It's soft, warm and safe

For as long as you're here, I believe in miracles

Every year the shopping mall played the same Christmas carols. Who even enjoyes them anymore? Not Yoongi and Hoseok, that’s for sure. After listening to the same songs over and over again, six hours a day, you’re bound to get sick of them. Especially since most of the Christmas carols sound nearly the same. And why do they have such a sad melody? Isn’t Christmas supposed to be a happy time?


“You’re so fast,” Yoongi admired.

Hoseok turned to look at him. “You’re slower but do as good of a job.” Then he turned his attention back to wrapping the chocolate box.

He folded the edge of the wrapping paper and with a piece of tape, secured it in place. After folding and taping the ends too, he cut himself some ribbon and swiftly put it around the wrapped box. He slid the scissors along the ends of the golden ribbon and when he let go, it was nicely curled. With little arrangements of the curled pieces, he was ready.

The typical, kind, smile plastered on his face, he gave it to the customer. “Merry Christmas!” he wished.

For every single customer he did the same: smile when they came, smile when they left with a wishing of merry Christmas.

Yoongi didn’t always feel like doing that. Some of the people that came didn’t deserve it. They were se rude. They didn’t greet, not even smile, displeased look on their face if it took more than two seconds to finish, some even complained out loud about it. Even complaints about the wrapping being sloppy though it was nearly perfect. If they weren’t brave enough to show their true feelings face to face, they mumbled under their breaths later on. Like? Why don’t you do it yourself then?

But he tried to stay positive like Hoseok. Maybe he could make their day better with a smile and maybe next time they’d be nicer. The probabilities of that happening were small, but why not give it a try and have hope in this world.



Yoongi stopped what he was doing and with little worry in his eyes, turned to look to his left. “What happened? You okay?”

“Yeah, just a little cut…” Hoseok mumbled and tried to stop the bleeding.

“You should be careful with the scissors! Go get a bandage to that, I’ll wrap yours in the meanwhile as well,” Yoongi said and had already pulled the wrapping paper Hoseok was using and the soap set to his side.

“It’s okay,” Hoseok wanted to continue his work. “There are too many people waiting.”

“That’s why go quickly!” Yoongi commanded. “And it would be bad to get the presents bloody anyway.”

Hoseok bit his lip and glanced at the line of people gathering in front of them. “I’ll be right back,” he patted Yoongi’s back before hurrying away.


In the middle of the sprint across the mall, he pumped into someone. The stranger dropped all the stuff in his hands, and accompanied by apologies, Hoseok helped him gather them. Without looking at the person’s face, he bowed and ran again. The stranger was left dumbfounded looking after him.


“I’m sorry it took so long,” Hoseok apologized when he came back to Yoongi.


Hoseok looked up to the person who was getting his presents wrapped.

“Good thing I saw you again! You dropped this earlier.” The stranger handed Hoseok a phone.

The male was staring at the electronic device in his hands. I have mine in my pocket… Oh, it’s not there? He switched the phone on and saw familiar wallpaper. It was his.

“Thanks…” he muttered in awe. It took him a moment to realize that this person in front of him was the one he pumped into earlier. It was the same pair of jeans and the black jacket he remembers had felt soft against his skin.

The stranger was smiling at him and truthfully it made Hoseok feel weird. Good or bad way? A little bit both.

“I’m relieved the phone got back to its owner!” The stranger’s smile was cute: the way his eyes turned into crescent moons accompanied by a wide grin.

“Here’s your present and merry Christmas!” Yoongi smiled to this man.

“Thank you, and to you too!” the stranger wished with a smile before leaving. Hoseok was left frowning.




“Hey,” Yoongi nudged Hoseoks’s arm.

Hoseok returned from his thoughts and looked at the boy smirking at him. “What?”

“He was cute. That stranger who returned your phone.” Yoongi smiled and wore his jacket.

“Huh?” Hoseok stared at him.

“Don’t you think so? I saw you looking after him longingly.”

Hoseok still just stared.

“Anyways, I gotta run or I’ll miss my bus. See you after Christmas!” Yoongi waved a goodbye and was already out of the door before Hoseok could answer him anything.


Hoseok left after him and once he opened the door, he was greeted by a cold gust of wind and snow. He shivered and steam was released to the darkness as he breathed. He hid his hands in his pockets. Fastening his pace because the lights were green, he made his way towards the crossroad.


Right after stepping on the icy road he was put in a spotlight and breaks were screeching. They were nearing, as well as the approaching steps.

Hoseok stopped and looked to his left, only to be blinded by lights. He lifted his hand to cover his eyes but it still didn’t help him to see what it was.

When his eyes could comprehend what was coming towards him, it was too late. His body froze, pupils dilated and breathing stopped. This is it, he thought. My end.

Right then, someone pulled him by the arm. He landed face first against a chest.


Soft. Warm. Safe. This is not how it’s supposed to feel. Scent. I know this. It’s familiar.


His hands were grabbing this someone’s jacket tightly. He never wanted to let go.


“Are you okay?” a voice asked. It was filled with concern.


That’s familiar too. This voice.


Hoseok finally pulled away and looked up. Oh!

The brown haired male was staring at him with his cute eyes. He had even dropped his wrapped present on the ground and now it was all wet, snow covering it.


“Hello?” the stranger waved his hand in front of Hoseok’s face. “Earth calling.”


“I asked if you’re okay.” The male laughed.

“Yeah… I think so. Thanks to you,” Hoseok almost whispered. It was hard trying to speak. He was still so shocked.


Now was his chance. He had hoped he’d see this person again but never thought it would come true. And since it did, he shouldn’t let it go so easily. Not before trying, at least.

“Um…” he hesitated. Suddenly his heart was beating faster than ever, he couldn’t help but fidget and bite his lower lip. “Uh… uh… um… you… are you… uhm…” he struggled to find the words.

The stranger lifted his eyebrows questioningly. “Yes?” he smiled sweetly.

“Areyoufreetomorrow,” Hoseok said as quickly as possible. He could feel his face heating up and heart beating faster than before, if it was possible.


I shouldn’t have said that. Why did I open my mouth? Idiot! Now he’s going to think I asked him out because he saved me. I’m an idiot. Stupid… What if he doesn’t even like guys? Then he’s going to think of me weirdly. And be disgusted. What if I made him uncomfortable? That shouldn’t happen… What am I going to do now…


“Huh? Did you ask if I’m free tomorrow?” The male stared at Hoseok innocently.

Hoseok laughed. “Forget it. Sorry, I bothered you.” He laughed it off and turned to leave.

“No, wait!” The stranger grabbed Hoseok’s arm. “I am free tomorrow.”

Hoseok turned around and almost yell, “Really?” It wasn’t supposed to sound that eager…

“Yeah.” The guy smiled at him. It was sincere. “I’m Taehyung, by the way.”

“Hoseok,” Hoseok introduced.

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