Four Guardians

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The former guardians who lived hundreds of years ago have chosen the new guardians.

All born on the exact same day and month with only one year differences.

All born with the exact same mission;

to do what guardians have to do.

Sooner or later, fate will bring them together and they'll become one.




The Dragon, Wu Yi Fan, 11-11-1990.

The Phoenix, Park Ja Doo, 11-11-1991.

The White Tiger, Akira Ichikawa, 11-11-1992.

The Tortoise, Do Kyung Soo, 11-11-1993.


Hi! :)

This is my first story EVER.

So, the idea came up when I was reading about Four Guardians of the Four Compass Direction on the internet and I had the urge to write it down immidiately, aaand, here it is!

Please do keep in mind that I'm a newbie and still trying to improve my writing skill. Don't demand too much from me, okay? /puppy eyes/

Comments are highly recommended! I really appreciate advice and criticism as long as it helps me to improve.

Also, I'll try to update the story as fast as possible.




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