Day 8; The Perfect Present [N]

25 Days of VIXXmas

Every other year after you had moved to Korea, you went back home for Christmas. The years in between were spent with your best friend, Hakyeon, and his family for the holidays. This year happened to be one when you were with him. The drive to Changwon was one you knew well and it always brought a smile to your face to see Hakyeon behind the wheel with excitement on his face as he anticipated Christmas Eve and the days after it. 

"I can’t wait to see your parents!" You had remarked to stir some thoughts.

"They miss you just as much as they miss me." He said with a laugh. "Sometimes I think you’re they’re child and not me." You both chuckled. 

"You’re the youngest so having someone even younger than you around must make them happy!" You loved Hakyeon’s parents like they were your own.

"They really like you, _________. They always ask about you when they call and when you are gone for Christmas they say they miss you." Hakyeon’s eyes moved from the road for only a second to meet yours with a smile. 

"I’m glad they like me. They’re like my second family." 

The rest of the drive was filled with singing Christmas songs and complaining about it being too cold. You were excited this Christmas because you had come to terms with your feelings for your best friend and had decided to tell him how you felt. There was no doubting that he loved you, but whether or not it was as more than a friend you wanted to know. 


You were greeted with lots of hugs and hellos from everyone of Hakyeon’s family members. They were all just as touchy as he was, if not more. His siblings knew you well and his nephews and niece were growing bigger with every passing year. They all had flocked to you when you had come inside. The time between Christmases at the Cha household was too much for them and they had come to miss you very much. 

”____________!” A shout came from behind you and you turned to see none other than Hakyeon’s mother. You ran to give her a big hug and give the normal routine “I’ve missed you” and receive some “You have gotten even more beautiful!”. 

There wasn’t usually a set time for dinner it was more grab something when you’re hungry. After everybody had settled into a seat and it was getting later and the little ones were nodding off, you found yourself on the floor playing a card game with Hakyeon. His family had split you two up for most of the night and had only let you both exchange a few glances and smiles. 

"This year is nice. It really feels like Christmas. Sometimes I think I like it better here than going home to my family." You said between evaluating your choices in strategy.

"I bet they would love if you came every year." He said not looking up from his own hand. 

"Would you like it if I did?" You asked looking up at him. He didn’t move his gaze. He focused on the game at hand. "Hakyeon……………." He finally looked up at the sound of his name. He saw the way you were looking at him and put on a confused expression.

"What is it?" He inquired. 

"I really like you……" Your voice trailed off and your hands lowered into your lap. "I guess I always have, it just took some time for me to see it." 

Hakyeon’s face was blank, almost like he couldn’t comprehend what you had said. A minute of silence passed before he said anything.

"I think I’m gonna go to bed." He set his cards down and stood up before you could say anything. 


You woke up around six the next morning. No one else was up so you figured you would just go downstairs and wait for everyone else to get up. You’re favorite thing to see was the Christmas tree lit up when it was still dark outside. As you turned the corner into the family room and the tree came into view, you saw him. Hakyeon was sitting right in the very front of the Christmas tree with a big red bow tied on his head. You walked over to him. He looked at you with a big smile on his face. 

"Merry Christmas!" He said in a whisper-shout. 

"What’s this?" You asked, still not completely understanding.

"I’m your Christmas present. Or rather my feelings are. I didn’t say anything last night because I already had this planned. I was going to tell you my feelings as a Christmas present!" You were amazed how foolish the idea was, but it was endearing. Your eyes teared up a bit when you sat down on his lap. 

"Oh Merry Christmas you adorable idiot." You kissed him softly and pulled the bow off of his head. "This is the best present ever."

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derpwoon #1
Chapter 24: These were all so cute!! You should definitely keep writing.