i hate you

I hate you



Your pov

“I hate you” the last thing I told Heechul when he left my dorm I didn’t think that I wouldn’t see him again I felt stupid and regret it.


It was a regretful day for you it was a weekend when you decided to call Heechul asking if he wanted to go to the park or something he agreed and told you to pick him up at 3 it was one of things you had to deal with Heechul it felt you were the guy in the relationship you payed for most meals you picked him up you had to compliment him it was very hard and it felt as if you were the mom as well making sure he eats vegetables clothing him properly or he would just eng up walking out in pjs and a cowboy hat the stylist noonas were right Heechul was a pain but you love him so you didn’t mind as long as you had him.

Your pov

I ranged the doorbell 10 times yet nothing what is wrong with this kid I rang it again it was Sungmin still in his night gown

“HI__________ how are you?” he rubbed his tired eyes

I’m good where is Heechul oppa?” I asked

“Sleeping, Everyone was still sleeping late rehearsal last night.” He yawned

“Sorry that’s why no one opened the door, well you guys take your rest tell Heechul to rest up to and our park date is canceled.” I said and hugged him and left


Heechul woke up at 4 did his “Morning routines” and walked to see Sungmin sleeping on the couch

“YAH you have your bed why sleep here so uncomfortable.” He slapped Sungmin back slightly

“I had to open the door your girlfriend came by like an hour ago she said for you to rest and that your park date is canceled.” Sungmin mumbled in his sleep

“WAI? Aish I forgot I should go surprised her” Heechul mumbled to himself

Heechul went to the café to stop to get ____something for the both of them for a sorry present then he saw you with another boy laughing he was instantly pissed and came over


Its been awhile since you’ve seen your cousin he has been in the army for 2 years and you finally got to catch up on life he was telling you a funny story where his partner refused to change in the open and often changed clothes under his cover but one day saw a bug and screamed running out with his blanket over him you pictured the image in your head and made you left then


A hand slapped your head who was none other than your furious boyfriend Heechul

“YAH WHO IS HE?” Heechul said

“AISH why did you hit my head wai?” you yelled back


He was defiantly causing a commotion you grabbed your cousins hand and walked out the café Heechul grabbed your hand and pulled you in an alley


“Why don’t you ask like a normal person and stop jumping into conclusion.”you said

“Tell me now or we are over.” He said

You were tired he would always say tell me our we are over it was such a pain in the

“You always say that why don’t you do it?” you said

“Don’t play smart with me.” He said

“Okay I wont I put it out plain and simple first we are over second that was my cousin who just came back from the army and third I hate you.” And you left the startled Heechul

And that’s how it worked the next day you saw Heechul on T.V he was enlisted for the army his long soft hair chopped off

“Two years huh?” you said you felt bad that you left him with a “I Hate you.” But then again it was the past now its present.


Your pov

It was two years ago when I saw Heechul it was also a year ago when I started off as  super juniors dorm adviser and worker cleaning after then which wasn’t a problem they did their best to not make it hard for me and wasn’t so picky with food the 13 slowly became 8

“Doengsaeng Heechul is coming back today can you please make his favorite rice?” Ryeowook said he also wanted to help

“Your right he does come today.” I wanted to say sorry to him but two years without contact what would happen?

Both of us worked our best and made the best Beijing fried rice we could not as good as Hangeng but just enough to satisfy him we hoped the door bell rang and one by one the members went to greet him I was the last I came in with the rice to put on the table and bowed no skin contact what so ever

“Hello Kim Heechul.” No oppa no nothing

“Hello.” He was shocked but didn’t want to show the members didn’t know about our horrible break up they just thought we were better off as friends

They ate their rice diligently I decided to start with desert since buying our sherbet maker I was able to make healthy choices for the fit idols I start cutting the oranges and kiwi and others when I felt a long slender arm around. It was Heechul.

“Sorry,” He spoke against my back  

I turned around he has changed more manlier then I thought and cause of that I knew he did change

“Me too I shouldn’t have said that, I should have thought better for the both of us and told you that it was actually my cousin and not get you all worried and what I really mean is that-“

A pair of lips stopped me his lips were soft as always he hugged me closer I felt that I belonged

“I hate you, you make me seem love sick.” He murmured against my lips

And continued were we left off



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rotazzz #1
Chapter 1: OMG the picture! just LOL! hahaha
heeeyzME #2
ahah these comments sure made me laugh sorry for "scaring" you guys its cause i find it cool how it shows the name <br />
anyways Happy reading ;) <br />
aha thanks btw
Nainah #3
HOLY CRAP when it said HAPPY READING Nainah it scared the crap out of me lol<br />
Happy reading to me KKK :D
fayepot #5
aww so cute i love it very much can you pls make a story about heechul and jessica thank you~~~<3
but... love the story.... :l
what the hell?! am i like famous or something?! and why do you have to put you at the end?!
oh my god. I just love it. No, I adore it! <3