Fort Made Out Of Sheets

Fort Made Out Of Sheets

Ryeowook sat alone in his dorm-room composing his music with slightly furrowed eyebrows and a small smile on his face as he thought of his shiny brown hair around unconsciously with his pencil as he visualized the man who called himself Yesung, smiling at him, sitting next to him and only looking at him. He sighed at his selfish thoughts and gazed out the window near his bed. 

"If only you'd look at me even once the way I look at you."

Right on cue, Yesung made the door fly open as he poked his head in briefly, "Wookie-yah, have you seen Ddankgoma anywhere?" Ryeowook shook his head and pouted as Yesung flew out the room on his quest to find Ddankgoma. He put away his book of compositions and left the room to find his KangIn-hyung so he could get some advice.

He walked up to his dorm-room to hear muffled yells of "Oh Youngwoon! Harder!" then he knocked on the door for reasons unknown. The yells stopped and KangIn opened the door in nothing but a blanket with something or rather someone very unusual under it.

"Um..Wookie-aahh! Why are y-you h-ere?" Ryeowook looked up with tear-filled eyes and said nothing as his eyes said it all. KangIn sighed, "You have to get your mind off that Yesung boy somehow Wookie. It hurts me to see you like this." KangIn covered his mouth and let out a long moan to which Ryeowook blushed, and panting KangIn replied, "I-I don't know.B-Build a fort or something."

Ryeowook beamed and scurried away shouting his thanks to KangIn and Leeteuk. As soon as he left, Leeteuk pulled the cover off, grabbed KangIn and locked the door of their shared dorm-room.

Ryeowook gathered a bunch of blankets and made a purple fort out of sheets right there in the living room section of his dorm-room. He crawled in and grinned at his accomplishment. Ryeowook eventually fell asleep in the fort, dreaming of bubble tea while Yesung once again burst in the dorm. His mind went blank once he saw a large purple fort taking up space in the already small room. “What the hell, Ryeowook?!” He got no response so he decided to investigate. He took a while to find the entrance to Ryeowook’s new haven.

Yesung crawled in to find a sleeping Ryeowook. He smiled and brushed the hair out of his eyes. Ryeowook smiled in his sleep and snuggled into Yesung, “Yesungie, Saranghae.” Yesung blushed and face-palmed himself, taking Ryeowook's words as a joke. Yesung watched as Ryeowook mumbled in his sleep and wrinkled his nose cutely until he himself had fallen asleep.

Ryeowook's eyes fluttered open and he smelled the essence of Yesung near. He tried to move but he was being held down by the strong arms wrapped around his waist and the head on which his own head,which was nuzzled into the elder's neck, was under. He flushed at the idea of this happening but to actually have it happen could make him go directly to Heaven. He stared wide-eyed at Yesung and he moved up to steal a kiss when the grip around his waist tightened and he was pulled closer to his secret love. He squeaked when he saw that Yesung was completely awake and was smiling at his flustered face. 

"I-I,um..I can e-explai-" His sentence had gotten cut off by the soft lips against his own. Ryeowook's eyes were frozen open as Yesung worked his magic on his lips. The seconds passed and Ryeowook began to respond shyly and Yesung smiled into the feathery kiss. They then broke away from their sweet kiss for oxygen and Yesung held Ryeowook's chin. Ryeowook stared deep into his dark kind eyes and began to tear up due to happiness.

Wookie-yah..Do you love me?" turned crimson and he nodded shyly. Yesung grinned and glomped the smaller boy. "Nado saranghae Kim Ryeowook. Since forever actually." Ryeowook looked up at him, wrapped his thin arms around Yesung's neck and placed a chaste kiss on his lips to which Yesung responded. The kiss deepened and the fort fell down on top of the pair who let out a matching pair of soft moans. They broke the kiss and Ryeowook pouted.

Yesung snuggled up to Ryeowook and said seductively, "You know, Wookie-yah, we should build a new fort. There are so many things we can do in it." Ryeowook tensed up, "Y-Yesung?" Yesung buried his face in the crook of Ryeowook's neck and chuckled, "I meant sleeping, Wookie baby, but seriously, we should totally make a new fort.Hey wait! I found Ddankgoma!" Ryeowook giggled at his newly official lover's antics and they both fell asleep in their fort made out of sheets.

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Simple-J #1
Chapter 1: Oooh this was cute!
Momokusheila #3
Chapter 1: Waaah so cute. I love yewook. >-< All your stories are so cute!