Chapter 11: Bonding With Teen Top

Dove Girls' | TOP Media First Girl Group | Disbanded December 7, 2016

The girls were practicing 'Glass Bead' over and over again late into the night. After a few hours they were allowed rest and they sat together in a circle.

Love shouted a big, "Omma!", towards Jaylyn.

Jaylyn looked towards Love, "Wa Seohyun?!" using Love's birth name. Love rubbed her stomach and whined, "I'm hungry."

Sohee joined in with Love, "Omma were hungry. Feed us!" they whined together. Jaylyn shook her head, "We can't eat to much remember? We're on a diet until we end promotions." both Love and Sohee sighed. 

Sohee, "But unnie that's in a few more weeks. I'm not sure if I can take it." she put her head down on Micha's shoulder. Micha smiled and patted Sohee's head, "You can survive Sohee."

Haneul sighed, "But I have to agree with them. A few more weeks is long. I swear I didn't feel like this while promoting 'Pit-A-Pat'." Yerin was grubbing to, "I want chicken unnies." Jaylyn sighed but knew she had to hold her ground, as they girls were on a strict diet, but she was hungry as well.

Just then the door opened and that made the girls grin. Love was the first to get up, "Sunbaes brought chicken!!" she ran to the people who bought the chicken, Teen Top!

Micha, "Sunbae-nims! You bought chicken!"

L.Joe smiled, "We figured our hoobaes needed a treat." but Jaylyn sighed, "But we're on a diet sunbae-nims."

C.A.P, "Don't worry Jaylyn. We asked your manager and he gave the okay." Jaylyn smiled and bowed, "Thank you."

Changjo smiled and hugged Jaylyn, as well as Ricky, showing their close friendship. Then both Teen Top and Dove Girls' sudden heard someone yell, "Oppa!"

They all turn towards Chunji who head locked Yerin and saying, "This is what you get for embarrassing me at your showcase." he joked. Yerin, "Oppa can't you take a joke?" she tried to get out of Chunji's head lock. the others smiled and laughed at the siblings fight. Niel, "Come and sit Dove Girls', lets eat!" 

Teen Top and Dove Girls' all sat together and ate chicken late at night, enjoying and bonding.

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Chapter 49: And these are up10tion... They dance to each other song
Chapter 42: Funny enough... I'm here because of Up10tion...
Chapter 37: awwww
this is cute XDD
omma feed us XDD
XDD aww changjo ricky and jaerin~ OuO
these siblings

hope to see more of these moments~ ^_^

and woop promotions going well i see
Hi there! I run an Allkpop for Applyfics! Basically, it's a parody of Allkpop and I write articles for the made up groups here on AFF ^^ It'll also be like free advertisement for your fic. Please check us out!
Chapter 34: Okie, i finally found time to comment after so long XDD
im finally done with college assignments for now

lets start where i last left off until the recent chapter
aww leader jaerin~
XDD the siblings
wow that was good

XDD wow haneul got in running man

cutie girls
AWW So cute~ ^^
Dear I'm really sorry I haven't been commenting for the new chapters...ill come back with comments on the weekends...there's just too much things going on in college..i felt guilty for not being able to this is like an iou statement XDD

I'll comment later on the weekend~♡♡
I promise
archet #7
Chapter 30: their showcase is da bomb < 3
Chapter 29: I love the clips you chose for the showcase.
Chapter 27: The songs in the mini album is nice. Hope their album success!
archet #10
Chapter 26: video teaser weeps! the girls would totally be awesome for their next comeback