

“Jongin Kim”


The man introduced himself to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo introduced himself as well. He thanked the man again and hurried off to his boss’s office. He turned in the paper work and dashed off to school and was luckily able to slip into his class unnoticed.


When Kyungsoo went home later that afternoon, Tai was sitting at the kitchen table grading papers. “Hey…” he greeted her casually. Tai said hello and went back to grading. Kyungsoo sat down at the table across from her and looked at Tai. She was pouting her lips, like she always did when she was concentrating. Kyungsoo laughed at her face, Tai looked up.


“What’s so funny?” she asked

“You’re making that face again.” Kyungsoo answered.

“Stopppp!” Tai whined, “I’m really trying here!”

Kyungsoo laughed and picked up one of  the papers, “do you really need to concentrate to grade fifth grade math?” Tai snatched the paper back, “Yes, I do! Last time I accidently graded a student’s test wrong and his mom got really upset about it and I don’t want that to happen again.” Kyungsoo laughed again, and took the paper back, “Well I think you've concentrated enough, and I think you need a break. Come on, let’s go out.”


Tai and agreed and the two friends got ready for a night out. They went out to dinner and a movie, and then stopped at coffee shop. They ordered coffee and chatted about any and everything.


“No Kyungsoo, that’s not what happened!” Tai argued.

Kyungsoo laughed, “ Yes, that’s exactly how it happened! You were drunk and thought it was good idea to go skinny dipping. It didn’t cross your mind that was the middle of winter and the lake was frozen which resulted in you having a broken tailbone!”

Tai glared at Kyungsoo, “I slipped okay?”

“I saw you jump but whatever helps you sleep at night!” Kyungsoo replied and he took a sip of his coffee. Tai threw a piece of muffin at him, “Whatever Kyungsoo!”



The two friends both turned around after hearing a voice call Kyungsoo’s name.


Kyungsoo was surprised to see the man he had met earlier.

“What are you doing here?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Oh I was just in the area and I wanted some coffee and here I am.” Jongin answered. He glanced over at Tai, and looked back at Kyungsoo.

“Are you two…”

“NO!” Tai and Kyungsoo answered in unison.

Kyungsoo awkwardly cleared his throat, “ Jongin, this is my best friend Tai. Tai this is Jongin.”

Tai smiled and stretched out her hand, “Nice to meet you Jongin.” she said politely. Jongin smiled, took Tai’s hand, and kissed it.

“Pleasure to meet you Tai.”


Tai smiled and blushed a little. Kyungsoo watched the scene and tried not to show his true emotions. Tai asked Jongin if he wanted to join them, he agreed and sat down next to Kyungsoo.


Turns out Jongin was not a model, he actually worked for same company as Kyungsoo. He was 25, fresh out of graduate school  and despite his young age he held a very high position in the company. Kyungsoo and Jongin talked about work and Jongin offered to take Kyungsoo under his wing and help him get ahead in the business world.   


Even though Jongin was mostly talking to Kyungsoo, he kept eyeing Tai. Kyungsoo noticed and he felt uneasy. Something about the way he was looking at Tai didn’t feel right.


Jongin received a phone call and announced that he had to leave, they said goodbye and Jongin left. Tai and Kyungsoo left a short while after.


They returned home and both went straight to bed. Kyungsoo laid awake thinking. His mind wandered to when Jongin suspected that he and Tai were a couple. All the times that Kyungsoo and Tai had went out together, no one had ever asked if they were a couple. It got Kyungsoo thinking about if they really were a couple.


Across the hall, Tai was awake in her room as well. She was thinking about Jongin. Not only was he physically attractive, but he had a certain charm about him and Tai found herself wanting to get to know him more.


The next day, at work Kyungsoo was in the copy room copying some files for his boss when Jongin approached him.


“So, tell me about your friend.”


Kyungsoo looked up, “Who?”

“You’re friend from last night, Tai.” Jongin answered.

Kyungsoo shrugged, “I don’t know. She’s my best friend. We’ve known each other practically our whole lives. Let’s see what else… she’s a teacher, her favorite color is yellow, she loves snickerdoodle cookies and…”

Jongin laughed.

“What?” Kyungsoo asked, “You asked me about Tai and I’m telling y-”

“Kyungsoo…” Jongin cut him off, “All that stuff is really nice, but what I mean is… is she single?”

Kyungsoo looked at Jongin “Yeah…” he answered. Jongin smiled, “Good... “ he said. Jongin turned to leave the copy room. He was halfway out of the door before he turned around and said one final thing.


“Hey Kyungsoo, put in a good word for me okay?”


Kyungsoo looked at  Jongin.

Kyungsoo doesn’t why he said it,and quite frankly if he could, he would take his answer back in a heartbeat.

“Sure. No problem.”

Sorry for the shorter update! 

Longer chapters to come! 

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