Chapter 05

This love

You were mentally slapping yourself a thousand times in your head,blaming youself for being this selfish.You felt so broken inside.Maybe Jungkook didn't deserve you at all .He risked his life just to save you and yet , you were dwelling over the fact that you had to wait a good three years of your life on him.Maybe him loosing his memory was a fresh start for the both of you... ... Maybe this time , his wife would treat him better than you did... ... and maybe this time , he had finally found someone who was compatible enough with him.
You heaved in a deep breath.
"Ri ae , it's gonna hurt now but i promise it will be fine later on"Chanting those words silently,you rubbed your nose and nodded your head as a reply to Jungkook's request.
"I'll do what you asked for then."

You stood up from the wooden bench and approached him.
"Jeon Jungkook,i'm taking out the ring now.As you mentioned,i have already let you know that it has ended so please be happy with your newly wedded wife.Forget about the girl in your head because... ..."
Tears fell again.
"she isn't coming back anymore... ... "
Another tear threatened to fall , however you bit your lip once more,holding it back.This was the finale... ... You slipped the ring out of your finger and you placed it in Jungkook's hand.You bowed down a complete ninety-degrees before turning your back against him.Your heart did hurt a whole lot however , you told yourself not to turn back no matter what because this time , there will be no regrets.

This time , ... ... you were walking out of his life.
"Goodbye Jeon Jungkook... ..."

It has been two months ever since you walked out of Jeon Jungkook's life.You were intending to move overseas since your dad had the opportunity to expand his company.Today was your last day at work in the hotel . You strolled around the hotel with light steps as you folded your hands.Each corner of the hotel held so many memories for you -  the time where  you had almost gotten fired just because of an unreasonable customer,the time where you and the other staff cracked jokes over lunch hours and ... ... the time where you encountered Jungkook... ...
You used to believe it when they said time heals all scars but now, you don't anymore.The seal to your heart hasn't closed yet.Your feelings for Jungkook still hasn't wavered up till now.Even though you had taken off the ring and you had told yourself several times to move on , you still reminisced about those dates that you and Jungkook went for and ... ... the time that he proposed .Your heart and  head was kaleidescoping with painful memories.You often wondered how Jungkook was doing with his marraige life and often when events were held at the very ballroom he had gotten married in , tears would drip down unknowingly as you attended to the guests.


Meanwhile,for the past two months,Jungkook had been trying to piece up everything.Even though he was bethroved to his wife ,she didn't love him at all.She went out almost everyday clubbing in underground clubs which was much to Jungkooks disgust.There was even once when Jungkook returned home to find her on bed with someone else.However,despite all the discontent harboured in his heart,the boy didn't voice out his thoughts to his wife.He just kept it all bottled inside of him.

Jungkook took a deep breath , grabbed his jacket and headed out of the house.He strolled down the bustling streets of Seoul.Despite being an idol whom was easily recognized,he didn't really care much if anyone were to approach him.He took a turn down the avenue and a cafe came in sight.His hands were freezing cold so he entered the cafe mindlessly to get something that could at least provide him some warmth.After purchasing a cup of hot chocolate, he settled down at a table near the window which gave him a bird's eyes view of everything.Was it fate that the same spot he actually sat on was the spot the both of you were at when he  proposed to you three years ago?Maybe it was ... ...
Taking small and careful sips from the glassware,Jungkook let his eyes roam around the cafe to find polariods of regular customers . He was about to move on to the decorative items on the wall when a certain polariod hanging on the wall caught his eye.

"Jungkook ♡ Ri Ae "

He got up from his seat and made his way towards the picture.Indeed , it was him in the picture.Questions flooded his head rapidly.He felt a huge throb in his head.What's this?Why is the picture here?Is that her?He leaned in to the picture to get a closer view.Cocking his eyebrows, he realised the girl in the picture was the one whom had left him speechless at the hotel months ago.Was she the one?
Taking out his phone , he snapped a picture of the polariod on the wall , saving it into his gallery in case he needed it for later.Plus,the picture seemed to be of great importance in helping to get his memory back as the image of the mysterious girl in his head became clearer and clearer.

He didn't know how or why but ever since he stepped into the cafe,Memories reappeared in his mind again,and this time,they flooded his mind as if they were a tsunami.He remembered what he did with the girl for each and every anniversary .He even remembered clearly that he gave the girl her first kiss when they were in the cable car at Namsan Tower.The girl had her back facing him which didn't enable Jungkook to catch sight of her face however , he had a rough idea how she looked like.His eyes fell when he saw two notes attached to the bottom and beside it , there was an envelope which was addresed to him.

The two notes were apparently the promises the both of you made to each other after the proposal.Jungkook's promise to you was "I will love you more than anything in the world and hold up your sky when your world is falling.I'll even try to be back early on fridays so that we can have late night dates."The pang in his heart was getting undeniably noticable.What's happening?
He looked at the note that dangled beside the one that he supposingly wrote years ago."I promise to love and treasure this little boy i am getting married to who cried when proposing , saranghae-ah Jungkook!kekeke~"

A tear escaped his eye as it came tumbling down his cheek.Everything was getting clearer and clearer.However,there was just one small missing piece to the puzzle .
He looked around the cafe to check that no one was staring in his direction and in a moment or two,he pocketed the envelope on the wooden board into his coat , walking out of the cafe as naturally as possible.
He sighted a bus stop nearby and had immediately sat down on the benches.Removing the envelope from his coat,he opened it carefully.Inside, there was a thumbdrive and several cards of all sorts of sizes . He setted aside the thumbdrive as he opened the cards one by one to read them.

"Jungkook-ah,how have you been?It's been a month since the accident,since you went abroad for treatment.I really miss you so much.I hope everythings okay"

"Jungkook-ah,it's been half a year now.I'm still wearing the ring you put on me that day on christmas eve.Do you remember?Anyways,i really miss you.Do come back soon , okay?"

"Jungkook-ah,i got a job at a hotel in seoul!I'm so excited ! I can't wait to start ! Wish me all the best !I know you can't be here so i'll take the ring as my lucky charm!kekeke~"

Message after message,the boy was starting to understand now.The girl in his head,whose back was previously facing him, had started turning towards him... ...

He put down all the cards he had read in the envelope.There was only two cards left.....

"Jungkook.Its been three years ever since the accident.I saw you today at the hotel I was working at.You...You were getting married.Congratulations.Please stay happy and live a great life with your really beautiful wife.I hope she treats you better than i do.I'm really sorry.If it wasn't for me helping the girl with her toy,you wouldn't be ending up in the hospital.I'm really really sorry and did you know,today,I'm finally moving on from you?After waiting endlessly for three years,I finally saw you again and even though this time , you were with another girl , I saw you smiling lovingly at her , it was the same way you looked at me when we were together.I'm glad you finally found someone.It really puts my heart at ease and even though it might take sometime,i'll try moving on from you . Best wishes and i ... ..."

Jungkook placed down the card on the benches as he took a deep breath,wiping away the tears that had fallen down his cheeks.Everything was so clear to him now.He felt refreshed with the new set of memory which he had retrieved.The girl in his head... ...The girl he proposed to... ... The girl whom he vowed to love forever-The girl, No, that girl , that girl was you.
The girl in his head who was once facing away from him , finally had revealed her face to Jungkook.It was crystal clear now.
He picked up the last note from the bench.

"Jungkook,hello!It's been two months ever since i've saw you at the hotel.are you alright?Well um, i'm leaving Seoul later in the afternoon for America.I'll be visiting the place you went to 3 years ago. keke~Please take care and i know we probably won't cross roads anymore in life so please,once again,i wish for your happiness.Take good care of your wife just like how you did when you were with me.Cheer her up and be her pillar when she's sad.I know its ridiculous how i'm actually still writing all these cards and placing them in the envelope each time i come,hoping that you would see them one day
but i guess maybe my feelings for you hasn't died down yet... ... well um,i know you won't see these messages so i just wanted to tell you.I love you and last but not least,goodbye"


This couldn't be the end for the couple who loved each other more then themselves.No,this couldn't be... ...

"Ri ae ah... ..."

Without hesitation,Jungkook hopped into his car and stepped hard on the accelerater.He had no time to loose.He headed for the hotel you were working at , however,the manager had told him that you left early in the morning to pack for your flight.Thanking the manager,he zoomed off and headed towards the airport.That was the last chance for him and he needed to see you desperately.He had finally regained his memories and the love of his life was leaving.Even if it meant seeing you for just one last time , he wanted to pull you into a tight embrace for just one more time and maybe if he could,he wanted to convince you to stay.
His car skidded to a stop at the airport.Slamming the door,he ran in to the departure hall , mumbling  incoherent "sorry"s to the people he had accidently bumped into.He screamed out for your name desperately as his laser-like eyes scanned the area for any signs of you.He didn't give a rats if the entire world was giving him weird stares.All that was in his mind right now was to locate you.

Meanwhile,you paid your taxi fare and stepped out of the cab.Collecting your luggage,you plugged in your earphones as you entered the airport.Your parents were waiting for you over at America already , thus you were taking the flight alone this time.You made an effort to come early since the airport was your favourite place in the whole of Korea.You didn't know how or why but it felt as if you were free of all worries whenever you stepped into the airport.You heard the roaring of the planes which were taking off and laughing of jovial children who were playing hide-and-seek .You had about two hours before your flight took off so you could roam the airport for about an hour before checking in.
you bought a cup of caramel macchiato . Holding on to the cup tightly, you sunk down onto one of the chairs which gave you a magnificent view of airplanes soaring into the sky.
Adjusting your sunglasses,you increased the volume of your music,attempting to distract yourself as a couple took a seat beside you.The male's  hand was wrapped around the female's waist as they were sharing icecream.You turned away .That was what you and Jungkook used to do.Memories came back to you and before you knew it , tears trickled down your cheeks.Its time to let go...... but why am i still like this?
Jungkook panted heavily as he ran all levels of the airport.He was tired , however, at the thought of you , he continued sprinting.He wasn't going to let go of you that easily.He arrived at the observation platform where you were at.The lights were dimmed for the comfort of passengers who had transfer flights to rest,making it even difficult for Jungkook to find you.Jungkook combed the entire level,leaving no stone unturned.However,there was no sign of you.He felt more and more desperate as minutes went by.
"omo,i'm really sorry"
"ah,its okay.sorry!"Jungkook rushed off without giving the person he knocked into a second look.He was so absorbed in searching,he didn't even realise you were the one he had bumped into.You turned to the direction in which he had ran off,giving the boy one,last glance.

"Jungkook-ah,goodbye... ..."
Little did you know,beads of tears started forming ... ...


authors note :

last update for today 

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bubblypotaeto #1
Chapter 9: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! You can NOT just leave it be!!!! HOW COULD YOU!? Continue the story please??! JUST DO IT! *^*
adleynaifa #3
Chapter 9: authornim . remember me ? haha . one of your insta follower - nuradlina_zri . firstly , i hate u . u made me cry damn much . i want sequel for this story . i want happy ending . huaaa . *cries . best one shot I ever read . lol . lastly, keep workig on your sequel . haha . i want it damn much . kbye .
BangtansFam #4
Chapter 9: I HATE YOU
Chapter 9: Waaaah, daebak, daebak, DAEBAK! Such a great fic Author-nim! Btw, I'm one of your instagram followers! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
wangjeon #6
Chapter 9: WHAT IS THIS?!!!! no no no how could she ? OMG! need an explaination.. :(
Shoe_syuu #7
Chapter 9: Please dun say its the end!!!! I really love this! Please make a sequel! Im dying!! Please please!!
Chapter 9: What the is goin‘ on? please make a sequel so we can understand the story clearly. thank you.
luludamnmeen #10
Chapter 9: is that the end... i expect a happy ending tbh--