Lucky ft. Kim Jongin

Lucky ft. Kim Jongin

You and your daughter went to a huge mall in your town to have some quality time.

 “Umma, why are there so many girls in the mall today? And what are they holding?” Your lovely daughter, Michi, asked as you entered the mall.

 “I don’t know sweetheart. Maybe there’s a show.” You answered and held your daughter’s hands tighter, “do you want me to carry you Michi? You might get lost.”

 “No Umma. I want to walk.” Your daughter said cheerfully, “What are we going to do here?”

 “We’re gonna buy some clothes for you.” You said smiling.

 “But why? I have plenty of clothes.”

 “I just want to sweetheart.” You carried your daughter and she didn’t dare to protest this time.

 After an hour of being engrossed in shopping you heard your daughter's stomach rumble and you chuckled. Your daughter blushed in embarrassment, “Umma, I'm hungry. I want to eat chicken!”

 “But Michi, the line’s too long for your favorite chicken restaurant.”

 “Then we could try the one I saw earlier. Umma, I really want to eat chicken, and let’s go buy for appa too.”

 “Okay. Then we’ll leave after that. Alright?” Your daughter nodded and jumped. She pulled you to the fast food store she saw and then you saw a familiar guy ordering lots of foods on the counter.

 You tapped the guy’s shoulders, “Oppa, what’s with all the foods?”

 “As if you don’t know ___. They’ll eat a lot later.”

 “Wait, they’re here?”

 “Yeah.” He took all his orders, “If you want to go, just go to the backstage. Should I tell him you and your daughter are here too?”

 “No need manager oppa. Do you need help?” You asked.

 “The assistant’s right over there. He’ll get the rest of the orders.” He smiled, “I’ll go now.”

 “Okay oppa. Take care.” He then left and you were the next one to give your order.

 “Umma, I want ice cream and lots of fried chicken.” Your daughter slowly pulled your shirt to get your attention.

 “Alright sweetheart.” You then faced the cashier girl, “3 pieces fried chicken, 2 chocolate sundae, and 2 cola.”

 You paid for your order, took the foods, looked for a chair and eat.

 “Umma, why is it noisy outside?” your daughter asked in an irritated tone when you were done eating.

You smiled, “You want us to find out why baby?”

 “Yes umma!” You carried her again and walked to the activity area of the mall. You joined the crowd as EXO once again entered the stage.


 Those were just some of the screams you and your daughter heard. You giggled, remembering yourself years ago being one of the millions of fans screaming for their biases.

 “Umma, why are they screaming? Are they crazy?” Your daughter asked.
“No sweetheart, they’re not crazy. They’re just showing their support.” You answered with a smile.

 “I can’t see.” Your daughter tried to peek more but to no avail she didn’t see, “But I can see uncle Chanyeol, uncle Kris, uncle Tao and uncle Sehun. Why are they there?”


“Because it’s their show Michi.” You answered. You and your daughter moved nearer the stage to see the boys.
“Appa!” your daughter yelled when he saw her father, “Appa!”


EXO looked at your way and smiled at your daughter and waved. The fans screamed louder, “Umma, they’re so noisy.”

 “Do you want to leave?”
“No, but I don’t want to hear their screams.” You ended up going to the backstage and the guards let you in.
“____, you can take a sit there.” The manager pointed at the chairs, “They’ll be back here after 10 minutes.”


“Appa!” your daughter ran to embrace her dad, “Appa, why are the girls outside screaming?”

 You went to Jongin and your daughter, “Your umma didn’t tell you why?”

 “Of course I told her Jongin.” You answered and Jongin carried your child and sat on the chair.

 “Appa, umma told me that the girls are screaming because they’re supporting you and uncles.” Your daughter told Jongin. 

“That’s true, but there’s still another reason why.” Jongin replied to your daughter and looked at you. 

“What is the other reason?” your daughter asked curiously.

 “The girls love us, that’s why. Sometimes, some of them go crazy.” Jongin answered and you slightly punched him.

 “That’s not true baby.” You disagreed and Jongin smirked at you.

 “That’s true Michi.” Luhan said.

 “Umma, you’re lying. They said it’s true.” Your daughter pouted and Jongin, as well as the other members of EXO laughed.

 “I’m not lying sweetheart.”

 “Yes she is baby.” Jongin said. You pinched Jongin and he just chuckled.

 “Argh! I hate you Jongin!” EXO laughed and mocked you, “Ya! Why are you guys like this?”

“Because it’s true.” Kyungsoo said.

 “Kyungsoo oppa, why are you like this too. The fangirls outside aren’t going crazy over you.” You said and they laughed again.


“Umma, why are you defending the girls outside?” Your daughter asked and your eyes grew wide.


“Because she’s one of them baby.” Jongin answered and patted your daughter’s head.


“Really appa?”
“Yes!” EXO said.


“Ya! Stop it you guys!” You feel your cheeks burning because of embarrassment.

 “Umma also screamed like crazy before? WOW!” Your daughter said in amusement, “Tell me more. Tell me more.”


“Well, your mother is one of them before.” – Xiumin started.

“She went to every show we have.” – Luhan continued.

“Even the shows outside Korea.” – Kris said.


“Then she would bring banners,” – Suho said.

“And she will scream …” – Lay said.

Kai! Saranghae! I love you!” Baekhyun continued as he imitated some of the fangirls’ lines. Your daughter giggled.


“Ah stop it.” You protested. Jongin put down your daughter, went over you, and hugged you.


“She will always say that.” Chanyeol said and your daughter went to Chanyeol and carried her in his arms.

“She’s like a crazy girl before.” Chen mocked and all of them laughed. Jongin still is hugging you as you listen to EXO’s narration of your life before.


“But then, one day, they became friends when your mom got sick. She fainted in one of our concerts, and since your mom is already familiar to us we visited her in the hospital.” Kyungsoo said.


“Stop it guys, I’ll be embarrassed next.” This time Jongin was the one who protested and he buried his face on your neck.


“Since then, your mom got closer to EXO. And your dad fell in love with your mom.” Tao continued and you can see your daughter so engrossed with their little story telling.


“Your dad always bothers me that time. He said he should tell your mom how he truly feels.” Sehun continued and looked at Jongin.


“I told your umma that I love her,” your daughter looked at you and Jongin, “We dated, and we got married, and then we’ve had you.”


“Awwwwwww.” EXO said. Your daughter hugged you and Jongin.


“Umma you must be a LUCKY fangirl.” Your daughter said and EXO laughed.


“Yes sweetie, I’m one LUCKY fangirl.” You agreed.

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Chapter 1: awwwwww so so so so beautiful and sweet!!!!! ^^
gabriella_bella #2
Chapter 1: So lucky!! ¤,¤
Kpop_is_energy #3
Awwwwwwe that was so cute!
Chapter 1: And I hope it's me kkkk~