Baekhyun ★



"Let break up."


It took Baekhyun a few moments to decipher that simple phrase, the words sounded so foreign, so haunting and so.. wrong.


"What did you say?" Baekhyun didn't mean to ask out loud so it came out surprisingly flat.


"Let's break up." She repeated.


At first he felt confused then disbelief and finally like a hard blow in his stomach came the pain. He stared at her, the woman who over the months has claimed a special part in his heart. He wanted, no, desperately hoped to see the familiar glow in her eyes. Her loving gaze was the reason he fell for her hard but all that stared back at him was cold, angry eyes.


"Can I at least explai-" He choked out but once again she cut him off.


"There's no need. Your explanation won't change my mind."


And that's when Baekhyun snapped. She won't even hear him explain. Taeyeon did not know how hard these past few weeks had been for him as well. His sunbae's criticized him, his fans leaving, her fans bashing, and what hurt the most was the sudden cold treatment the other members gave him. The man went through tooth and nail fighting for her only to be greeted with this, a break up. And it pissed him beyond words.


"If that's so," Baekhyun spoke, breaking the heavy silence. "Then I guess this is goodbye." He walked off the lift, away from the pain, the disappointment, the pity and away from her.


←←←←← ♀ →→→→→


Baekhyun just arrived at their dorm and he wasn't surprised when he saw everyone huddled at the living room, waiting for him despite the late hour. The moment he took off his shoes, Suho ranted, his anger getting the best of him.


"You've been gone for 7 ing hours! Do you know how much trouble you caused us? The managers went crazy and who took the blame? Me!" Suho was now pacing the floor. "Where the hell did you go?"


"Somewhere far." He answered, head bowed down. He didn't really know where he went. After paying a cab and asking the driver to take him someplace quiet, Baekhyun just roamed around not minding where he was or how long he was gone.


"Somewhere far?" Suho scoffed. "You left without informing me or the manager. That was very irresponsible of you!"


Baekhyun was not in the mood to be reprimanded. After everything that happened today, Suho was just adding up to his hell of a bad day. He just wanted to lock up inside his room but the leader showed no signs of stopping.


"This is not the time to fool around Baekhyun, practice was ruined because the formation was a mess without you. We don't need another problem like this especially now that Kris is gone!"


There was a pin drop silence that followed. The atmosphere was already tense but with Kris' name mentioned, it went to a whole other level.


Baekhyun felt everyone shift uncomfortably, and being the usual him, he knew he had to break the dead air. "I'm sorry, I just needed some space." At the corner of his eye, he saw Kai giving him a knowing look.


Suho was unsatisfied with his answer. The stress was taking its toll and Baekhyun's recent escapade was his last straw.


"You have no respect left for us don't you?"


Baek's head snapped towards the leader, his accusation hitting him hard. "Of course I do! Hyung I'm sorry I ran away, it won't happen again."


Chanyeol stood up, taking Baekhyun's side. "Hyung, I think that's enough. We still have a few days before the next concert so missing one practice isn't a big deal."


Suho ignored the tallest member, his eyes fixed on the main cause of his anger. "While I was searching the whole building looking for your , I can't help but hear the stories the staffs were talking about. You were kind of the main topic, again."


Kai stepped out from the corner, intent on defending Baekhyun but the leader just glared at him before he can even speak, successfully shutting him off.


Suho continued as if no one interrupted him. "So you finally saw your girlfriend huh? Must have been great! Did you go kissing on her open top sports car again?"


"Junmyeon!" Xuimin yelled.


Everyone was now on high alert, their expression filled with shock. They never imagined Suho to ever stoop that low, even if he's mad.


"Don't drag her in this." Baekhyun spat. He was now taking deep breaths, trying to control his anger. "You don't know anything."


"How can I not drag Taeyeon when your relationship with her is the reason why we’re having such a tough time!"


Baekhyun already stood up the moment Suho mentioned Taeyeon's name and it took Lay along with Chen to stop him from throwing a punch.


"Get off me!" He screamed at the two before facing Junmyeon, his eyes filled with rage. "Am I not suffering enough? Like it's a ing crime to date, am I not paying for it hyung? It's not you or exo being hated by fans; it’s me and the woman I love! So don't act like you’re having a harder time than I am because you have no idea how it feels to be in my shoes."


D.O stepped in between them. Holding Baekhyun by the shoulder and Suho on the chest. "Stop it, both of you need to cool off."


"You have no right to be mad at Junmyeon." Luhan suddenly voiced. "Everything he said was right."


All eyes were now on the Chinese member whose usual innocent expression was now replaced with a hard look.


"Luhan hyung.." Sehun whispered, disappointed that his best buddy was adding fuel to the fire.


"Why, am I wrong? Yi Fan filed a bloody lawsuit leaving us with tons of problems at hand! Then suddenly this guy decides to be the most insensitive man by dating in the most inappropriate time!-"


"Well then be happy everyone because guess what? We already broke up!" Baekhyun interrupted.


A shocked silence filled the room while everyone tried to process the new information.


"We broke up." Baek repeated a lot softer this time. "She left me... Guys, Taeyeon left me."


And then he broke down. Not caring about his pride, Baekhyun slouched down the floor while crying out her name. His dignity as a man stripped off as he showed s his weakest state. “I’m sorry.. I’m sorry for being the selfish, immature bastard that everyone hates.” Baekhyun cried in between ragged breaths. “But I love her. it I love her! I love her. I love Taeyeon.” He sobbed, a hand clutched over his heart in an attempt to ease the burning pain brought forth by a broken relationship. He wailed, looking like any 22 year old man would when crying, miserable and pathetic.


Tao, the ever emotional guy, cried silently along with his hyung while the rest were left frozen on their spots. Each of them getting affected by Baekhyun's distressing cries.


"Baekhyun I.." Suho trailed off guiltily, not knowing how to continue.


It was Chanyeol who picked his best friend up from the floor, gently assisting him to their room. He tucked the pitiful guy in his bed, trying hard not to break down as well. “I’m always here for you bro.” was his last words before closing the lights, leaving Baekhyun alone to mourn over his broken heart.


← A/N →

I'm sorry this chapter took so long! I revised it a lot of times :( I hope you guys are still reading this! Leave comments Chingu's :)

- Tabi143

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nfrdae #1
Chapter 2: I actually cried because of this while imagining whether this is what really happened at the time. I hope you'll get to update soon. I'm waiting.
Chapter 2: Aww. :( Hope you continue this story
yasmin98 #3
Chapter 2: Update please...really like your story..
astriy #4
Chapter 2: Pleasee update....
Waiting this story..
syasone #5
Chapter 2: i want it more..
qiemiey #6
ppali update,,,, ^^ im waiting here ;)
Chapter 2: Why why why so saaaaaàaddd
lafribadevaranty #8
Chapter 2: make next chapter please. i love it<3
Chapter 2: Amazing chapter! I could really feel baek's pain :( anyways can't wait for more bye~