A Super K-pop Christmas Party


Six fans from around the world (Sondra from the USA, Ticti from Vietnam, Leon from Singapore, Emma from Sweden, Nouha from Morrocco, and Shreya from Bangledesh) come to the Arirang radio building to bring food and a cake to their favorite radio show DJ, 1kyne from the Electroboyz. Their gift ends up turning into a surprise holiday party with the Super Kpop family!


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Chapter 1: Thank you so much Sondra! I love how I'm with the staff finding a way to put music on XD I love being in charge of music. I felt it. Being there with everyone. I can only give you a virtual hug right now but I wish I could meet you. // Nouha
TheJRockKitten #2
Damn girl! So much fluffiness and cuteness and omg so much feels! THihaekjw THANKS for letting me be in it! :D

//Hugs, Emma