How it All Began~

Am I Wrong?

He came into my room where i was currently pretending to sleep, awaiting his touch to wake me. Those nimble fingers, the way they instantly find the right place where i break out into a fit of wriggling and laughs because it tickles too much. Or his other option of his voice, that sweet yet manly voice, calling my name, just before he would shove me over. He goes with the latter, shoving me and laughing at me while i glare up at him with a slight scowl.

“Not, nice.” I grumbled as i rolled back over, lightly shoving him back.

“But the sweet little prince wouldn’t wake up otherwise” he teased as he pinched my cheek between his thumb and first finger, “ready for your long list of duties for today?” he questioned sarcastically.

“Ugh, not really…” i grumbled and got up off of the floor to help him fold up my bedding as he spewed the various tasks of the day.

“Today your father wants you to accompany him to Hanyang to check on the villages-”

“To maintain his image as a ‘good king’” i cut in. Truth is appa doesn’t really worry if they’re well or not, just as long as their debts are paid off.

“I guess you can say that” he chuckled and i felt my cheeks heat up well enough to cause a blush to spread across my cheeks and cause me to shove him once again due to my stupid insecurities and embarrassment.

“Did you at least bring me breakfast?” i pouted as he proceeded to fold my blanket.

“Yeah, i have the bowl of fresh sok mieum that Chef Zhoumi prepared this morning.” he grinned that gummy smile that makes my heart melt.

-See, the perks of having him as my servant is that he’s my best friend. His father was the king’s servant, and appa said that I needed someone to play with when i was younger. So, appa told Servant Lee to bring his son for me since we are so close in age, with him only a few months older than me. I got lucky because i get to see his beautiful face whenever my little heart desires.

            Hyukjae P.O.V.

“Ahh, Chef Zhoumi makes the best sok mieum.” He mumbled while filling his mouth with the sweet breakfast.

“I’ll go prepare your clothes for today.” I need to get myself out of this room before i catch myself staring at him for much longer.

“Awwww don’t leave me alone.” his pout. That damn pout that makes my heart skip a beat. The lower lip pushed out, the pleading eyes.

Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Lee Hyukjae. I’m 28 years old, and i have the duty to be royal servant to the prince. And i know i should keep it at that, but we grew up together; him as my best friend. Only friend actually. He may be a little stubborn, whiny, and playful, but i put up with him.

“Well, i don’t want you to go out in pajamas or .” i joked but notice him quickly hide his face,

“Yah! Keep that smirk to yourself!” His bottom lip trembling and voice wavering. “P-please get my clothes. He lowered his voice and headed to the other side of the room where i help him to get dressed since he’s ‘royalty and shouldn’t dress himself on his own because he’s terrible at picking out his own clothes.’ “ I nodded, snickering slightly at his childish ways.

“Alasseo, alasseo. As you wish.” i chuckled and left the room to grab his jeogori, baji, durumagi, magoja, and his jokki. All shades of blues, white, and a little yellow.

I went back to his room and noticed he had already started to undress from his pajamas, leaving on only his undergarments. My eyes couldn’t control themselves from raking up and down his body. Mentally slapping myself~ Hyukjae, get ahold of yourself! He’s your friend, the prince, this is your JOB!~

Walking back over to him, i handed him the clothing choice for today.

Finally dressed and ready to go, he asked me to check and make sure he looked presentable.

“Hae, it looks good.” I smiled, informally addressing him. I hardly noticed Royal Guard Choi Siwon standing outside of the door until we stepped out of his room.

“Good morning your highness, your father asked that i’d you to his room to leave.” He smiled at Hae, bowing to the both of us.

We returned the gesture, and Donghae followed him through the palace.

We never really needed a guard specifically for the prince. Well, not until last year when someone had tried to steal from the King’s fortune. After that, every person royal in the palace had gained a guard to their room. The king and queen had Royal Guard Henry Lau; best in the village. Princess Heechul had Royal Guard Shindong; the strongest of them all. And for the prince, Royal Guard Choi Siwon; fittest and most alert.

            Donghae P.O.V.

Guard Choi led me up, down, left, right, all the way to my father’s room. He had just finished getting dressed, with the help of his servants. Umma walked in, bidding both Guard Choi and i a good morning.

“Appa, why must i go with you? Is there really nothing i can stay here and do?” The truth is that i just wanted to stay here with Hyukjae and have him “help” me with my daily work.

“Donghae, you know why you need to go with him.” my mother tried to interject, knowing all too well why i wanted to stay home. Umma knows everything about my obsession with my servant, calling it an ‘unhealthy dream.’ She also knew my habits of getting distracted by the way his skin would brush against mine, sending sparks through my body.

“But i need to help Chef Zhoumi to get ready in the kitchen!” I noticed Guard Lau’s expression shift from protective and stiff to highly interested. “Guard Lau,” a mischievous grin tugging at my lips, “don’t you think he may need my help?”

He nodded feverously, “The festival is coming up soon, and there tends to be quite a few guests. The prince usually helps every year to prepare.” His eyes gleaming with delight at the chance to me to the kitchen.

What i didn’t notice was when, and where Guard Choi left to.

“Fine, fine.” Appa started giving in, “but you better make some damn good food worth taking time meeting your wife.”

My heart sank, expressionless, color draining from my face.


“Thats why we are going to the village today, to look for your wife.” his face was as stern as usual, his eyes searching my face for a response.

I knew a day like this was going to come, just not this soon. Not before i confessed to Hyukjae~

“Wh- Appa… i’m not ready for marriage.” Feeling weak, emotionless, almost dead. All because of that one horrid word. Wife.

You’re starting to really anger me son.” His hands balling into fists at his sides, “first you complain about having to go to the village, now you decline marriage! How dare you refuse to look for your wife?!” His heart was racing, beating out of his chest. His face, splotched with red from the anger boiling in his veins. What man in his right mind wouldn’t want to find a wife by this age?

“Appa, I’m not ready for a wife, children, marriage. I’m young, i can’t settle down easily,” Why couldn’t he just understand me? “Appa, i already love someone…”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Who is it? Tell me son”

“Lee Hyukjae Appa.”

“Guard Choi,” his eye twitching. “kill him.”

Guard Choi staring at my father, “Yes, your highness.”





So, that was my first attempt at a fanfic, and i really hope i did alright! Please let me know what you think so far(:


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Chapter 1: Omg Hyukjae will be killed?? O.O

The 1st chapter is good :) hope you update soon..