
Best Gift

“It’s Christmas eve today, hyung.”


“I don’t know, let’s go out on a date, or something?” Jaehwan pouted and whined cutely.

Taekwoon mentally facepalmed himself. Jaehwan as usual had to be so damn blatant about everything he said. But he couldn’t refuse him, deep down inside, in all honesty, he was waiting for the question. He couldn’t show it though, had to hide his excitement.


“Yay you agreed hyung, no turning back! I heard there’s this musical that’s really good, talk of the town. And I already got two tickets for us! I knew you wouldn’t say no to me hyung!”  Jaehwan jumped up and down excitedly like the child he was, forcefully grabbing Taekwoon’s hand and curling their pinkies together.

Taekwoon groaned loudly to cover up the huge smile threatening to appear on his face, he didn’t want Jaehwan to know he wanted this badly. And before he knew it he was being dragged somewhere,  and even though he could easily break away, he let himself be dragged because, well, it was Jaehwan.

“Here’s your coat hyung, it’s pretty cold outside!” Jaehwan said as he a coat into Taekwoon’s open arms, while putting on his own furry coat.

The moment both of them stepped out the door and it closed behind them, Jaehwan grabbed Taekwoon’s hand again, intertwining their fingers together.

Jaehwan smiled widely as he looked up into Taekwoon’s confused eyes.

“My hands are cold hyung. And also just to make sure you don’t run away.”


“That was a good musical! The actor was really good! Even better than you hyung!”  Jaehwan teased and chuckled, but got cut off when Taekwoon playfully knocked him on the head.

“Awww hyung you know I’m just kidding, right? Of course you are the best actor ever, well at least for me!”  Taekwoon felt his cheeks boil at the compliment, and he had never been so grateful for the cold weather, at least he had an excuse for his flushed cheeks.

Suddenly Jaehwan yawned loudly, eyes falling shut and mouth wide open (he didn’t even bother covering it), shameless yet so cute. Yawning was really contagious, but Taekwoon fought the strong urge to, he didn’t want to show that he was tired, he had something else in mind.

“I’m tired…aren’t you, hyung? It’s late, why don’t we return to the dorm now?” Jaehwan said, yawning again, this time covering his mouth.

“W-wait, we can’t! N-no I mean, not now. It’s about an hour to midnight, an hour to Christmas! Let’s just walk around or do something until then…”

Taekwoon looks down into Jaehwan’s confused eyes and he feels like kicking himself, words were replaying in his head, he sounded so desperate and, urgh he ruined everything, nonchalant Taekwoon was no more.  He sighs but then he looks down and sees Jaehwan’s big eyes turn into beautiful crescents, crinkly eyes showing, lips curling up into a wide smile showing straight white teeth. And maybe it wasn’t as bad as he thought.

“O-okay hyung, if you say so. This is so rare, I’m so happy!” Jaehwan says and it’s obvious he’s trying to hold back a laugh. His hand finds Taekwoon’s again, fingers interlocking once again, sharing the warmth.


“These Christmas decorations and lights are so pretty hyung! I’m so glad we managed to have free time to come out today, I rarely ever had any time to appreciate these, and now I can!” Jaehwan said excitedly as he stared in awe at the fancy lights decorating the streets.

Taekwoon could only stare lovingly into Jaehwan’s eyes, so pretty and sparkling, now enhanced by the reflection of the colourful lights. And Taekwoon decided he was content with this, Jaehwan was more important to him than any Christmas lights or decorations. Being with Jaehwan was the best gift he could receive.

“Hyung, hyung! It’s 11:59pm right now! One minute to Christmas! Countdown time!” Jaehwan bounced about while grabbing Taekwoon’s arm. Taekwoon rolled his eyes but couldn’t help but smile as Jaehwan looked elatedly at his watch.

“30 seconds!”

“20 seconds!”










“1! MERRY—“

Taekwoon cut Jaehwan off halfway by snaking an arm around his waist, and spinning him around such that they were facing each other, then gave him a soft kiss on the lips, making use of Jaehwan’s little gasp to slip his tongue past his soft lips, tasting him sweetly, before finally pulling away.

Small puffs of mist were formed as their hot breath hit the cold surrounding air, no one said a word, only heavy breathing could be heard.

“Merry Christmas, Jaehwan-ah.” Taekwoon finally said.

“M-merry Christmas, hyung.” Jaehwan said, blushing madly as he looked up shyly into Taekwoon eyes, those eyes that appear dark and cold to most people, but Jaehwan sees the warmth beneath.


They had settled down in the corner of a warm café,  Taekwoon sipping his favourite latte and Jaehwan drinking his comforting hot chocolate.

“So hyung, since it’s Christmas I wrote you a card! Aren’t I the best? I bet you didn’t right, hyung?” Jaehwan pouted. “But it’s okay hyung, I still love you—ow!” Jaehwan winced as Taekwoon knocked him on the head again.

“Well, I actually did write a card for you and I brought it here with me, but since you thought I wouldn’t, take it as that, I can keep the card.”

“Hyungggg you know I was just kidding right? Pleaseee give me the card! I knew you would definitely write one!” Jaehwan whined and pouted, tugging at Taekwoon’s arm.

“Okay, okay, of course I wouldn’t not give it to you…” Taekwoon rolled his eyes at Jaehwan as they exchanged their cards.


Taekwoonie hyungiee~ :D

Merry Christmas hyung!!! I wonder if you were the first one to wish me? Or if I was the first one to wish you? We will find out later kekeke.

Thanks for being the best hyung ever!! Thanks for always being so encouraging, for always helping me, coaching me with my vocals, helping me to improve more and more. And most of all, thank you so much for singing your first ever self-composed song with me! I will never forget this hyung, it means so much to me. Haha I rarely ever get serious like this, better appreciate this hyung, jk.

Sorry if im annoying sometimes hyung, I do go overboard at times, forgive me please? I know you will since you are the best hyung ever! :) Most importantly, you should know very well by now but let me put it here anyway. I LOVE YOU HYUNG!

Love, Jaehwanie your favourite dongsaeng~


Dear Jaehwan-ah,

Merry Christmas! Hope you spent it well.

Sorry I couldn’t get you a present in time, but here’s a sincere card to you.

I just want to thank you for being such a dependable dongsaeng. Thank you for always trying your best in everything, for never giving up, for always seeking for improvement.

Thank you for being a great fellow main vocal, I couldn’t have managed without you, those times when I was busy with my musical and all. Without you VIXX’s songs would never sound as good as they do.

And most of all, you know that even though I shove you away at times, I still love you right?  Ugh…this is getting kinda cheesy but yeah, you know…

Love, Taekwoon

(p.s. sorry for my bad drawing of Chopper… I tried my best ><)


A/N: wow the end already? yea I know it seems so abrupt OTL. sorry for it being kinda unplanned and rushed ;;; hope you guys still liked it though!

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AnnoNiji #1
Chapter 1: Leooooo you're so cute ;w; I'm falling for him !
Chapter 1: KYA KYA!

A very fluffy KeO the way I like it!
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Chapter 1: yes yes they went to a date again this year. I scream when I saw Jaehwan's twitter update. he look so happy O<---<

Btw I really love it when Taekwoon try to draw Chopper for Jaehwan in this ffict. It's so adorable ;;__;;
eyesmilegyu #4
Chapter 1: Eheyy that was so cute!
exovixxfinite #5
Chapter 1: Awww~ its so cute and fluffy! Taekwoon even tried to draw Jaehwan a chopper^^