Super Junior Saves Christmas



The snow is starting to fall, the holiday cheer is starting to come - but what happens when the beloved island of Butterville falls into war? Will the ❄ ❄ ❄ gang members of Super Junior be able to save Christmas❄ ❄ ❄

Well, there's only one way to find out. 



Author Note: 
Hey guys! It's Kyumiko here. I've never really written anything remotely close to a crack fic before (not like there's much to show on this AFF platform for my portfolio anyways, but I swear I'll update more here!) BUT there's always a first time for everything! So to my craziest boys of Super Junior - I wish you luck in your next ridiculous scheme. 

The level of insanity/updating of this fic will probably depend on how terrible I feel in uni this year ._. but I shall prevail! Hopefully. The more love this gets, the more motivated I am :) 

And most of all, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! 



Sneak-peak preview:

"What the FU-"
"Ow! Dammit who put the crowbar here?"
"I'd tap that . You know, with Heechul's fancy, hard-tipped tap dancing shoes."
"Henry, will you please put your pants back on."


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