

Kyungsoo and Tai are best friends. The two have been inseparable since the day they met.


Kyungsoo remembers the day they met as though it was yesterday.


A five year old Kyungsoo was sitting in the corner of his kindergarten classroom playing with building blocks. He mother had dropped him off for his first day kindergarten some time ago and the quiet, wide eyed boy played patiently in the corner waiting for his fellow peers to arrive.


Kyungsoo’s tranquil play was soon interrupted by the sound the teacher’s voice telling the children to gather on the big circle carpet for story time. Kyungsoo got up, put his blocks away and made his way over to the carpet. Kyungsoo was just about to sit down, when heard a voice behind him.

“Come on honey go sit down, mommy has to go. “

“No mommy I’m scared!”

It was a little a girl and her mother talking.

“There’s nothing to be scared Tai, you’re going to make plenty of friends here I promise.”

The mother gave her daughter a kiss and then walked out of the classroom.


Kyungsoo looked at the girl. She was small, like him. She has on blue dress with pink flowers on it, with a pair of sneakers. Her hair was dark brown, and full of kinks,curls and coils. She sat there quietly, at the very edge of the circle carpet,looking extremely scared. As though she was going to cry.


Kyungsoo eyed the girl for a while, he wondered why she looked so scared. It wasn’t until he saw tears fall from the girl’s that Kyungsoo decided to find out more. He quietly crawled to the back of the carpet and sat next the girl.


“Hi!” Kyungsoo greeted the girl  with a smile.

The girl sniffed and looked up a Kyungsoo.

“Hi.” she responded shyly.

“My name is Kyungsoo. What’s your name?”


“Why are you crying Tai?”

“Because I miss my mom.”


Kyungsoo paused before responding. He remembered his first time at school. He was scared too, but then he got used to it, and his fears went away.


“It’s okay, I miss my mom too.” Kyungsoo replied.

“Really?” Tai asked. Kyungsoo nodded.

“Hey you want to know something?” Kyungsoo asked.

“What?” Tai asked.

“My mom told me that when the little hand on the clock is right there, it’s time to go home.” Kyungsoo answered as he pointed to the 2 on the clock.

“Really?” Tai asked

Kyungsoo nodded, “And she told me to play and be good a boy until then.”

“Will my mom come too?” Tai asked.

“Yeah, and you should play too so that time can go by faster so we can go home.” Kyungsoo replied.

Tai nodded and Kyungsoo smiled.

The teacher finished her story and Kyungsoo turned to Tai, “Do you want to play blocks with me?” he asked.

“Okay.” Tai answered.




This was the start to a beautiful friendship. Tai and Kyungsoo spent all their time together.  Tai was quiet,shy and afraid of her own shadow and Kyungsoo served as a sort of protector for Tai. He stayed by her and showed her that the world wasn't so scary.


The pair stayed close all throughout Kindergarten and the rest of their elementary and middle school years. They entered high school and things began to change. They started making more friends and dating. Kyungsoo went on dates and talked to girls on occasion, but he was never really interested in the girls he dated. Tai on the other hand, was extremely shy and didn’t talk to boys much. But there was one boy that showed a lot of interest on Tai, he name was Dylan and after much convincing from her friends, Tai finally agreed to go a date with Dylan.


The date was a success and the two 16 year-olds started dating. Things were good at first but then Dylan started to change. He became really possessive and mean and this scared Tai. She tried to break it off with him, but it didn’t go well.


Dylan spread terrible rumors about Tai. He accused her cheating on him with multiple guys. Tai tried to defend herself but it was no use. No one would listen her and she was mentally and physically bullied on a daily basis. The abuse was too much for Tai, and she stopped going to school. Her parents decided it was best for Tai to finish the remainder of her senior year in home-school.


Tai lost all her friends except for Kyungsoo, and every time Tai fell apart Kyungsoo was there to pick up the pieces.





It was the last week in May of Tai’s senior year of high school. She sat in her room reading a book wishing for this day to just to be over.


Today was the day of Tai’s senior prom. Well, it would’ve have been her senior prom, but due the circumstances she was not allowed to attend the prom. Tai had always dreamed of her senior prom. The beautiful dress, hair and make up. The limo, and the pictures. Dancing the night away, and making memories with friends that would last a lifetime.

Tai sighed,

What friends?  She thought to herself.

Tai had lost majority of her friends when she left school and the only friend she did have, had not answered a single phone call or text she had sent him all day.


Probably getting ready for prom… Tai thought.


Kyungsoo still have the life of normal teenager. He went to school , got good grades complained about all nighters and college essays ,he had friends and a love life. In fact, he had told Tai on many occasions about a girl he liked and hoped to take to prom. Tai loved hearing about Kyungsoo’s life. It helped her feel like a normal teenager.




Tai sighed and closed her book. She walked over to her closet, and peered inside. She pulled out the beautiful gown her mother had sewn for her to wear that night. She ran her hand along the fabric, tracing the beading with her finger.


“That’s a pretty dress…”


Tai jumped, she swore she was alone in her room.


“It’d be a shame to let it go to waste.”


Tai smiled, she recognized that voice.


“You should be at prom…” Tai answered


“How can I go to prom without my best friend?”  Kyungsoo asked.

Tai sighed, “You know I can’t go Soo…” she answered. “We don’t have to go to that prom, we can have our own…” Kyungsoo answered. Tai turned around to look at Kyungsoo. He was dressed in a tux and holding a corsage.  “Kyungsoo what are you talking about?” Tai asked. Kyungsoo smiled, “Just get dressed and meet me down downstairs in 2 hours.” he said and he left the room.


Tai was still confused, but she trusted Kyungsoo. So she got dressed and made her way down stairs.

Tai’s parents and Kyungsoo’s parents were all standing there awe-ing and taking pictures. Kyungsoo took Tai by the hand and the two took the stereotypical prom pictures. Their parents continued to “ooo” and “Awe” and tell them how good they looked. Kyungsoo practically had to drag Tai out of the house so they wouldn’t be late.

A limo pulled up, and Kyungsoo opened the door and Tai climbed inside.The ride was short. “Where are we?” Tai asked. “You’ll see…” Kyungsoo answered.

Kyungsoo opened the door and Tai got out the limo. Tai almost laughed when she saw where they were.

“Kyungsoo why are we at your house?” Tai asked.

“Shhh… you’ll see…” Kyungsoo answered.

The two friends walked into the house, Tai was amazed by what she saw. The living room had been transformed. The couches and TV had been replaced by twinkling lights and a single table with candles and dinner in the middle of the room.

They sat down and Tai started with her questions.


“When did you do all this?”

“Today, but I’ve been planning this for a while.”

“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me all day?”


“But what about that girl? The one you were going to take to prom?”

“Don’t worry about that, tonight is about you…”


Tai smiled at her best friend. She couldn’t believe that he had done all this, but part of her wasn’t surprised, Kyungsoo was always looking for ways to make Tai feel better about her situation and he was always there for her no matter what.

Thinking about all the things Kyungsoo did her made Tai think how little she had done for Kyungsoo. Her mind wandered to Kyungsoo’s original prom date. Had he cancelled on her? Tai really hoped he didn’t. That would just add to the long list of times Kyungsoo put his life on hold to make Tai feel comfortable.


“What are you thinking about?” Kyungsoo asked. Tai jumped back into reality. “Nothing.” she answered. Kyungsoo smiled and stood up.


“Come on, let’s go dance.”


Kyungsoo led Tai out to the background. He had transformed the patio into a dance a floor. He the music and he and Tai danced the night away.


The sky got darker and the air got colder. Tai shivered, as the cold wind hit her.

“We should probably go inside now.” Kyungsoo suggested. Tai nodded and started towards the house. Kyungsoo grabbed Tai’s arm.

“Wait… after this song.”

Tai agreed and Kyungsoo took her into his arms.

The song was slow, Tai didn’t understand the words, but she recognized that it was in Korean, Kyungsoo’s native language.


Tai was so grateful for Kyungsoo, it was one the most important people in her life, and she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

Thinking about how much Kyungsoo meant to her made Tai emotional. She bent her head in order to hide her tears.

“Why are you crying?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Because I feel bad…” Tai answered.


Tai sighed, “ Because you do so much for me and I do nothing for you.”

“Tai that’s not true.” Kyungsoo answered.

“Yes it is Kyungsoo, I’m always holding you back, you alway put your life on hold for me and I feel like instead of being able to repay you I just keep dragging you into the hell that is my life!”

Kyungsoo sighed and let out a small laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Tai asked.

“Tai, you’re my best friend. I love you and I do things for you and I stay with you because I love you. You might think you don’t much for me, but you do Tai. I don’t know what I would do without you. You don’t hold me back Tai. We’re in this together and…” Kyungsoo’s voice trailed off.

Tai looked at him. Kyungsoo looked at her and smiled.


"어디듣천국일테니" he whispered quietly.

Tai looked at him, “what did you say?” Kyungsoo laughed, “The song Tai, listen to the song.”

Tai turned her attention to the music coming out of the speaker, Kyungsoo quietly sang the lyrics in her ear.




The song faded out and Tai looked at Kyungsoo, “What does that mean?” she asked. Kyungsoo hugged her,

“Because if we just walk together like this, where ever we go will be heaven.” he answered.

Tai smiled at her best friend’s words. The lyrics spoke the truth, as long as they were together, no matter what the situation, they would always be at peace.



First chapter is up! (That awkward moment when you think you have a creative oc name but then you realize that it's just  "Kai" with a "T". I really need to EXO off my brain!) 

Anyways, this chapter is kind of a back story so you all can get a feel for Tai and Kyungsoo's friendship. Nothing really dramatic in this chapter but don't worry there is more to come! I'm really excited for this story because  I haven't started something new in awhile and hope you all enjoy! 

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