rules + guidelines

Shiritori; a speed game and writing challenge

To play shiritori, you take the last line and start a new story with it. Example:

[player 1] : The butterlies flied away, leaving behind them only dust and ashes.

[player 2] : Dust and ashes invaded all of her senses...



 - you can write whatever group and/or pairing you want

 - you may use up to the last full sentence of the previous fic (which means anywhere from the last word, two words, etc all the way to the beginning of the sentence.)

 - if you end your sentence with a proper noun, the next person gets to start however they want

 - there is no length limit

 - you'll send your fics either through pm (if you use google docs) or e-mail (more on this on the sign up page)

 - fics must be written within three days (72 hours) after the one before is posted. if you can't write one within three days, either comment or pm with skip and the next person will go

 - everyone is welcome to play, and free to join and leave at will


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