Just For You

Lemon Cake and Hot Chocolate

“Aish! Nothing is going right today! What’s next? Something hitting my face?”The pretty brunette was about to unlock his front door when the door suddenly opened, hitting the boy straight in the face.


“Are you trying to kill me, Myungsoo!?”


The said boy flinched at Sungjong’s harsh words, but didn’t say anything. He reached out, attempting to caress Sungjong’s face; however, the latter avoided the attempt and walked into the house.


“Are you okay, Jongie? Do you need ice on anywhere?”To tell the truth, Myungsoo was a bit hurt by that rejection. Knowing Sungjong, however, he knew that the younger was irritated and didn’t want to lash out on him. Myungsoo sat down next to Sungjong and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling the smaller closer.


“You can tell me anything, you know. I’m all ears.”


“It’s nothing, hyung...”


“Those wrinkles on your forehead say otherwise.”


Sungjong let out a sigh, giving in to Myungsoo, “Fine... I feel like today isn’t my day. And it’s only the second day of a new year! I got my grades from my teachers and they’re not as high as I needed them to be. When I was walking to work, the wind blew my favorite beanie away. Then at work, my boss happened to be in a bad mood and lashed out on me. Just 5 minutes ago, the door slammed into my face. I can only imagine how the rest of this year will be.”


“Baby, don’t stress out too much about it. Everyone has those days. Today might not have been your day, maybe tomorrow will! About your grades, you have one more semester left, plenty of time to raise them. If you need help, I can tutor you or you can ask your teachers. Don’t dwell in today, look forward and live for tomorrow! Mmm, baby?”Myungsoo kissed Sungjong’s temples and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.


“Myungsoo hyung, I don’t know what I’ll do without you,”Sungjong kissed Myungsoo’s head as a thank you, “Still, today feels so ominous. What if it gets worse?”


The older frowned at his words and looked up at Sungjong, “You have to stop thinking like that Jongie. How about we go to your favorite bakery down the block? Will that make you feel better?”


“Sure hyung, let’s go.”


The two grabbed their jackets and headed down to the bakery.



“What will you two like?”The cashier behind the counter asked.


Sungjong had a hard time choosing between the beautiful pastries, but Myungsoo already had something in mind.


“We’ll have a small lemon cake and two hot chocolates,”he smiled at the gaping boy because he knew that Sungjong loves lemon the most.


“Thank you sir, that’ll be eleven dollars.”


After paying, the two sat down at an empty table and opened the cake box. Myungsoo scooped a small piece of cake and placed it in front of Sungjong’s lips.


“Ahh~ eat Jongie. It’s lemon flavored~”


Sungjong blushed at the show of affection, but nonetheless ate the piece of cake. The older chuckled at how cute Sungjong looked and continued to feed his blushing lover cake.


The younger didn’t even noticed that more than half the cake was gone until he looked down to avoid Myungsoo’s amused gaze.


“Yah~ you didn’t even eat any, eat!”


“Feed me, Jongie~”

Avoiding Myungsoo’s eyes again, he gingerly scooped a piece of cake for Myungsoo. Sungjong continued to do so until the whole cake was gone. The two slowly sipped their hot chocolate and enjoyed each other’s company.


Myungsoo glanced over at Sungjong and smirked, “So Jongie, are you feeling better now?”


Sungjong didn’t hear Myungsoo’s question as he watched people walk past the window they were sitting in front of.


“Hey, Lee Sungjong, turn and look at me for a sec.”


“Wha-!?”Sungjong’s words were stopped when Myungsoo suddenly leaned in and kissed his lips. The latter held it like that for a few seconds, until he swiped his tongue over Sungjong’s upper lip and pulled back.


“Delicious,” Myungsoo said as he his lips, “Now let’s get back home.”


The flustered Sungjong let himself be dragged out of the bakery, until he remembered something, “Wh-what did you ask me back in the bakery, hyung?”


Myungsoo looked down at the younger, “Oh, I asked are you feeling better now?”


“Oh~”Sungjong gave Myungsoo one of his cute eye-smiles, “Of course I did, Myungsoo hyung! Thank you for everything!”


“Do I just get a thank you and your eye-smile?”


Sungjong chuckled at his hyung’s cheekiness and pecked him on his lips.


“Thank you hyung~”

“Anytime, anyday, forever baby. Just for you.”

I wrote this to relieve stress. This fic was the fastest one I've ever written, so excuse its crappiness. However, please do comment and tell me how I did! ^^ Oh and remember, "Don't dwell in today, look forward and live for tomorrow!" (<- that's said by me, not Myungsoo, just saying.)


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Sunngjong_ifnt #1
Chapter 1: So cute ♡_♡
Araceli21 #2
Chapter 1: Cute.(=^-^=)
Chapter 1: So fluff fluff fluffy
Chapter 1: You know what, I really need some MyungJong for cheer up me and thanks to you, your story make me smile. I love it. Thanks Authornim :)
Royalicer #5
Chapter 1: aww they're so cuteeee~
nice story~ ^^