Eating Pizza and Pretty Teddy Bears

Wow Seungwan

Seungwan and Joy go on the elevator. They sweetly look at each other while the elevator was going down.



On their mind was what pizza they were going to get. Seungwan thought to herself that it would be so good since she did not have it in the last six months. Joy was very hyper to have pizza she was thinking of having french fries with it, and the salt and grease on it,



The elevator went down and the girls stopped their short day dreaming on yummy delicious food.



(Joys thoughts)



Together as friends they got out smiling at each other. Seungwan was thinking of what pizza resturant to go to and if it was rated 5 stars so they can enjoy it with fun filled moments. They saw one so they started walking.



Seungwan sadly thought to herself why Henry will not come. Does he have another lady like Amber from f(x) nooooo. She did not know and she was super damn worried. But she could not be paraniod on a elated night with her best friend Joy. Joy looked at Seungwan and she worried about her. Joy could not helped to asked so she said it 



"Um Seungwan are you ok? You seem paraniod about something....."



Seungwan said.



"I feel like Henry is cheating on me...with some other girl..I know what I am going to do tonight. I am going to take a racy photo to prove him wrong but after we eat pizza!"



Seungwan and Joy look at each other. They thought that was the perfect idea. The lights lightened up the dark sky with skyscraper buildings.



At the hotel, Henry was on his IPhone 6 taking breath taking pictures outside the hotel. Henry could not wait for Seungwan to come home. Henry all the sudden thought of giving her a teddy bear. So he went to the closest toy store. Satisfied Henry found a light blue teddy bear that was big and cuddly.



So he took it and payed for it and he went back to the hotel on time, he puts it the closet.



 (I know the picture its big lol)



15 minutes later the two girls made it to the pizza place, they were the only ones there because at 10:00 PM and they arrived there at 8:00 PM.



The chef asked happily 



"Hi, what can I get you two girls?"



Seungwan said



"We both want a pepperoni pizza large size please. My dear friend wants french fries."



The cashier said "Ok" The chefs went quickly to work to make the greasy dazzling food. Seungwan and Joy split the cost as they payed for it.



Joy and Seungwan find a spot as they sit, their heads turn as they look at the Italian paintings of pizza and Italian chefs making food. Iggy Azaleas Work was playing in the background. The fans were on because the place was hot from the pizza ovens. The walls were beautiful and red. The girls woke up from there zoning out,



The waiter comes over and says 



"Food is ready enjoy."



The two girls say thanks as they start eating.



Seungwan and Joy both had pizza while the cheese melts in there mouth with that yummy grease. They eat it with joy.



There was 3 pieces left of pizza. Seungwan sweetly thought of Henry and she said "Lets save it." Joy agrees. Seungwan asks for a container to take it home. The waiter gives it to Seungwan as she puts it in.  Seungwan and her walk out of the shop. Joy said "Ready for the pic?"  Seungwan said "Yes ma'am."



 Seungwan bites her lip in her booty shorts with her black spandex and tank top. Joy takes the picture and she sends it. The girls sqeal like pig as they run home in the wind as their hair blows. Henry gets the picture and he said "My y babe..."



They run in the hotel all the way up the stairs holding hands, they knew Henry recieved the dirty message.



Seungwan knocks on the door "Baby! We are home." Henry opens the door with the kawaii jumbo teddy bear behind his back. The two girls step into the room as one.



Henry gives her the teddy bear. "I saw your message and I loved it....a lot."



Seungwan was a red apple because of her cheeks "Thanks baby boo." she said as she took the teddy bear and hugged it.



"It is beautiful."  Joy watches in happiness. Henry kisses Seungwan. Henry said "Lets go to bed babes. We need our beauty sleep." The 2 girls agreed. Everyone got ready for bed.



Seungwan and Henry got in the same bed.



Joy slept on the couch.



It was 11:59 PM everyone went to sleep. 



The night was peaceful as can be and very dark.

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