1/1 [FINAL]

Another one?

If we're not out of this goddamn shop in 5 minutes, I'm going to implode

'HURRY THE UP, TAEHYUNG!' Jungkook hissed across to his lover after covering Taeguk's ears to prevent her from hearing him swear

'Daddy...why are you getting angry at Daddy?' She whispered quietly as she placed her petite hands on his own and squeezing them lightly and surprisingly, this calmed the man down

'Sorry, Taegukkie. Today's a really important day for me. And daddy' he gave Taehyung a deadly glare, 'is delaying us'

'Kookie - ah...let's not forget you were the one who took 2hours getting ready, right, Taeguk - ah? He took a long time, right?' Taehyung gave an adorable smile to their daughter and Jungkook nearly punched his husband in the face

'You can't use your cuteness to get our daughter to side with you all the time, Taehyung' he hisses again, causing the 6 year old to run out of Jungkook's grasp and stand in the middle of the two of them

'YAH. Both daddys are in the wrong. Daddy,' she faced Taehyung, 'should have picked what shoes he wanted a wong time ago and Daddy,' she turned to face Jungkook, 'is the reason we wate in the the first pwace and daddy shouldn't get angwy in pubwic places, okay?' She cutely stared expectantly at both her fathers

'Did you just 'yah' us, Kim Taeguk?' Jungkook said jokingly and Taehyung read his mind almost immediately

'Uh...uh...of course not, daddy! I was just yah-wning! I'm tired...appa, why are you taking so wong?' She fake yawned and Jungkook nearly fell for it. Nearly.

'Come here, my little one' he grinned as he saw his daughter's face light up and let out a sigh. He knew how much she hated getting told off

'Just because you hear your dad's saying 'yah' to each other, you shouldn't say it to other people okay, Taeguk - ah?' Taehyung spoke up before reaching forward and pinching her cute little cheeks

'Yes, daddy.' She said before burying her face into Jungkook's neck and no doubt dozing off...her sleeping pattern was very similar to Uncle Yoongi's

'I'll get these ones then we can go, okay?' Taehyung whispered calmly as he picked up a pair of shoes before quickly scanning Jungkook's eyes to make sure he wasn't angry, 'We're okay, right, Kookie?' 

Jungkook broke out into a smile, he could never resist Taehyung, 'Of course, now go pay quickly!'

'Wait here, Kookie' Taehyung gave the younger a quick peck on the cheek before running off to pay for his shoes

Jungkook chuckled as his eyes followed his husband, who every nearly knocked down a whole shelf of shoes, and wandered back to their daughter, who was now sleeping peacefully, her coincidental bunny teeth sticking out cutely and the most adorable snores escaping

Could life get any better?


'Oh dear...we're going to be late...My parents are going to kill us!' Jungkook muttered to no one in particular as he drove quicker

'First of all, who the hell says 'oh dear' these days?! And second of all, it'll be fine...let's just blame it on Taeguk...they adore her too much to scold her!'

'DADDY! Why would you bwame it on me?' She shrieked and both of her fathers wondered how she could sleep so peacefully one minute and be shouting and hyper the next

'We're just kidding, Taegukkie!' Taehyung gave a little wink that only Jungkook could see, making the younger chuckle

'First of all, it's not like I can swear in front of the little one, right? My options are limited! And second of all, I just want this dinner to be over in less that 2 hours so Taeguk, don't be too cute and Taehyung...don't say anything stupid...please' 

'Yes, dad' the two said in unison

'Good, now, Taeguk - ah...don't talk about anything you learnt in school...you'll give them expectations if you do'

'But! I'm helping her with math! And she's really good! Watch!' Taehyung faced their daughter who had nearly fallen asleep yet again, 'Taegukkie! What's seven times seven?'

'Uh...fawty...seben?' She mumbled

'Well done, Taeguk - ah!' He reached back and gave her a little high five

'Hold up. 7x7 is 49, Taehyung.'

'Fine, fine...we won't do any sums at the table, I promise' he pouted cutely and Jungkook felt even more uneasy about tonight...his mother had never liked Taehyung but the boy was too dense to realise and Jungkook didn't have the heart to tell him

After a few more minutes he pulled up into the entrance of a familiar restaurant 'We're here, kids!' He said, waking up the both of them

'YAAAAY FOOD!' They shouted in unison


Sure, on the whole, Taeguk looked more like Jungkook but personality - wise, she was definitely influenced by Taehyung greatly

His mother had adored Taeguk and found her endearing and cute but when it came to Taehyung, she found him strange and thought he should 'act like his age'

Jungkook was at work most of the time (He had become a CEO for a branch of successful hotels) so this left Taehyung to raise their little angel mostly by himself as his work (a graphics designer for a video games company) could be done at home. Well, as long as Taeguk never ever ever spills her orange juice on his work again

But lately, Jungkook's business was booming, meaning more money and more employees being hired, meaning less work for him to do, meaning more time with his two favourite people in the world

It was all going greatly until his mother phoned him one afternoon, just when him and Taehyung had managed to get Taeguk to take a nap (she was feeling extra hyper that day) and were about to have some 'alone time' if you know what I mean, and telling him they would be in town for 2 weeks and wanted to meet up because they had 'great news'

10/14 days he had managed to make excuses to decline their offers

Yes, he did love his parents. But ever since he had been with Taehyung (a total of 7 years and they had known each other for 9) they (and by they, he means mostly his mother) always talked about his ex girlfriend, Yura and how much they (she) wanted grandchildren. When Taehyung stupidly bought up adoption, they were left with no choice but looking back on it, it was one of the best decisions they'd ever made. And it shut his mother up.

This was why Jungkook had a bad feeling about today. It had been too long since his mother had lectured him about something and he doubted she would ever let him live his own life properly

He rolled his eyes and chuckled as Taehyung chased after Taeguk who had ran forward - excited about the thought of food

When he finally entered, he scanned the room to find Taehyung and Taeguk already sitting with his parents and a random woman and a child

'What the hell is this?' He muttered to himself

As he got closer, he got a closer look at his husband, who looked uncomfortable, and his daughter, who was feeling uneasy as she could sense her father's uncomfortableness and the woman. It was Yura.


'Oh! There you are, Jungkook! Have a seat!' His mother gestured to the seat next to Yura which also happened to be the seat furthest away from Taehyung and Taeguk

'Please order a lot. It's on me' Jungkook's father spoke up

Jungkook shifted awkwardly in his seat and tried his hardest to get his husband's attention but his efforts failed as Taehyung's eyes remained glued on his menu

'He-hello, Jungkook - ah' Yura whispered shyly

'Oh!' Jungkook looked up from his menu, 'Hi, Yura noona' he tried to focus his attention back on his menu but she spoke again

'I'm sorry about this...none of it is your fault, okay? And you shouldn't listen to your mother...' 

Her warnings were cut short as his mother called the waiter over

After ordering and making awkward chit chat, the food finally arrived and Jungkook thanked The Lord. He didn't know how much more he could take of this dinner. And he also wanted to ask Yura about what she meant earlier

After making sure Taeguk was okay and reminding her to be careful with chewing (as her tooth had fallen out the day before) , he finally dug into his own food. 

As he was so focused and enthusiastic about eating his food, he accidentally knocked a pair of utensils off the table

'Sorry, I'll get it' a voice said in unison with his own and Jungkook followed the sound to come face to face with the kid with Yura Noona. 

It was the first time he looked at the kid properly and freakishly enough, it was like looking into a mirror at his 10 year old self

No way...could it be?...crap.

Crap, crap, crappity crap.

No. No. This can't be happening

Jungkook needed to get out of here.

Like now.


Taehyung's eyes followed his husband's figure until it went out of sight.

He's probably going to smoke a cigarette or something...

Taehyung tilted his head in confusion, But Jungkook only did that when he was stressed. 

Did he find out that quickly?

'I'm going to check on Jungkook. Please take care of Guk - ah shortly' he gave a slight bow before getting up

'But, daddy, I want to go with you!' Taeguk whined

'Dad will only be in 2 minutes. Can you count to 120 for me? I promise I'll be back by then' he gave her a little kiss on the top of her head before running outside

He saw Jungkook straight away, leaning on their shiny Ford, a cigarette in hand and what looked like tears in his eyes

'Jeon Jungkook' he said as he got within earshot of the younger, 'I thought you said you'd stop smoking...'

However, Jungkook simply ignored him and said, 'that kid...he's mine.' 

'I know' he said dismissively, walking forward and and wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist and kissing his chest softly, 'We'll get through it together'

'How are you not mad?' 

'We weren't together at that time. Heck, we didn't even know each other at the time! Sure, I'll give you a lecture about protection later on but I'm okay...really! Besides, it might be nice for Taeguk to have a big brother figure. You're spoiling her' 

Jungkook fake gasped and loosened his grip on the older. 'Says the one who bought her all the B.A.P merch known to man!' 

'Hey! It's not my fault she likes Daehyun because he looks like her favourite dad!' Taehyung tried to do some aegyo but his hands were taken away from his face and bought to the back of Jungkook's neck as Jungkook pulled him into a hug

'Thank you, Taehyung - ah...for being so sweet. I love you and this doesn't change anything anything between us, okay?' 

'Of course, silly! Anyway, Yura Noona seems nice. She has a husband, y'know, so it's not like she wants to steal you from me' Taehyung gives him a little smile which makes his heart flutter before tugging at his hand

'Let's go back now...I really doubt Taeguk actually counted to 120 but I feel like she'll be angry at us for taking so long' 

'Okay, let's go'


They were just about to open the door to the restaurant when Yura pushed it open at the same time

'Oh? Hello, Jungkook - ah. Hello, Taehyung - ssi' she smiled warmly, 'I have to get home, Jongdae needs to do homework and my husband is waiting for us' she bowed slightly before trying to walk past

'Wait, noona!' Jungkook said, causing the woman to turn and look at him expectantly, 'if it's not too late...maybe I could...maybe spend some time with Jongdae at some point?'

'That would be nice...' Yura quickly gave Jungkook her phone number before giving one last beautiful smile and then proceeding to walk away

Jungkook and Taehyung entered the restaurant

'Babe, don't get too angry at your parents, alright?' Taehyung whispered as they got nearer and nearer to their table

'Oh trust me, I will' Jungkook replied dangerously

'Oh finally you're back! Yura had to leave...what a shame, we were having such a good time!' Jungkook's mother exclaimed and Jungkook gritted his teeth angrily

'Taehyung - ah, could you please take Taeguk to the car? I need to talk to my parents alone' 

Taehyung wanted to stay. He always hated it when Jungkook got angry at his parents because he had lost his when he was young, meaning his in laws were the closest thing to parents in his life. That and Jungkook's father was one of the nicest and funniest people he'd ever met. Jungkook's mother was...another story

'O-okay...Taeguk, let's go!' Taehyung gave Jungkook one last pleading look before bowing in front of his in laws, 'thank you for dinner, Mr and Mrs Jeon. Until next time...' And then leading Taeguk to the car


Once Jungkook was sure Taehyung and Taeguk were out of earshot, he slammed his fists onto the table angrily, 'What the hell?!'

Jungkook's mother gasped softly whereas his father simply sat their and watched his son

'Why? Why did you have to do this? And especially in front of Taehyung? This doesn't change anything between me and Taehyung. We will love each other till we die and and you can't stop us. Bringing Yura Noona was also petty move. She's married and she's happy...why drag her into this ed up mess? Whatever you tried to do here didn't work. So thanks for telling me about my son. And thanks for the food. And thanks for being such great ing parents' Jungkook grabbed his jacket angrily before giving them a look of disappointment and resentment before storming out


Jungkook approached the car and realised that the older was in the driver's seat so he simply rolled his eyes and got on the other side

'How'd it go?' Taehyung asked nervously, resting his warm hands onto Jungkook's cold ones

'I may be the worst son ever...I feel bad for what I said...' Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair exasperatedly and groaned loudly in frustration

'Shhhh. Taeguk's sleeping...but do you want to go back and apologise?' Taehyung suggested, now moving his hands onto Jungkook's shoulder and patting it gently

'No...I said what I needed to say and I'm tired right now. Let's just go home, Taehyungie' Jungkook murmured as he put on his seatbelt clumsily and leant his head onto the window

'Okay then. Let's get you home, Kookie' Taehyung whispered before leaning over and lightly kissing the younger on the head, 'I love you' he whispered into Jungkook's ear, thinking he was fast asleep

'I know. I love you too, Tae Tae' the younger replied

Taehyung just chuckled and started the car.


*One Week Later*

'TAEHYUNG, IT'S FOR YOU!' Jungkook shouted across the apartment, surprising Taehyung and causing him to knock over the stack of Taeguk's toys which he had spent hours working on

'YAH! I'M BUSY!' He shouted back, trying to reform the stack but failing


'FINE!' Taehyung got up from his beanbag chair and ran to where Jungkook was, 'Who the hell could it be that's so ing important?' He grumbled as he took it from Jungkook's hand and put it up to his ear

'Hello, Taehyung' he heard his mother in law say and he mentally facepalmed before glaring at the grinning man in front of him

'Oh, hello, Mrs Jeon' he said, mustering all the politeness in his body into those 5 syllables

'I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the other day. It was wrong of me to try and interfere with you and Jungkook's relationship' she sounded like a different person! Not only was her voice gentler but she was using her Gyeongsang dialect instead of the Seoul one for once and she sounded far less snobby

'It's okay, Mrs Jeon.'

'Please...call me mother from now on. I know for a fact that you call my husband father'

Taehyung gulped. She could obviously tell who he preferred more

'You needn't worry, Taehyung. I hope that we will get closer as the years go on but for now, we'll be out of your hair. We'll be spending a few months in Jeju Island to relax. That son of ours finally gave us a gift! It took him 30 years but we finally received something from him! Anyway, thank you for making my son happy, Taehyung. I'll see you guys in a few months!'

'Bye...mother' Taehyung said shyly

'We'll work on it later. Bye, Taehyung!'

When he heard the phone call disconnect, he finally let out a deep breath that he didn't even know he was holding

'She likes me! She actually likes me!' He was so close to crying right there and then

'She's always liked you, Tae. She's just stubborn!' Jungkook threw his arm round the older boy's shoulders

'I've never been so happy!' Taehyung exclaimed, causing Jungkook's arms to falter and the younger to cross his arms 

'Umm excuse me? The love of your life whom you married and adopted a child with is right here'

'You know I was joking, Kookie' 

'I know but...I just want to make sure that I make you the happiest' he purred. Yes, purred as he pushed Taehyung against the nearest wall, both arms stopping the older from escaping

'Jeon Jungkook...' Taehyung said shakily

Jungkook lurched forward and started to plant little butterfly kisses on Taehyung's neck, causing the older to let out an airy moan

'Jungk- Jungkook...st...aaah' Taehyung words fell into deaf ears as one of Jungkook's hands slid down his chest and made their way to his 'downstairs area' and started to palm it roughly

Taehyung gasped, finally realising what they were doing, and pushed the younger off of him

Jungkook pouted cutely, 'Why'd you make me stop?'

'Because we have to pick up our daughter from kindergarten...now come on, you bastard'

'You're very no fun, Taehyung - ah' Taehyung could literally hear the pout on Jungkook's lips

'Whatever!' Taehyung exclaimed as he grabbed the car and house keys, 'LEGGO!'


Taehyung poked his head back into the apartment 

'YAH! We'll have a child in the house!'

'So?' Jungkook was now putting his shoes on and once he had finished tying his laces, he walked past the older, purposely squeezing his , 'Let's make another one' he whispered seductively before snatching the car keys from Taehyung's shaking hand.

'LAST ONE TO THE CAR IS AN IDIOT' he shouted as he giggled like a little kid before running to the elevator, leaving a very flushed Taehyung at their apartment door

'Y-yah! Jeon Jungkook! JUNGKOOK!'

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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Haha, cute but partially surprising
blackcatty #2
Chapter 1: the last part got me real hard (no pun intended okay) HAHAHAHAHA who wouldn't like taehyung he's too much of a sweety that could even melt a glassier ice, i swear
Pandora1056 #3
Chapter 1: I like it! Thank you for making this!