
Time Machine

"Run along, Taekhwan, while I cook dinner, alright? Umma would be here any minute. He just got stuck in a little traffic," Taekwoon spoke softly to the child. 

Taekhwan huffed madly, with his cheeks puffed and lips pouted. 

"But Appa! I'm hungry! Is Umma gonna be home verrryyyyy soon?" Taekhwan whined. 

"He will, he will. Go to the attic, if you want." 

"The attic? But I thought Umma doesn't like me in the attic?" 

"You're old enough to go there. Umma is scared you won't recognize the pictures. But how old are you now, Taekhwan?" Taekwoon smiled, glancing at the child beside him. 

Taekhwan's expression turned into a wondering look. He looked down at his white fingers, as if calculating his age. He thought long and hard about it, which made Taekwoon's insides melt to mush. There were two people who could successfully do that. Jaehwan, and Taekhwan. 

"Six!" Taekhwan exclaimed with a bright grin. 

"Correct. So you know Umma's and Appa's face, right?" 


"So you can go to the attic now. Just be careful while climbing the ladder, alright?" 


Taekhwan felt a surge of excitement. He was going on a new journey! To the attic! The child bounced up and down out of happiness and excitement. He scurried to the stairs but then paused as if he remembered something. He returned to his father and hugged his legs. Taekwoon felt the sudden squeeze and looked down with a soft chuckle. 

In that moment, he had a glimpse of how much Taekhwan has grown. When they adopted him from the orphanage, he was about the height of Taekwoon's knees. That time, he was already halfway to his thighs. In three years his growth was outstanding. He was the most beautiful child they could have ever had. 

"Thanks, appa," Taekhwan muttered before running to the stairs. 

"Slow down, Taekhwan!" Taekwoon shouted with another chuckle and shake of his head. 

Taekhwan slowly climbed up the stair, being the obedient kid he was. He held the railings as his eyes wandered through the house. It was a simple wooden house in the outskirts of Seoul. It had two floors, and an attic. He was always reminded to never go to the attic. Every time he tried to go, Jaehwan-umma would see him attempt and scold him about to never go to the attic. He said it had tons of monsters! Typical. 

But Taekhwan knew better. He knew there weren't any living monsters (except for an angry appa or a sad umma), nor Santa Claus, nor Chopper which was his umma's favorite character. It was never wrong to imagine. He was quite saddened for the fact that he was thinking of mature stuff. He never showed his parents that he knew Santa Claus is just fiction. He wanted to be a kid to them. He wanted the feeling of having parents by his side. Pretending not to know wouldn't hurt, right? He couldn't control his childishness, anyways. 

He reached the second floor with those thoughts floating in his head. He wandered through the second floor. It had three rooms: one master bedroom, one bedroom and one bathroom. Taekhwan would sleep at his own bedroom if not for his umma believing Taekhwan was still scared alone. He was fine with that. He felt loved that way. 

At the middle of the corridor was a long rope, and it was attached to a handle of a small square door. Tekhwan grinned at the sight. He hid in the doorway, a few feet away from the corridor. He pulled the rope and the small door opened. A small ladder fell slowly and gave a small thud to the floor. He peeked and saw the ladder was in place. His grin got even wider as he walked towards the ladder and started to climb to the attic. 

What he saw left him speechless. 

The attic was pure white, like a canvas of a painting. Well, the whole attic was a canvas. There drawings and paintings here and there! There were also some numbers he couldn't understand. The first one he saw was '120524'. Those six digit numbers were all over the walls. There were some numbers bigger than others. There was '131206' and '140608', and others. The number were also stylized with different themes. The 120524 one was like a superhero with candles and birthday hats. The 131206 had the first '1' double the size than the rest and it was shaped as the voodoo mic-- 

Then realization slapped the child real hard. 

A timeline. The whole attic was a timeline of events. He remembered the greatest, most awesome, and most handsome idols of all time: his parents. He remembered the debut stage Taekwoon made him watch. He would laugh when he saw Jaehwan-umma with a hairstyle looking like a chicken. He would cover his eyes when it was Taekwoon-appa's turn, since he had shirts with thin fabrics that he could see his appa's body. 

He also remembered the other dates drawn largely. The '13' one was their very first win with Voodoo. He could remember the way Hakyeon-samchon delievered his speech and the way Taekwoon-appa cried, and the way Jaehwan-umma comforted appa... They had so many family bonding moments; he knew how his umma would make everyone cheer up. 

He stopped staring at the numbers and continued on with the timeline. He ended up looking upwards, where the present date was. The last date that was drawn was when Taekhwan had his first A+ in Math. Umma was so proud that time. He grinned, looking at the blank spaces... 

They still had a long way to go. 

At the end of the attic, he saw an old television. Really old (Who uses television nowadays?!), and a player (Seriously? This was so ten years ago!) below it. He moved closer and saw a small box above the player. There was a note above it that said: To Taekwan. He blinked, a bit confused. Did Taekwoon-appa leave this here? 

My dearest Taekhwan, 

If you are reading this then surely, your father already let you here. 
I wasn't going to show you the attic until you were around 10, but I guess I couldn't wait any longer, too! 
How'd you like it? Every little date is in there! Your birthday is there too, and the first time you talked to us, the first time you went to school, the first time-- Well a lot of first times! 
Here in the box is a flash drive.
If you want to watch the videos, just insert it in the USB port of the player and open the tv. 
I hope you become a good child, and take the path you want and deserve for your life. 
That would be my greatest achievement: to see you happy when you grow up. 
Eat well and stay healthy, alright?

Umma <3

Taekhwan smiled and opened the small box. It had the flash drive and he took it. He inserted it in the USB port and the television. A video started to show up. He heard Wonsik-samchon's voice in the background. The video showed the attic completely brown, no white paint nor the drawings. Then Jaehwan-umma's face appeared, acting all cutesy. Then he heard the familiar song. 

Dae. Da. Na. Da. Neo. 

It was a video of how his parents painted the attic white, and started drawing their timeline as Vixx. He was purely fascinated with the white painting, the drawings, and his parents' love for each other. The music changed from time to time. From GR8U, to Hyde, to Voodoo, to Superhero, and so on. He would even dance to the music. He would sometimes ask himself, "Is this even my parents?"


"Satisfied?" Jaehwan chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Taekwoon. 

Jaehwan got home just minutes after Taekhwan went to the attic. He followed the child to the attic and just took a peek. He saw Taekhwan staring at the big numbers. He smiled brightly and went down before he was noticed by the child. He wanted him to know himself what was in the "attic". 

"Pretty much," Taekwoon replied in return, holding Jaehwan's wrist. 

They were in front of the dining table, already. Their dinner was already served. They were just waiting for Taekhwan to come down from the attic. They both had satisfied smiles in their faces. 

"I just wanted it to be ready before he could see it!" Jaehwan huffed cutely. 

Taekwoon chuckled, his insides turning to mush once again. 

"I know, I know. I love you, Ken." 

"I love you too, Leo." 

Jaehwan leaned in and gave Taekwoon a small peck in his cheek. The older smiled as he shifted his head and rested his hand on Jaehwan's nape. He pulled the other to one sweet kiss, a kiss that sends the butterflies to Jaehwan's stomach. A kiss he wouldn't forget. They stayed like that, hand in hand, lips in lips. They both closed their eyes and melted into the kiss. 

"Appa! Appa!" 

Taekhwan quickly went downstairs, calling out his father. Fortunately, he quickly noticed what was happening in the dining room. He released a short gasp and covered his mouth. His face flared and quieted down.

Seeing your parents kiss, how awkward can that be?


A/N: Happy New Year people! ^^ 

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adrenalinerush93 #1
Chapter 1: This is so cute!
Lol and I really love Time Machine, btw.
I can go on a day or two with that song on repeat. XD
Chapter 1: It's been a long time read your storrryyy >.<

love it! thanks for the story :)
Chapter 1: Sweethearh, this is so cute. asdfgjkl. oh my ggoodddd. such a great bedtime story. great job sweetie. i love it.
ghreena #4
Chapter 1: Oouw.... our taekhwan, cute like jaehwan-umma and lovable like taekwoon-appa,, how lucky you are, kids... ommo ommo, I'll fall in luv with taekhwan like his parents "Ken & Leo"... dear author-nim, thankyou for your story,, :*
Chapter 1: It's the most awkward thing ever -_-'
zhenzhen12 #6
Nice story^^