In Hospital

Here you are again

Hazel POV:

''HAZELLL!!'' Was the last thing I heard.

*In hospital*

In my dream was strange. I dreamt that I would have news that I didn't want to hear. It broke my heart. I also dreamt that my family disowned me and my boyfriend,Mark, left me. How could all these things happened in one simple dream or was it trying to give me a sign. If I am able to wake up what am  I supposed to do? What should I do with my life?

Suddenly,I heard voices a very comforting and  a voice I could not recognise. I opened my eyes and I found myself in a white room with a doctor? I was alone in a room with a doctor. Why?

''Hi Hazel I am Dr. Lee but you could call me Lee Jong Suk. Anyways I have a question to ask you. Do you know anything about your health and what's going to happen.'' I shook my head.

''You have brain cancer. I am so sorry to break it out to you like this.''

''Dr. Lee please don't tell anyone about this because I can't leave with them worrying about me like that. Dr. Lee is there something you should tell me. Like telling me how many months I am going to live before I die.''

''Hazel you are going to breakdown during December. Luckily us doctors are finding a cure for brain cancer so if we find it in time we could save you and you won't .. you know pass..away.'' You smiled weakly but inside you were breaking down. You told Dr. Lee to please keep this a secret from my family and friends and anyone who wants to know.

You told him that you want to see them now. You knew that when someone finds out about your health thenn you would be dead meat. Hold up what did he say DECEMBER. Am I going to die near Christmas.

''Hey babes. You alright now? So what did the doctor say .'' then mum interuppted him and asked me millions of questions.

''Honey you are stressing her out.'' said dad to mum

To stop mums questions (luckily) the nurse came in and said that visiting hours are over they had to bid their goodbyes and be out in 5 minutes. I had a lot of questions for Dr. Lee.


'' I can't believe December came so quickly and nearly all of your questions were being answered. Hazel why did this have to happen to you?'' You thought to yourself.

''Dr.Lee is here Miss Hazel-sshi. ''the nurse and you nodded.

''Hey Jong Suk so what happened?'' He girnned.

'' Well good news have come we found a cure to brain cancer. And news is that your family and friends found out about your health.'' You asked him how they found out and then he told me that one of my friends hacked the system to find out and I was impressed. Jackson was the one that hacked the hospital system.

''Doctor so what should we do? OMG I have a great plan. Basically they know that I have brain cancer so why don't we do the surgery but make it fake ok? And during the surgery you can give me the thigny magigy for me to live longer and then 1 month I will get out of here and buy a house for myself I am turning 19 31st of December basically in a few days. Do you agree?'' He nodded .

''I have one question? Cos I am doing the surgery what do I say to them?'' you shrugged your shoulders.

*The day of the surgery*

Everyone came to visit me. Mark was crying? OMFG the love of my life is crying. I told everyone to go outside so that I could speak to Mark.

''Oppa it is time to break up. I am so sorry I didn't know about me having brain cancer. I will never forget you ok? I love you and you know that. It's time to forget about me and find a new girl of your own. I am so sorry I can't be with you now but I will always watch you wherever you are. I hope that you could be happy for the rest of your life.I am sorry.'' I cried out tears. He stood there crying his eyes out. It broke my heart into million of pieces.

''Can you call in Jackson?'' He nodded and walked out and Jackson walked in.

''Noona? Why did you have to have brain cancer?'' I shushed and hugged him tight.

''Shush Jackson I have to tell you something you can't tell anyone in your life. Promise me?'' He nodded and pinky sweared.

''Noona is not dying ok? Noona will be right here for you?'' He was confused and I laughed.

''The doctors found a cure but I can't tell them. I could trust you because you are going to find out anyways. Cos I knew you were the one that hacked the hospital system.'' He looked more relieved.

It was time for the surgery...............


Hai Hai It's MissKpop1

I wIll update tomorrow seeya .


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