
A Christmas with VIXX

[ A/N: don't forget to put your name everytime you see (___) and those words that's underlined means that you're speaking english/the language you use from where you come from ^^]


___'s POV


"*beep beep* *peep!* Yellow!!"

"ugh Ken... once again, it's hello not yellow... if you're gonna speak english, do it better!"

"boo! you're a party pooper ___-ah! I was just messing up with you! Besides, it's more fun to say yellow rather than hello! teehee~"

"ugh, whatever.... ok, straight to the point now... IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!"

"whooop! I know right!? Today's gonna be so much fun!" "yeah! So I was thinking about dinner at my place tonight?"

"oooh... uhm... about that... uh... N HYUNG!!!! ___ WANTS TO SPEAK WITH YOU!!!! SHE SAID YOU'RE BEING DUMB FOR NOT ANSWERING HER CALLS!? *from far distance* SAY WHUT!? OH, SHE'S GONNA GET IT!!!! *loud stomping noise* YAH!!!! WHO ARE YOU CALLING DUMB LITTLE LADY!?'"


"what? so you don't wanna talk to me?"

"*sigh* N, you're being dope... anyway, can you all come to my house tonight? You know, Christmas dinner, movies, jokes, laughters, fun, hahaha~ what fo you say Chacha~?"

"Sorry but we can't... We got something important to do..."

"which is,,,,?"

"Preparation for an event... I think it's somekind of celebration or something? but I promise we'll celebrate! You can keep that promise!"

"*sigh* well... I can't disturb you from your schedule... but at least you guys have something to do... well, bye then..."

"y-yah don't be-"


I ended the call before he could say any further.


Moving to Korea was the best thing that ever happened to me, but that means that I have to be sepparated from my friends and family and not be able to celebrate my birthday nor easter nor thanksgiving nor any holidays together... it , but this is what I want so I can't just call my parents that I miss them and hoping that they would send me a plane ticket back home.


But it's not like they wouldn't do that, but I have to be responsible for my choice which means I have to man up and be happy in front of everybody to show them that I'm all good and I didn't make any mistake so I wouldn't worry them.


Here, I don't have that many friends as much as I have back home but I have VIXX.


They're my label mates and also my sunbae, I'm still a trainee though so when it comes to holiday, Jellyfish entertainment would gladly give the trainees a nice long break from practice.


I walk through the path of Hongdae and continue my gift-hunting for the boys and for my friends and famly back home. I've bought all of the presents for those who is back home but I was still in the search of a perfect gift to give the boys.


"well, at least now I have more time finding presents for the boys..." I sighed and continue checking out stalls and shops.


*ring ring* My phone suddenly buzzed.


"Hey sweetie~ Merry Christmas!"

I smiled, "Merry Christmas mom!"

"Aww honey, I wish we're there to celebrate with you..."

"me too mom..."

"So, how's Christmas there? Is It fun??"

I took a deep breath and decided to lie to mom so she wouldn't find out that I'm spending Christmas alone.

"It's great mom! Some friends invited me to their party tonight and I'm buying presents for them now! oh, and I didn't forgert about your present mom~ they should arrive there tomorrow or the day after"

"aww~ thanks homey, you don't have to do that though... me and your dad also bought you a little something from here and shipped it off already! geez, what's with all the fees!? They're so expensive!"

I chuckled, "Yeah, I don't know why though!"

"So honey, has your korean imrpoving?"

"Yup! there's no doubt that I can speak Korean more fluent than back when I was studying by myself!"

"Wow, your korean has improve so well I could only understand the 'yup' part even though even when you can barely speak that language I can hardly understand anything... well, I should end now... Your dad's trying to eat some of th- HONEY!!!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU!? DON'T EVEN STARE AT THE FOOD BEFORE EVERYONE ARRIVES!!!! *from the distance* I'M HUNGRY WOMAN!!! MY STOMACH IS CRYING!!!"

Then, the call ended just like that.


I chuckled at the thought of my parents still acting like dating couples instead of married couples... but that made me glad though because by doing so , I know that my parents are in a good term... [A/N: lol, this is what my church friend told me~ ㅋㅋㅋ~ He's like an older brother to me so he kinda flick my forehead when he told me about how I should be thankful and blegh ; u :]


After spending 2 hours of walking in the streets of Hongdae, I decided to take a short break and went to a little coffee shop at the end of the street.


I entered and as soon as a took a deep breath, the smel of coffee greeted my nose and warmth snuck into my skin. I smiled and went to my counter and order a cup of hot caramel latte and a piece of cinnamon bun.


After paying and getting what I ordered, I sat on the seat next to the window and see how peoples are enjoying their Christmas with someone else. Some are couples, some are a group of friends and some are employees with their boss heading to a karaoke bar.


A smile slowly crept its way to my face as I exhaled deeply while slowly sipping on my coffee and lightly nibbled on my cinnamon bun.


A sigh escape my lips and float its way to the cold glass making in fog at the touch of my warm breath.


'it would be a lot more fun to have the boys here celebrating with me...' I thought.


then suddenly I remembered last christmas...




"Hey! come over tonight! I got a lot going on and I need help finishing the food and spice up the party!" "yeah sure!" "sounds fun!"


There it goes... Another gathering and I wasn't invited to join them...


I'm not blaming them though... I'm just an odd foreigner who got accepted as a trainee for some weird reason that no one knows why... they wouldn't want a foreigner to join them right? you know... KOREANS only party that they're having is a super secluded party in which you gotta be invited PERSONALLY by them to come and to feel what it's like to be popular.


And to top that, I was accepted around 3 months ago or so... which makes me a newbie that hasn't learn anything (except for the fact that they're all racist and so loud and also annoying).


Sighing, I took a big gulp of my drink and proceed to my bag to take a towel and wipe my sweat off.


After an hour of practicing, our trainer told us that we could leave earlier today since he knows that everyone has their own plans, well... not everybody though.


"u-uhm... can I use the practice room? I'll lock up after that! I promise" "uhh... sure... don't you have plans though?" I just grinned sheepishly which made him look as if he's sorry for me.


He pat my head and smiled, "Merry Christmas ___-ssi" "hmm... Merry Christmas..."


After he went out, I took my Ipod out and danced to Glee's version of Last Christmas. It was slow, but I manage to let my feelings out.


And after that, I danced to  Taylor Swift's Back to December, I don't even know why such song came into my head like that... seriously... but I just dance it all out to let whatever holding me back go.


But I stop mid-way as I saw someone on the door which startled me and caused me to slip and fall.


That person ran and tried to help me up but it looks like I sprained my ankle and I sighed, "o-oh my gosh... I'm so sorry! I'm such a fool! I shouldn't have barge in on you dancing like that... hehe?" He grinned sheepishly which I returned with my own sheepish grin, "uhm... yeah, that's fine?"


"I'm Hakyeon, but my stage name is N~" He said while grinning widely. "yeah, I know... I'm a fan..." I mumbled as I rub my sprained ankle.


He gasped, "WOAH!! ARE YOU REALLY!?" I just replied him with a nod.


He chuckled and pat my head, "that's good.. so, what are you doing still in here practicing by yourself?" "I should ask you the same thing"


He showed me an amused smile, "I forgot to get my phone's charger so I went back and I saw you danced.... Well, I was mesmerized... Now that I've answered, It's your turn to answer my question"


I chuckled at first but I answered him, "I don't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with so... I'm staying here and practice while pouring out my emotions" "no one to celebrate with? what do you mean?" "I live here alone, my parents are back in my hometown and I have no friends... yep, that's about it..."


I looked at him and he had a sad expression before suddenly getting up, "NO!!! I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT!!! Here! that's my number, tell me yours" after telling him my number, he shoved his phone back into his pocket, "I'll text you an address and you better come there or I will haunt you! Bye~" He suddenly ran off without letting me reply him.


I sighed and suddenly I feel my phone buzzed.


I checked and he had already texted me an address that seems like an apertment address and he also said to dress nicely. I sighed, but rather than doing nothing during Christmas, I'd rather join him and perhaps his band members in celebrating Christmas together.


Walking home, I took a quick shower and change into something comfortable yet neat and after that I took a cab and drove to the given address.


Arriving at the apartment, I went inside the elevator and ride up to the given floor. I looked around for the house number and walk to its front door.


But once my fingers were an inch from the bell, I felt that it would be weird... a girl showing up to their mini celebration saying that their leader invited her to come since she's a loner? I'm gonna be a laughing stock!


Debating inside whether to ring the bell or not, I didn't even realized that someone was behind me, watching me all this time, "what are you doing?" he asked.


I jumped in surprise and looked at the source of the voice, "u-uhm... uh... I-I uhh..." I stuttered upon seing Ken in front of me with his eyes blinking in curiosity, "oh! are you the girl Hakyeon hyung told us?" "u-uhm I-" "well, come on in!!" punching the code of their dorm, he went in and dragged me with him to see s.


"HEY GUYS!!! LOOK WHO I FOUND ON THE FRONT DOOR!!!" He yelled excitedly.


And that's how our friendship was made.


*end of flashback*


Smiling to myself while remembering a memory about me and the boys suddenly gave me the idea of what I should bought them for their Christmas present.


Finishing my coffee and my cinnamon bun, I went out again and search for the boys's Christmas present but this time, with an idea on what to buy each and everyone of them without hesitations.


*after shopping*


I carried the bags filled with wraped up gifts and put it on the couch of my living room.


Exhausted I was, but happy knowing that I have finally found something to give the boys.


I decided that a nice long bath would melt down my bones to the point that the only thing I'm feeling is relaxed.


So I prepared myself for a long hot bath while turning on some Christmas music while enjoying the feeling of soothing warm water on my skin, dissolving all the worries and stress that I got into water.


I was about to close my eyes when suddenly my phone rang loudly.


I groaned and check who the caller is, 'Honey Cha Boo Boo~' it says.



"pshh, calm down feline... Just wanna ask you if you could swing by at the practice room tonight at 7? We need your opinion on something"

"since when does my opinion become so important to you?"

"*groan* will you just come!?"

"ugh, fine... but it's only because you need my opinion and I'm gonna drop you guys your presents"

"hmm~ don't be late or early ok? 7 pm SHARP!!!"



then I ended up the call.


I looked at the clock that's hanging above the bathroom's door and saw that it's already 6.15 which means I need to get ready now.


I got out from my bathtub and start to get ready.


After that, I was done so I double-check the things that I needed to bring before getting out from the house.


Once everything's settled, I walk out and proceed to walk to the company since it wasn't too far.


Arriving on the front door of the practice room, I saw that it's exactly 7 pm, ON THE FREAKING DOT.


So I opened the door without giving a damn, "Cha Hakyeon this better be g-"




Everyone yelled while popping confettis while a huge grin was plastered to their faces...


along with a round red ball on their nose and a fake rudolph's ears and fake horns, even Leo was wearing all that silly stuffs.


"w-what... why..."


"we weren't lying to you, we were preparing for an event and we are in need of your opinion... OF YOUR OWN SPECIAL PARTY!!!!" Ken yelled in delight.


I suddenly broke down in happy tears as slowly, each one of the members came to hug me and comfort me and surprisingly, the first person to do so is Leo so it's quite a huge surprise to me.


that night, they ended up getting hit personally by me because they were scaring me and went through all these just for me but after being scolded, we celebrate Christmas together that are full with laughters, fun, joy, and togetherness.





Hey Y'all! sorry for making this so short but it's 1:52 here and I want to finish this as a little present for you guys.


I know that this is not good so bear with me ok? kkk~


Merry Christmas all! Luv ya!! ^^





Special Leo for y'all <3<3<3



Byeeee~~~~ enjoy your christmas! <3


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LennyV #1
Chapter 1: Merry Christmas! ^^