Chapter 2. Beyond The Stars

Once In A Lifetime

Chapter 2. Beyond The Stars


I jumped awake as the sound of chiming woke me, I had slept in and my memory was fuzzy. I wiped away the drool that hung from my mouth and smiled when I saw the detailed sketch of Luhan, memories of the previous day flowed back to me. I yawned and lifted my phone, 5 unread messages, 2 calls. The stubbornness of the singer amused me and the thought suddenly made me remember something awfully important, "I'm meeting Luhan!" I yelped and scurried to my room.

I pulled on some suitable clothes and stumbled to the door, grabbing my drawing unconsciously on the way. I grabbed my phone and pulled open the door to see Luhan waiting outside while playing a game on his mobile, "took you long enough Baozi," he smiled.

I grumbled and his eyes suddenly met with the sketch, "woah what's that?" He snatched it out of my grasp.

"This is... me," his jaw dropped.

"Yeah, it was when you sang at the concert yesterday," I laughed nervously.

"I love it! Can I keep it?" His gorgeous eyes flashed with excitement.

I nodded and he pressed the drawing against his chest, "I'm gonna treasure this, my first gift from Baozi."

"So... where are we going?" I smiled at him.

"Oh, follow me!" He grabbed my hand and I felt an odd tingling sensation when he did.

I stared at our interlocked hands as we ran and my heart beat a little faster, suddenly we came to a halt and we stood in front of a beautiful coffee shop, "wow, I remember I always wanted to come here but it was way too expensive," I admired the building as Luhan looked over at me.

"I'll pay so don't worry about it," he smiled warmly.

As we opened the door the bell rang gently, the smell of creamy coffee immediately invited us in and Luhan told me to sit down while he ordered. I studied the shop closer and noticed that the it was practically empty but a small group of girls at the back were staring at Luhan. I didn't know why I felt a swell of anger but I brushed it off and ignored them as best I could, "I'm back," Luhan grinned happily at me.

He sat opposite me and placed a cup of the delicious drink in front of me, "I wasn't sure what type you liked so I got you the same as me."

"I don't mind, thanks Luhan," I chuckled.

"Call me oppa," he winked.

"What!? No!" I turned red.

"Aww, my baozi turned into a tomato!" Luhan cooed.

He squeezed my cheeks and I pushed his hand away, "fine then... Lu-ge."

He held his hand over his heart, "that's so adorable," he said breathlessly.

I puffed out my cheeks and fluttered my eyelashes, "my Lu-ge."

Luhan went pale and he looked as though he was about to faint, he grabbed my hand and pressed it against his chest, I heard the loud thudding of his heart and saw his confused expression. I pulled my hand away and looked up at him, "I don't know," I sighed honestly.

"Nevermind," he looked away.

"It's okay, let's talk about things, after all we need to get to know each other," I smiled encouragingly at him.

We discussed our lives and found out we had quite a bit in common, for example, we both liked soccer and coffee. When Luhan spoke his eyes lit up like stars, he seemed to enjoy listening about my stories and learning more about me and my friends. "Actually, I have a question," I looked at him curiously.

"Ask away Baozi," he grinned.

"Why me?" I folded my arms.

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head.

"Why did you choose to become friends with me, out of the countless others who would just want even a single word from you to them," I explained.

He looked down and I noticed a faint pink hue visible on his cheeks, "because I knew you were special, one of a kind remember?" 

I nodded and smiled sadly at him, "you'll get bored of me within a month Luhan."

"Is that a challenge?" He looked up and smirked.

"Alright then, I bet that within a month's time, you'll leave and forget me," I shrugged.

"And I bet that within a month's time I'll make you fall for me," he grinned, "if I win you'll become my baozi and my baozi only."

I blushed furiously, "fine, but if I win, you'll have forgotten me anyway."

"Deal!" He grinned, "finish your drink, I have somewhere to show you."

I quickly drank the rest of the warm coffee and Luhan grabbed my hand again, practically dragging me outside and down the street, "baozi, what time is it?" 

"About half past six, why?"

"It's a suprise," he smiled.

Since it was winter, it was already getting dark, "shouldn't we really go back?" I asked.

"It'll only work now," he laughed as we ran.

He vaulted over a fence and I followed him, we ended up in a large sloping field, I watched as he began to run up the hill. "Come on, hurry!" He beckoned me.

I ran up quickly with my eyes shut tightly, as soon as I felt myself reaching the top, I slowly opened them. What I saw took my breath away, on the hill, there was a perfect view of the open sky and I stared in awe at the millions of stars that lit up the world, "this is something I could draw," I spoke breathlessly.

Luhan looked over at me and his eyes seemed to sparkle, "knew you'd like it," he smiled, "I love looking at the stars, and when I saw this for the first time I knew I needed someone else to see it, I just... needed to find the right person, you know?"

I nodded, "I get it."

Luhan smiled and walked closer to me, I froze as he stood right in front of me, I could feel his warm breath on my face and my heart started to beat twice as fast. "Have you been kissed before?" He whispered.

I shook my head slightly, "then I'll be the one to steal your first," he spoke softly.

I shivered and he caressed my cheek gently, I couldn't move, part of me wanted to stop him but the rest was giving myself up. Luhan tilted my chin up to face him and we stared into each other's eyes, his shone and glittered like the stars in the sky. "Close your eyes," he whispered.

I did as I was told and felt his soft lips touch mine, he cupped my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. It was a gentle kiss and I treasured it, he my bottom lip for entry and I allowed his tongue to explore my mouth, after what felt like eternity, he pulled away, "my first gift to Baozi," he smiled.

I breathed heavily and looked up at him, I was so desperate to feel his lips on mine again but I decided against my better judgement. His features illuminated in the moonlight was something I'd never forget, he really was making me fall for him, but I knew that if I let him get to me, when he left it would hurt a whole lot more. "See you tomorrow Minseok," he breathed.

He ran away from where I stood and before I could react he was gone, I clutched my heart and took another look at the stars. They glimmered and sparkled, looking down on me with the knowledge of the ages, "did he really just?..." 

I sighed, "he kissed me... He stole my first kiss."

I touched my lips and and a light blush creeped up my cheeks, "I don't like him... we only met yesterday!" I frowned at the stars.

They twinkled mockingly, "don't start with that 'love at first sight' business, it doesn't exist!" I folded my arms, "great, now I'm talking to stars, I'm going home."

I shivered from the cold and jogged back through the city, knowing it could be quite dangerous at night, I found my apartment and sighed thankfully, pushing open the door and locking it behind me. I didn't bother going to sleep just yet, I decided to draw a rough sketch of my first kiss, drawing the stars behind us. When I had grown too tired I walked to my room and collapsed on the bed, not bothering to change out of my clothes. Tiredness overcame me and my eyelids drooped.




"Minseok, wake up hyung."

I groaned and swatted the air, keeping my eyes shut, "HYUNG WAKE UP!" Jongdae yelled into my ear.

"What do you want!" I growled, rubbing my eyes.

Jongdae sighed, "where were you yesterday? You barely ever leave your apartment so when you weren't there I was quite concerned."

"On a date with Luhan," I yawned and spoke without realising what I said.

"WHAT!? You went on a date with Luhan!?" Jongdae's eyes widened.

"Wait, did I say that? No! It wasn't a date, we just met up," I laughed nervously, shaking my head.

Jongdae narrowed his eyes at me, "then what's this?" He lifted up the sketch.

I snatched it out of his hands, "none of your damn buisness, that's what it is," I snapped.

His eyes softened and he looked at me sadly, "do you... like Luhan hyung?"

"No! No, no he's a weirdo!" I panicked.

Jongdae sighed, "you know he can't stay in one place for long, he's a celebrity, he... he's going to leave at some point."

"I know... that's why I'm making it a priority to not fall for him, we're just going to be friends okay?" I smiled weakly at him.

Jongdae seemed suspicious but shrugged it off, "anyway, I want you to call Luhan."

"What? Why?" I raised a brow.

"I want you to ask him if we all can meet up and go out or something," Jongdae smirked.

"O... Okay," I stuttered.

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the contacts, I pressed Luhan's number and nervously lifted it to my ear, almost immediately he picked up. "Hey baozi!" He chirped from the other end of the line. 

"Hey Luhan, can me, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Tao and Chanyeol meet up with you sometime if you're not busy?" I got straight to the point.

"Sure, I'm free today, the company let me have a few days off, that's how I was able to take you out yesterday," he spoke happily.

"Okay, meet us outside my apartment again," I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright then Baozi, see you in a few," his angelic voice chuckled before the call ended.

Jongdae had been staring at me with a devious grin, "you're blushing."

"YA! I'm not!" I felt my warm cheeks.

Jongdae laughed at me and I groaned, "just call the others and get them to come over," I threw a pillow at his face.

I walked out of my room and held the drawing in my hands, feeling butterflies in my stomach as I thought about the other day. My pulse got faster and I gripped my chest, the thudding was just like Luhan's. My heart was telling me to fall but my head was telling me not to make it so easy for the singer to gain my heart's favour. Jongdae walked beside me, "I've called the others, you should probably get ready hyung."

I nodded in agreement and ran to get dressed, I fixed my messy hair and made the house look presentable. Me and Jongdae both talked for a little while before a loud bang came at the door, we both looked at each other knowingly, "Chanyeol," we said in sync.

I opened the door only to see Chanyeol, Tao and Kyungsoo topple in, "couldn't you have been a little more patient?" I scowled at the three.

"Sorry hyung!" Chanyeol laughed nervously.

I grabbed him and Tao by the ears and tugged them to their feet followed by many 'ow's and complaints. I allowed Kyungsoo to get up himself knowing he was the wiser of them, a laugh came from outside and I looked out to see Luhan sniggering at the sight of me scolding the two. He had two other people with him, one of which was holding back laughter and the other was just laughing uncontrollably. I sighed and dragged Chanyeol and Tao into the apartment, they rubbed their ears and growled at each other. "You didn't need to be so rough hyung!" Tao groaned.

"Hold on... he is your hyung?" One of Luhan's friends spoke.

"Yeah, and I'm your elder too," I hissed, my eyes narrowing into slits.

The friend hid behind Luhan who was lost in admiration, "he's great isn't he?" He sighed happily.

"You're crazy!" He quietly screamed at Luhan.

"Minseok's the oldest out of all of us," Luhan shrugged, "I think you should call him hyung."

"Why don't you?" His other friend remarked.

"Because he never listens!" I bared my teeth.

"Yeah, it's better to call him Baozi!" Luhan chirped.

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol looked at the friend who stood beside Luhan, "OMG! It's Kai!" Chanyeol's eyes widened.

Kyungsoo was speechless, he didn't know how to react, Kai looked up at him and I noticed how both of them had a kind of spark. "Anyway, this is Kai and the one hiding behind me is Baekhyun," Luhan smiled.

I nodded, "nice to meet you both.... Jongdae!" I yelled.

"What?" He walked beside me.

"Where are we going? I frowned.

He looked at all of us and grinned, "the carnival."




A/N sorry about my lack of drawing skills, each chapter will most likely have a drawing from a scene on it attached. I hope 2015 can be a better year for all of us.






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Chapter 2: This story is so interesting!! I love it!! I'd want to keep reading ;) Keep up the great work, author-nim! <3
xm_exofan #2
Chapter 2: Kyaaaa~!! This is so cute~!! <3 SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT UPDATE~ <3
Chapter 2: so great! xiuhan's first date and kiss and another date with the gang..
Chapter 2: Luhan stole Minseok's first kiss~ Sweet!
Chapter 1: i really love this!! no beating around the bush. loves luhan's guts.. <3
Chapter 1: Two thumbs up for you author-nim! I'll wait until your next update.
LuCandy #7
Chapter 1: i'm excited ;)) update soon author-nim ;)) this is quite interesting ^ ^