Fairy Lover... N 5

Fairy Lover
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"Open the door .. Open it "

the drunk Nicole shout at the big closed door kicking it strongly by her foot and punshing it with the both of her small hands 

" Yah, open the damn d--- "

" Nicole ? what the he-- " the girl was cuted off by Nicole body falling in her arms, crynig bitterly .

" Unnie .. my heart crash and it's hurt .. rea  ll  y  hu  hurt, unnie " sobbing between her words while hugging the other girl really tight . when Nicole called the girl that she's hugging (unnie) that only mean she's in a serious state, she tand to call her sister by her English name though they lived in LA she can't call here unnie while she had an English name, yet there is times like that when Nicole feel sad, upset or angry she would call her unnie .

" Jess ? what all the sensation about ?? " another small girl with a long black hair run down the stair.

" Hara .. Ni  Nicole " the girl called Jess or whatever answered  her with her eyes full of worry. Hara hurriedly walked to them and helped Jess on carrying  Nicole cause she was having real trouble taking the drunk Nicole to the big white/red sofa on the living room .

" unnie, he.. he cheat on mm me .. an.. and ..i.. i " she couldn't even continue her sentence with her sob and her fading voice, Nicole hungged her sister and cried out loud in her arms, this image or side of Nicole, Jessica nor Hara saw before, it's break the girls heart to see her like that, she used to be really confident and a strong girl with her fame smirk on her sherry lips; her head up show how proud she is, but now ? with these puffy red eyes, wet cheeks, fading voice, looking so weak, so down and so broken .. this all are just not her .. this is not Nicole .

" Nic baby, please stop crying , huh , please " Jessica rubbed Nicole's back, trying to calm her or get her to stop crying she really don't know what to do or what's going on with her " what happend ?? " Hara who was shocked and feeling sorry whisper to Jessica that was holding Nicole as she looked at her and mouthed back

" nan moula " .

" Nicole, you're drunk i will make you coffee " Hara said walking to the kichen .

" No .. i don't want coffee i don't want to be awake.. give me Vodka "

" No Nicole , you need coffee and after that you have to tell us what really happend, key ? " Jessice said while Hara was already in the kichen .

" don't you dare tell me what to do " she scream and continue " and don't you understand the world CHEAT "

" stop screaming at me, not just because you ar--- " Hara cut her when she come back with a cup of coffee in her hand .

" here, drink that " she Handed her the cup while sitting beside Jessice and said

" Yah, can't you see she's drunk ? stop it "

" but she shout at me, i'm her elder sister how dare she vent her anger on me ? "

" shut up " .


after about half a hour, Nicole finally calmed, however still you can see the tears formed in her red eyes meanwhile her best friend and her sister were quiet, yes Jessica seems crazy when she talk with Nicole or cold when she talk with other people but she can't bear it when Nicole sad or upset .

" Now tell us, what happend ??" her best friend asked as she hold her hand .

" i .. i was at home when i call that ng Luhan, but he didn't pick up, so .. so i said maybe he is busy, then why not to surprise him and treat him for lunch, so i planned and happily went to his office and .. and " the hot tears fall her burning cheeks again as she contiune " wh.. when i opened his office door, i s.. saw Luhan shirtless with .. with a girl ki.. kissing his neck " and hugged Hara crying loudly again .

" so .. so that's why he was calling me all the day looking for you ? honey where did you go after that ? " it's really scary when you walk while you are mad, upset, angry or sad that's why Jessica couldn't stop herself from asking .. she's her sister after all .

" i .. i just drived around, here and there, then i went to some bar and drink there "

" Luhan , does he know you are here now ? did he called you ?? " Hara asked as Nicole pull away .

" No, he doesn't know and if he calls you guy's, don't pick up or tell him where am i "

" but what if--- "

" we are over .. so don't talk about that jark when i'm her

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Chapter 6: Poor nicole and Luhan but Lucole will
always be my favs and plz update soon
Chapter 6: As much as i wanted a new kind of story i still want them to be together..
I love them for being together..
adgjmptw #3
Chapter 6: seriously she saw him cheating on her there is nothing he could expline. If jaejoong still have fellings for nicole i think something will happen between them again please update soon aither-nim
Chapter 5: Woaah... jessica and nicole is a sister :'3
Luhan you are so mean make my tweety nikori crying -3-
Hahaha anyway thanks for update author-nim and please update soon ~~~
adgjmptw #5
Chapter 5: i like the thought that nicole and jessica are sisters . please update soon :)
linormoon #6
Chapter 4: Nice update..
Can't wait for the next chapter..
adgjmptw #7
Chapter 4: I can't believe that luhan cheats about nicole my poor nikori i feel sad for her :-(
2DragonGcole #8
Chapter 1: oohh Nicole kekeke
i like it she look amazing in this one
2DragonGcole #9
Lucollllllleee why didn't i saw it befor ? anyways i will read it .. lookes interesting
well i hoped for G-Cole of course being G-Cole shiper i want her with GD but well it's ok