gust of wind made him shiver so he snuggled in his anorak and hid his face in the scarf. For a moment, he heard someone giggling and saying “how cute!” but when he turned around to see what was so cute, he only saw small groups of people chatting, taking pics and wandering around. However, he still had the sensation that someone was staring at him.

Everyone seemed to be there with someone special and he was the only one completely alone. He should have expected this, who visits London for New Years’ Eve alone? Minseok, that’s who. Sure, he would have liked to be there with his friends but they were all busy or didn’t have enough money, so they refused to go with him. Those ungrateful kids who abandon their hyung when he needs them. Even if he was a little disappointed at first, he didn’t mind being alone; he was the kind of person who enjoys his own company and in this way he also didn’t have to hear them making a mess all day long. He decided to make this trip for celebrating his last year of university and this was going to be a relaxing holiday for him, a very relaxing one. 

And it wasn’t that hard to relax and enjoy the journey. Choosing to visit London during Christmas holidays had been the best decision ever because the atmosphere was perfect and he already knew that he was going to be sad once in Seoul again. Everything was so different and exciting and he just wanted to discover every hidden secret of the city. He didn’t even care if his feet hurt like hell every evening because he walked too much during the day.

He was admiring the outside of the Westminster Abbey when it happened again. He felt that someone was staring at him. It was an unpleasant feeling that keep coming back from time to time, like when he was admiring a beautiful statue in the British Museum or when he was feeding some squirrels in Hyde Park. 

It was always the same: he heard giggles or whispers and the clicks of a camera, but when he looked around he could only see groups of tourists and of course they were taking pics and laughing with their friends but no one seemed to be laughing at him or noticing his presence. He could see Luhan taking selfies with his friends and Victoria explaining something to an old woman but absolutely no one spying on him. Maybe he was just becoming paranoid. Why should someone pay attention to him? There was no reason for this to happen. He was just a boring Korean student who was enjoying his holiday. 


It was the morning of 28th December and that Chinese man was very late again. They had been in London for just two days and Minseok had already understood that Luhan was the kind of person who’s never on time, but today he was so late that Minseok wanted to break into his room, hit him and drag him in the hotel’s hall where everyone was waiting. Today they had to see the queen's jewelleries, and Minseok was so excited; he just wanted to get a move on, but he had to wait that stupid brat who probably stayed too long in bed and spent too much time putting on makeup.

Fortunately, the Crown Jewels housed in the Tower of London were so stunning that Minseok forgot about Luhan. 
Suddenly the sensation on being spied showed up again. This time Minseok didn’t turn around but tried to ignore it, so he kept looking at the beautiful crown. The jewel was put on a glass case and there were some mirrors around it, so the tourists could see the piece better. This was the reason why he noticed it. That Idiot was photographing him. That strange Chinese man was sneaking pics of him. This was not just very creepy but Minseok was sure it was also illegal (there had to be a law against creepy Chinese tourists who liked to spy innocent students during their holidays).
Minseok turned to go face him but Luhan had already vanished into the crowd, so there was nothing he could do. However, Luhan wasn’t going to get away that easily, now that he had discovered his creepy hobby. 

Minseok just had to wait when he would do it again (and he knew Luhan was going to because he was an idiot) and then he was going to face him and make him delete all the pictures. 


Minseok would have never admitted this, but he liked it. He liked to spy on Luhan who spied him back. 
Now that he was aware of the other’s hobby, it wasn’t so difficult to catch him in the act. He liked to pretend that he didn’t notice anything but one second before Luhan took a picture, he turned around to see that idiot panicking and trying to look casual. It’s so nice to trick someone who thinks is tricking you. 

He still couldn’t understand why the guy photographed only him and why only during the unimportant moments. He felt like a k-pop idol followed by paparazzi 24/7. 

The Korean man had spent two days observing Luhan, observing him and wondering about the reasons behind that. It was on the third day that Minseok couldn’t take it anymore. Even if he was getting used at it, Luhan became more annoying; he took one picture after another, he didn’t even try to hide it and it irritated him so much.

Luhan had took pictures of Minseok while he was walking, talking on the phone, crushed between two people on the subway, when he tried a Santa beard on, when he was taking a selfie with a reindeer hat on, while he made a disgusted face tasting a weird food, and also when he was doing nothing but listening to Victoria’s words. 

They were visiting Harrods when he snapped. He was admiring a beautiful Christmas music box with a group of little figurines of skaters spinning and gliding under spotlights. 

He heard distinctly the sound of the camera and when he turned, Luhan was just a few centimetres away from him. That idiot smirked and took another picture, even when Minseok’s hand went to cover the lens. 

Minseok was fuming. This guy had been so intrusive and bold that day that he had face him and make him stop with this (know that he could do otherwise).

“Stop taking pictures of me. I don't know why you're doing this, but just stop or I'll sue you.” 

“My camera likes your face. It’s not my fault.”  

Minseok wanted to break that stupid camera so bad (he knows that it wasn’t the camera’s fault, but he was sure that if he broke it, Luhan would stop being so cheeky).

“I know that you have been doing this since the beginning of this trip, but now I can’t stand it anymore. You have to stop and delete everything.”

Minseok removed his hand from the lens, and Luhan took advantage of that, photographing him once more. The Korean man was so close to hitting him.

“I realized this morning that you knew and this is so good because now I can stop restraining myself.”
“Luhan stop it.”

Minseok turned to see who the owner of that voice is. Luhan’s friends were all there and the tall one was looking at the creepy photograph with one of his strange eyebrows raised. The giant turned to the tiny Korean man.

“I’m sorry for this. Sometimes he can be a little…weird, but I’m sure that he’s going to stop with this strange picture thing. I think he’ll be happy to treat you to dinner.” Minseok already thought he may like this guy, but he was sure he really liked him, when he leaned in and whispered to him “I’d choose Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant if I were you.”

The other two men were laughing at the scene and Luhan didn’t look so happy for how the events were turning.
The one with the deep dimples moved closer to the Idiot and patted his back. “I’m Yixing and as you probably already know, this creepy guy is Luhan.”

The tall one who spoke before introduced himself as Yifan and the last one with the dark circles was called Tao. They looked normal (well, more normal than Luhan) and Minseok thought he could easily spend the four days he still had in England with them, but unfortunately the creepy photographer was always with them.


Luhan didn’t treat Minseok to dinner that evening and the latter was happy for that. He didn’t think he could stand an outgoing with just the two of them. However, he did have dinner with Luhan but also with the other three Chinese men.
They decided to eat in a traditional English pub. The place was cozy and warm, and there were Christmas decorations almost everywhere. 

Luhan tried to sit next to Xiumin, but the latter was tiny and fast and managed to take the chair next to Yifan and the only thing that Luhan could do was to sit in front of him. 

Minseok liked Yifan. He looked like an angry giant but he was a sweetie pie and he was also able to handle Luhan, which was a very good thing. It was just that they were both quiet and a bit shy, so at the beginning, the atmosphere was a bit awkward and they didn’t know what to say, since the others were discussing about something in Chinese. Minseok was curious because it doesn’t happen every day to meet four Chinese men who could speak Korean so well, so he decided to ask him about their origins. Minseok learned that Yifan and Luhan had met at college but now they were both working (it was quite shocking knowing that Luhan was as old as him), and Lay was one of Luhan’s childhood friends and when the younger boy decided to attend a Korean dance academy, they met again. Tao moved to Seoul because of his parents’ job and became Yifan’s friend when the latter tutored him in Korean. After the giant has finished explaining this, the awkward silence showed up again until their food and beer arrived. With their bellies full and a bit of alcohol, everything looked better.  

With his friends there, Luhan also stopped being creepy; he laughed and chatted like nothing bad had ever happened between him and Minseok and that they were normal friends. The Korean man wasn’t sure he was totally okay with it. Luhan seemed nice but he knew he really wasn’t, so it was not easy to trust him and try to get along. He was able to stop thinking and enjoying the other’s presence only when the pub owner the TV because a soccer match was about to start. 

Minseok found himself commenting and cheering with Luhan in a very comfortable way and it felt very strange. At the end of the first half, when the ad appeared on the screen, the awkwardness was there again and even if Minseok had decided that he didn’t like the Chinese man, he wanted to be polite and say something since the other three didn’t like soccer, therefore weren’t paying attention to them. Both Minseok and Luhan opened their mouth to speak at the same time, but the latter’s phone started to ring and the Chinese man stood up, making an apologetic smile and headed for the door.

As soon as the guy couldn’t be seen anymore, Lay stopped chatting with his friends and leaned toward Minseok.

“I know that Luhan can seem a bit weird.”

“And creepy.” Minseok needed to add also this adjective and the other couldn’t contradict him.

“Yeah, and a bit creepy but he really isn’t that bad. I’ve known him for almost all my life and he’s okay. You know, he’s a pretty famous photographer and they’re organizing an exhibition of his works in Seoul, this is why he’s always so busy and receives a lot of calls.” Minseok felt a little guilty for assuming that Luhan was just a lazy college student with a lot of lovers but he was wrong since apparently he was just a strange artist with a good reason to be so busy. 

“You didn’t expect this, did you?” Lay was grinning. “He always had the habit to take pictures of what he really likes, so apparently he really likes you.”

Minseok was blushing and wanted to say that the photographer probably just liked his cheeks (everyone liked his cheeks) and that it was strange because he wasn’t that pretty, but the protagonist of their conversation came back and they had to shut up.

Now Minseok was curious. He had always liked to observe people and sure Luhan was an interesting person. He would have studied anthropology if he hadn’t decided that he preferred software engineering. 

Minseok noticed that Luhan was trying to be polite and cordial, probably because he wanted to make amends and the older one appreciated it a lot. The photographer also insisted on paying for his dinner and to accompany him to his room when they were back to their hotel. The Korean man wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, but he didn’t protest. 
Once at the front of his door, the older guy bowed a little and thanked the other for the dinner before saying good bye, but Luhan stopped him. He was scratching his neck, looking quite embarrassed.

“I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I didn't want to look like some creepy stalker. I kept noticing that you were the perfect subject for my photographs, but I thought that it would have been strange for you if someone you didn't know came up to ask you to take pictures…” 

“So it was better to do it secretly?” Minseok couldn’t say he understood the boy’s logic. 

Luhan didn’t answer, but giggled, embarrassed.

“Well, you still have some days to make me realize that you aren’t totally crazy. Good night.”

Minseok closed the door before Luhan could notice that he was smiling. Resisting to cute guys had never been his forte.


Everyone could say that Luhan was trying hard to restore Minseok's trust in him. He was friendly without invading his personal space and the older appreciated this so much that he agreed with the photographer that he could take pictures of him, if he asked for it. Needless to say, the other was asking for it almost every second and Minseok soon started to regret his decision.

At first, the Korean man thought that the one he would get along better was Yifan, but he was wrong.  He and Luhan had very different characters, but also many interests in common, so it wasn't hard to spend time together.
Luhan was indeed making him realize that he was a very good person, and Minseok was worried because he was starting to care too much for him even if they had met just a few days ago.


“I’m dying. Someone call…call…call…”

“The doctor?” Lay tried to finish Luhan’s sentence but the latter shook his head weakly.

“A priest?” Tao’s answer was also wrong.

“Oh, Luhan, shut up! You’re not dying. It’s just a cold. Tell us what you want us to do.”

“I need Minseok.”

Luhan had to whine a lot before Yifan agreed to call Minseok since he didn't want to disturb their new friend.
As soon as Minseok stepped in the room, the sick man let out a dramatic gasp of pain. The elder sat on the bed to check if the sick man was running a fever, and then he turned to the others. “Today is the last day of the year and you should go out and have fun. I'll stay here with him. It's no trouble. I used to take care of my sister when she was ill.”

Luhan tried to complain that there was no need and that he felt guilty for making him lose a day of his trip (and he really was. He just wanted a bit of attention and maybe a hug). However, Minseok was adamant and pushed the others out the door, and then he TV and ordered Luhan to sleep.

When Luhan woke up, Minseok was still there and was looking out the window. When the older noticed that the other wasn't sleeping anymore, he turned and said “It's snowing! I love snow.” He was smiling and seemed so happy that Luhan couldn't help, but realize that he really was the most beautiful subject he had ever photographed. In a few days, the Korean guy had become the best inspiration he ever had and he's grateful that he had met him, even if he wasn't able to tell the other that.

They spent the day watching football, eating and looking for the ugliest soccer players' pictures on the net. They also sang many Christmas carols, even though Minseok couldn't stop laughing because Luhan's voice was strange because of his cold. It was nice and it became even nicer when Minseok slid in Luhan's bed because the room was too cold, saying that the next day he was going to be ill anyway since he had already spent too much time with a sick person. 
It was very nice.

They were still in bed when Luhan reached for the camera to show Minseok the photos he had taken. 

They were stunning. Minseok was stunning. The older had never been particularly confident, but he had to admit that in Luhan's pictures, he was very beautiful. The other had been able to capture some aspects of him that he couldn't even catch himself. It wasn't hard to understand why the photographer was already quite famous, despite his age.
When Luhan acknowledged that Minseok was speechless because of his photos, he hit him playfully and said “I told you that my camera likes you face, and I like it even more.”

Minseok turned away, blushing. It was hard not to fall for Luhan when he behaved like this.

The other three came back to change their clothes and give them food, two blow-outs and a couple of party hats since Luhan had already sent them a message saying that he and Minseok were going to stay inside for the night. 
As soon as midnight was approaching, they prepared the few things they had to celebrate and Luhan laughed a lot seeing Minseok wearing the party hat. Minseok didn't like that and tried to convince him to put on the other one.

“I can’t wear that! I’m sick! I’m dying and I don’t want to leave this world wearing something like that.”

Minseok rolled his eyes. “Cut the crap, big boy. You just caught a cold and you aren’t even running a fever!”

Now Luhan was very confused. “But you checked my forehead and decided to stay here because I was ill.”

The elder was blushing and looking at his feet “Well, I was tired and I thought a day of relax would have been nice.”

It took a second for Luhan to realize what the other had just said and his heart exploded with happiness. Minseok took advantage of those few seconds and pinned him under him, forcing the hat on his head before running away giggling. The Chinese guy wanted to run after him and hug him, to squeeze his soul out of his body because he was just too cute (but Luhan also cursed with himself because he could have kissed Minseok while the latter was putting the hat on his head and he had missed a great chance). 

Midnight arrived fast and the two guys huddled in a blanket on the small balcony of the hotel hoping to see the fireworks since they were in a small street near the centre of the city.

The atmosphere was perfect and relaxed. The only sounds were TV hosts’ voices, which were getting ready for the countdown, and the people near them who were partying, but the snow which had fallen during the day made everything muffled. 

The two young men stood there until they heard all the people in the neighbourhood starting to count, so they began as well. 

As soon as they screamed “zero” they started to hear a lot of bangs and the sky was immediately illuminated by fireworks. Minseok was looking up, smiling, showing his gums, and he looked so happy and handsome that Luhan couldn’t help but think that that was the right moment to kiss him. He couldn’t miss this chance. He was leaning towards him when the older guy turned to point at the sky, and Luhan let this perfect moment pass too.  

When the fireworks finished they stood there just a few seconds more, enjoying the warm of each other’s body in contrast with the cold night. Luhan stood up and helped Minseok up.

They were putting their glasses on the small table near the TV when Luhan realized that maybe this was another perfect moment to kiss the other. He Minseok’s soft cheek and lifted his chin with his hand. The younger waited a few seconds to know if the other was okay with this, letting his breath linger on the other’s lips. Minseok was the one who leaned in, attacking Luhan’s lips, clinging to the back of his shirt. The Chinese man was surprised by this sudden impetuosity, but he couldn’t help but to be happy. They stood there kissing for a couple of minutes, and then they started to walk backwards until Minseok sat on the bed. They kept kissing for another bit of time because both were unable to break away from the other. Their kisses were heated, as if that was the only chance for them to feel how perfect each other’s lips were. Even when Luhan made Minseok lie and hovered over him, they continued to explore each other’s mouth. 

When Luhan wasn’t able to resist anymore, he let his hand wander under Minseok’s t-shirt, touching the soft white skin. Everything was too perfect, and they wanted that night to last forever.


When Luhan woke up, the feeble winter sun was up in the sky and the sunlight had invaded the room. He was spooning Minseok from behind and they were both . When the man in his arms felt him moving, he turned and smiling shyly, he mumbled “good day.” Usually when something was very beautiful, Luhan felt the urge to take a picture of it, but he had never seen as beautiful as this man and not only a photograph wouldn’t be able to show his beauty, but he also didn’t want anyone to see him like this. He has always been a jealous person and he wanted the Korean guy to be his. The image of Minseok with his eyes closed, mouth slightly open and legs wrapped around his waist was fixed in his memory and he just wanted to see him like that again soon. 

Luhan kissed the other man’s head and started to his hair. Minseok melted in his touch and after a while asked, “Are we going to meet again once back in Seoul?”

There was no way Luhan would have let him go like this. 

“Of course, baby. We’ll manage something.” 

Hearing the nickname, the other turned to face him, amused. “Baby?” 

Luhan smiled and kissed his lips, hoping that his morning breath wasn’t too bad. 

“Yes, you are my baby. You know, I wanted to kiss you since that night at the pub. There was mistletoe everywhere, but I thought you would have hit me.”

The elder laughed, “Yeah, I would probably have hit you. You made a wise decision choosing to wait.” 

Minseok wiggled a little in his lover’s arms, making himself comfortable. He fell asleep mumbling “baby” and Luhan followed him not long after. Luhan wanted every morning to be like this.


“Luhan, this is so embarrassing!”

The Chinese man took his boyfriend’s hand and showed him the room.

“Is not! You’re so pretty and you’re my muse, so you don’t have to feel ashamed.”

This was Luhan’s second exposition and of course, Minseok’s face was everywhere. He wasn’t kidding when he said that his lover was the greatest inspiration he had ever found.

There are pictures of Minseok reading, walking, cooking, looking outside a window, and sleeping (Luhan was still very creepy after all). The room was full of people who were admiring the photographs, nodding and pointing out their favourites. Luhan’s first exposition had been a great success and this time it didn’t seem any different. 

“Oh my god, Luhan! There are also some of the pictures you took in London!”

“Of course, baby. You were so beautiful that I couldn’t stop photographing you. It’s been a year, can you believe it? An awesome year.”

Minseok let his boyfriend back hug him while they observed a photograph with the two of them that Luhan took on the 1st of January, a year before. They knew they were both when Luhan took the pictures, but only their bare shoulders were visible and they were was smiling, completely happy.

“Awesome indeed.” 





That's it!

I hope you liked it~

Tbh, when I first heard about this contest I decided not to take part in it, because I'm not competitive nor I have confidence in my abilities as a writer. After the lawsuit, one morning I woke up thinking that this probably was the first and only one xiuhan contest I could take part in, so I wrote this pretty quickly since the deadline was near. Now that it's ended I can say that it had been very funny and I'd like to take part in another contest (maybe next time I'll start writing earlier and put more effort and time in my fic). I am very grateful to Luminfics's admins for this opportunity and congrats to the winners! *clapping as the intro for overdose* 

Thank you so much for reading this story ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Let's all keep loving xiuhan!

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Credits for the gif ©




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11 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awwww. This was so sweet and adorable and idk man. This is perfection!
Chapter 1: This was so cute and beautiful, i absolutely love this <3
flottemo #3
"The doctor?"

luhan was so silly, he's such a lover babo for minseok lol, china line though, i missed them a lot T_T, poor minseok get misunderstood as minor for the nth time, but i won't blame luhan for fallin in love with that cute korean boy hehehe, he's too cute to resist

I enjoyed this a lot, thanks for writing such a cute story like this!
Chapter 1: Its so beautiful and i really miss them alot

Feels hit me in the end tbh I hold myself to not to cry /xiuhan is my weakness/
I loved how Minseok was irritated by Luhan at first it was so funny lmao, and luhan's effort to be close with minseok was so beautiful yet funny, again lol aND that "someone call" part cracked me up lol i'm very happy that i read this beautiful thing, thank you :'>>
202226 #6
Chapter 1: I like it:)
So beautiful♡
Chapter 1: this is so fluff. its so warming, I like this :) keep it up.
Chapter 1: its kinda..u know amazing how u wrote the fic first and then now xiumin at london not with luhan of course..btw..i love your fic..good job