Wishes - A short Christmas story

Wishes - A short Christmas story

When you love someone, all your saved up wishes start coming out.

Elizabeth Bowen

It’s been some time. A few days, a few weeks, a few months, a few years, Ryeowook had stopped counting. He has been together with Kyuhyun for quite some time now and he really enjoys the time he spends with the younger. But there have been wishes, desires, deep down in his heart that had started to show over the time. Some of them were fulfilled, some were still making his heart quiver. And although he could live with them making him tremble, whenever a wish seemed so near he could almost grab it, a feeling of anticipation and longing crept up his spine. Is this really going to happen? Can this be true? Can I… believe it? He asks himself many questions and yet he can’t answer any of them. The only one to do so is Kyuhyun, but he doesn’t ask him. Because it’s something so deep-seated inside his heart that he doesn’t dare to speak it out.

You may consider this keeping a secret, or even mistrusting the other by not speaking out the deepest feelings, but there are things that are better left unsaid. It’s just like that, because if the other would know, the feeling of the wish getting fulfilled would change. The excitement of the unknown that comes with the anticipation would be gone. The surprise would be gone. Parts of the happiness would be gone. Because the other might not have fulfilled the wish due to love, but due to kindness. So Ryeowook keeps quiet. Until Kyuhyun sees in his heart and gets his wishes on his own. Ryeowook knows he can do that. The younger had done so before and he too had been able to look into his lover’s heart like an open book at times. Those moments were precious. And of course both of them had done all they could to make the wishes come true. Sometimes they even were the same. No, they were the same so many times it was getting scary. But both boys loved it when they stood before each other, the same thing on their mind, the same thing in their hands or doing the same motion simultaneously. They seemed to have this vibe. Or maybe their minds just were on the same wavelength. It was a gift they were thankful for. A gift that made it’s appearance just a few times a year.

It just so happened that this gift appeared after Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Yesung were told the dates for Super Junior K.R.Y.’s special winter tour. The two youngest eyes had met and within the time of a millisecond their hearts had opened up to convey the wish that had rested there for even longer than their love had. Just once, they wanted to forget about their families. Just this once, they wanted to spend Christmas together like they hadn’t been able to before. Alone, with none to disturb them. And this was their chance.


On the day of Christmas Eve, the last concert in Kobe was held. They had fun, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Yesung, but all off them caught themselves thinking about what would come after the concert several times. They had the next day off as Christmas is a holiday in Korea and so Kyuhyun and Ryeowook had decided to stay in Japan. Their families, especially Kyuhyun’s, weren’t as excited about their decision as the two, but with arguments like ‘We want to see how Christmas is celebrated in Japan.’ and ‘We hardly get to see Japan due to our full schedules.’ they somehow managed to get their consent. Regarding Yesung, the boys didn’t need to worry. The older wanted to get back to Seoul as quickly as possible, partly because of his family and partly because of Sungmin. Even though he had only told them about his family, Ryeowook knew with certainty that his pink hair was supposed to be a part of his Christmas present for Sungmin. So Kyuhyun and Ryeowook would be totally alone, just like they had wished for.

So after the concert was finally over, the fans on their way back home and the three singers back in their casual clothes, Yesung bid the other two farewell, wishing them a merry Christmas before leaving to the airport. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook took their time getting back to the hotel, buying one of the Christmas cakes that seemed to be traditional for Japan on their way.

As they arrived at the hotel, Kyuhyun silently followed Ryeowook to the latter’s room. They had a whole night and day for themselves, but rather than thinking about what the singers normally would do with that time, the thought of celebrating the happy events of Christmas together as a couple made them happy and nervous at the same time. Nervous to the extent that the two stood in the room, looking at different directions and not knowing what they should do. It was late, none of them wanted to go out. So much was clear. And both of them did think about this before, they even brought a few candles and other Christmas stuff with them, but their minds were only filled with the other. Yet these other feelings in the back of their hearts and minds kept them from doing the usual. Kept them from just kissing the other mindless. No, this was supposed to be something special. It was Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ and the festival of love. It wasn’t a day and a night like any other. They should make it as special as possible, which wasn’t exactly easy considering they weren’t at home, couldn’t do the things they would have done any other year on Christmas. Though exactly that made this year’s Christmas already different and special.

With that in mind, Kyuhyun then finally awoke from his trance-like state. He went over to the bag he and Ryeowook had brought from Korea and, with a swift motion, grabbed the christmasy table cloth and a few candles. As he went past Ryeowook to the small table in a corner of the hotel room, the older finally managed to move as well. Together they set up the table, the cake in the middle with two candles on opposite sides and two sets of plates and cutlery. Ryeowook sat down on one side as Kyuhyun went to switch off the ceiling lighting. Then the younger joined Ryeowook at the table, sitting in front of him. They looked at the other, smiling, before Kyuhyun took the knife to cut the cake into several pieces. Suddenly Ryeowook cried out. Quickly he stood up and ran to his suitcase. While Kyuhyun followed him with a surprised and interested gaze, the smaller grabbed a cd-player, one of the smaller size, and plugged it in one off the outlets. A few seconds later, the sound of Frank Sinatra’s “Let it snow” filled the small room and added to the feeling of Christmas both Kyuhyun and Ryeowook had wished for. With a smile, Ryeowook sat back down on his chair while Kyuhyun placed a piece of the cake on each of their plates. It didn’t take long until the two softly began humming the melody they heard. As the singers realized what they were doing, they started laughing out loud, almost kicking their forks down the table. Together they finished singing the song in a loud voice before Ryeowook remembered the cake that was still lying in front of them. With the beginning of the next Christmas song, the two calmed down and continued to eat, every now and then looking deep into the other’s eyes, talking and laughing.


The cake was long gone and the music had stopped playing ages ago as the candles began to flicker and Kyuhyun and Ryeowook needed to switch on the light. They had talked about their families, about Super Junior, about Christmas and most of all about themselves. They had laughed while remembering the previous concert and almost forgotten stories off their friends and band mates. But in the end their talk had turned into a fiery discussion about who of them was the better one. Each had taken the other’s side so both had ended up blushing and shy.

With the ceiling lighting on again, Kyuhyun then realized how late it had gotten. Immediately he needed to yawn, which made Ryeowook look at the clock as well. The singers decided to go to bed and, what made this way different than all those other’s times they had managed to steal a night alone, simply cuddled up together.

In the arms of each other, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook quickly fell asleep.


The next morning was dark. The clouds hang deep in the sky and made it impossible to take a glance at the blue that was lying beyond them. Only the coldness had painted small, flowery frost patterns on the window, giving a hint about the season and the possibility for snow.

 Neither Ryeowook nor Kyuhyun felt like standing up. The warmth coming from the other kept them under the blanket, cuddled up and sharing sweet kisses. Only after their stomachs started to growl, the singers finally gave up on the comfort to eat what should have been a breakfast, but was actually a lunch. Due to the stressful days, they had been sleeping all morning, finally awaking at noon.

After their hunger was satisfied, the two boys prepared themselves for going out. Ryeowook had heard about the lights and trees Japan usually set up as decorations and that made so many couples go out to see them. He wanted to feel like one of those couples together with Kyuhyun, but it wasn’t easy for them to decide what to wear. They were celebrities after all, normal clothes wouldn’t keep them from being recognized. So they ended up with a wooly hat dragged down to their eyebrows, a thick scarf and one of the masks almost every Japanese wore. Sunglasses would have been too eye-catching considering the season so they decided against those. Their eyes were the only things left that could be seen anyway, it wouldn’t be too easy for people to identify them.

In this appearance, the two boys finally left the hotel. They had luck everyone else was too engulfed either with themselves or their own partner. So Kyuhyun and Ryeowook could go around Kobe without worry. Even holding hands didn’t seem to bother anyone as Ryeowook’s stature was similar enough to a females from afar. Not one person bothered to take a second look at this special couple. Within the span of a few hours, they had turned from idols and world stars to normal citizens of Korea that were spending Christmas in another country. Ryeowook was happy, Kyuhyun was happy. It was the most relaxing time they had in a long while. Nothing could bring them down. So even after their feet were hurting from the walking and their hands burned from the cold, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook happily sat down on a bench near the water with a perfect view on the nightly skyline of Kobe. It was then that the final part of the wish they had harbored for so long was fulfilled. With stiff fingers both singers searched through their bags until they took out two small packages. They exchanged them, slowly opening the one they had received. Presents, it was the last missing piece to their happiness. And sure enough, Kyuhyun smiled as he received a new gaming mouse for his PC and Ryeowook happily embrace the younger after opening a wooden box that turned out to be a music box. They were unbelievably happy, but after the thanks were completed, they realized the presents weren’t the last thing missing. It was something different. And so they looked at the other, gazing at the heart that had once again opened up. Then they leaned towards each other, whispered a silent ‘I love you’ and kissed.

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SuperJuniorR_13 #1
Chapter 1: Another story participated in a contest~
This is so sweet and cute (though i didnt read it during christmas season hehehe)
Its just simply lovely ^&
Chapter 1: The Holiday's Kyuwook style! XD
Love it! :D
Chapter 1: This was the most sweet thing I've ever read, for real. There wasn't even a dialogue between the two of them but it was still a very pleasant story. If I could upvote this more than once I wouldn't hesitate to do it. Merry xmas!
789 streak #4
Chapter 1: That was so beautiful!!! I hope you do very well in the contest!!! :D =^.^=